BC-DX 1569 30 Jan 2024 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address: or or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* ANTARCTICA ARGENTINA Hello Glenn, I asked Juan Benavente today about the possible dismantling of LRA 36, and he tells me, and also asks me to do so in his name, that is, to expressly name him, the following: 1-, Juan Benavente remains linked to LRA 36 through the Argentine Antarc- tic Command. 2-, The rumors about the privatization of the Argentine National Radio are flatly false and self-serving, made by the Argentine political opposition, but, repeat, they are flatly false. 3-, LRA 36 not only is not going to disappear, it is not going to be dis- mantled, but, on the contrary, it is going to be enhanced, receiving new material, among which is the new 10 kW transmitter. They are organizing to go on air with the new season. Please translate it and let it be known in the name of Juan Benavente, he expressly asks me to do so. A cordial greeting. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor Jan 21) ANTARCTICA ARGENTINE LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, current status info from Adrian Korol Director of RAE, Argentina. Hi DXfellows, The following text translated to English (thanks to Bard IA for the best syntax given from the original in Spanish) has just been released as a message on "DXnosaurs", my WhatsApp group coming from OM: Adrian Korol, Director of RAE, Argentina: Dear Colleagues, Alejandro Petrecca (Chief of the LRA1 TX Plant) and Claudio Garcia (tech- nical operator of Radio Nacional El Bolson and amateur radio operator with previous experience at LRA 36) finally arrived at Joint Antarctic Base Esperanza today. Their mission is to perform maintenance and optimization work on the audio chain, install a new console, and place the FM antenna and the tower that will be used for the new LRA 36 shortwave transmitter. Upon arrival, they discovered that the output stage of the Collins HF 80 transmitter, which is used to transmit LRA 36 programs on 15476 kHz, was burned out. They also found that the tower sections for the shortwave an- tenna and the audio console had not yet arrived at the base. LRA 36 broadcast regularly until January 13. Then, Juan Benavente, the ar- chitect of many if not all of LRA 36's achievements in recent years, was unfairly recalled. With Benavente's departure, the radio was left in the hands of unqualified people, which is evident by the fact that the trans- mitter burned out the day after Benavente returned. The causes of the fire are being investigated, but it is possible that it was due to the incompetence of those who remained at the base. Juan and Nicole Valdebenito (operator) know the sequences necessary to start up the transmitter by heart, but this was not the case with those who came after them. There are many issues surrounding this matter, but it would be very impor- tant to spread this news among colleagues around the world. At this time, Petrecca and Garcia are installing the FM antenna for local coverage. It is estimated that the new Studio Console and audio distributor donated by Trialcom, thanks to a personal effort by Juan Benavente, will arrive at Joint Antarctic Base Esperanza by the end of next week. The output board of the transmitter is also being sent to replace the burned one and keep it in operation during February. If Juan Benavente had been coordinating, none of these situations would have occurred. Unfortunately, political favors promoted by the previous administration left LRA 36 abandoned in its most important mission, which is shortwave transmission. JUAN BENAVENTE must return to LRA 36 as soon as possible to sustain the radio until the arrival of the donated new transmitter. I estimate that if they agree and the planets align, we could resume LRA36 shortwave broadcasts before the end of February. Thank you for spreading the above information. Adrian Korol Director of RAE (via Horacio Nigro CX3BZ, Montevideo-URG, via wor Jan 29) ASCENSION ISL 21630 kHz ENC BBC relay in En to SoAF heard at 1617 UT on Jan 25. World news stories which included the continuing coverage of the war in Gaza, Palestine. Mostly fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) AUSTRALIA e-QSL: 11905 kHz, Reach Beyond Australia, Japanese Sce, HCJB (AUS), 11.00-11.30 UT, Jan. 20 2024. Blog: (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" via Anatoly Klepov-RUS via RUSdx #1274 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28) AUSTRIA 6070 kHz e-QSL, (via ORS Moosbrunn, Austria) SM Radio Dessau. E-mail: 14 January 2024, 12.00-13.00 UTC, picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1274 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28) AUSTRIA ORF - Radio Tag am 13. Februar 2024. Gehoert auf OE 1 Programm am Montag Jan 29: Jingle zum Radio Day2024 am 13. February 2024. OE 1 feiert am 13. February den ganzen Tag das Radio! Rufen Sie uns an zum Thema: "Warum hoeren Sie Radio?" unter der Telefonnummer 0800 400 555 Auszug time in CET: 6:10 CET Guten Morgen mit Oe1 World Radio Day 6:57 Bilder der Vergaenglichkeit Gedanken fuer den Tag - World Radio Day 7:00 Oe1 Morgenjournal [Sollte auch auf SW ORS Moosbrunn 6155 kHz zu hoeren sein] 7:33G uten Morgen mit Oe1 World Radio Day 7:53 Leporello World Radio Day 8:20 Pasticcio World Radio Day 9:30 alien productions - Ausserirdische im Radio (2) Radiokolleg - World Radio Day 10:05 Oper im und fuers Radio Ausgewaehlt - World Radio Day 11:05 Radiogeschichten mit Geschichten ueber das Radio Radiogeschichten - World Radio Day 11:30 Vorgestellt World Radio Day *13:00 Punkt eins World Radio Day 14:05 Historische Radiomusiken Das Oe1 Konzert - 5.1 Dolby Digital 15:30 Moment World Radio Day 16:05 "Ich bin das Radio." Orson Welles im US-amerikanischen Rundfunk. Hoerbilder Spezial - World Radio Day 17:09 Spielraeume World Radio Day Das neue OE1 Radio Programm ab 5. Februar 2024. Ausgehend von Ihren Interessen hat OE1 einige Aenderungen im Programm vorgenommen. Mit OE1 Redakteuren und -innen durch den Tag. Eine der Neuerungen ist die Live-Moderation in den Kernzeiten zwischen 09.00 und 18.00 Uhr CET durch OE1 Redakteure und Redakteurinnen. (Im Bild sehen Sie die OE1 Redakteurin Monika Kalcsics im Gespraech) OE1 wird dadurch noch mehr zum tagesbegleitenden Radioprogramm. Die neue 16-Uhr-CET-Leiste. Der Nachmittag staerkt abwechselnd mit Schwerpunkt auf Wissenschaft, Gesundheit, Religion, Literatur und Talk den Charakter von OE1 als Infor- mations- und Kulturmedium. Ab 16:05 Uhr CET hoeren Sie die "Science Arena" mit wissenschaftlichen Kontroversen und gesellschaftspolitischen Debatten, "Unterwegs mit ...", eine Reihe des Literatur-Features Tonspuren, das neue Religionsformat "Im Fokus - Religion und Ethik", das Gesundheits-Magazin "Am Puls" sowie "Im Gespraech". *Alle OE1 Sendungen koennen Sie nun zeitunabhaengig mindestens 30 Tage nach Ausstrahlung hoeren. Durch die Nacht mit OE1. Die Oe1 Nacht praesentiert in der neuen Reihe "Sound Art" zeitgenoessische Kunst in den Sparten Musik, Lyrik und Audiokunst. Immer wieder sonntags ... Sonntags erzaehlen wir im "OE1 Hinterzimmer", was den Sender OE1 bewegt, und beim neuen Konzertformat Supernova erleben Sie zeitgenoessische Musik. Mehr zuhoeren. Mehr zu hoeren. Silvia Lahner OE1 Programmchefin (ORF, Jan 29) BULGARIA Neues von Radio Bulgarien. Die Fotos sind auf der Website zu sehen: Die QSL-Karten von Radio Bulgarien veroeffentlicht am 09. Jan. 2024 um 14:43 LT, Autor: Dessislawa Semkowska. In Amateurfunkerkreisen ist es ueblich, schriftliche Bestaetigungen fuer den Funkkontakt oder so genannte QSL-Karten zu versenden und zu empfangen. Der Name leitet sich vom Code ab, bei dem "QSL?" die Frage beinhaelt, ob der Empfang bestaetigt wird. "QSL" bedeutet: "Ich bestaetige den Empfang". Auch Radio Bulgarien,das zur Familie des Bulgarischen Nationalen Rundfunks gehoert, hat eine lange Tradition, die gehoerten Sendungen zu bestaetigen, zunaechst auf Kurz- und Mittelwelle und spaeter der 10 Sprachprogramme auf seiner Internetseite. Nachdem Radio Sofia in Europa, Nordafrika und Nordamerika empfangen werden konnte, begann es, Empfangsbestaetigungen zu versenden. Damals gab es drei Serien mit jeweils 36 QSL-Karten. Der direkte Nachfolger der Auslands- sendungen ist Radio Bulgarien, das die Tradition des Versendens von Be- staetigungen von Funkkontakten fortsetzte. 1992 kreierte der Kuenstler Teodor Uschew probeweise drei QSL-Karten, mit denen er am kanadischen Wettbewerb fuer angewandte Computergrafik teilnahm und mit einer davon den Hauptpreis gewann. Diese Karte gilt als die erste offizielle QSL-Karte von Radio Bulgarien. Spaeter zeichnete Teodor Uschew auch die Serie von sechs QSL-Karten, die "Monitor Club" genannt wurde. Und erneut wurde eine von ihnen beim Wett- bewerb in Kanada mit dem ersten Platz ausgezeichnet. Alle Karten tragen die charakteristische Handschrift des bereits welt- beruehmten bulgarischen Kuenstlers -eine Kombination aus grafischem Design und unendlicher Fantasie. Im Laufe der Jahre hat Radio Bulgarien immer wieder Postkarten aus ver- schiedenen Serien mit Ansichten, Sehenswuerdigkeiten und Schoenheiten Bulgariens verschickt. Nun hat Radio Bulgarien ein Geschenk vorbereitet - jeder, der es wuenscht, kann die Serie von QSL-Karten des Kuenstlers Teodor Uschew bekommen. Zu diesem Zweck genuegt es, eine E-Mail an die neue Postanschrift fuer den Erhalt von Empfangsberichten ueber gehoerte Sendungen des BNR an zu senden oder an die Postanschrift: Desislawa Semkowska Bulgarischer Nationaler Rundfunk Dragan Zankow 4 1040 Sofia Bulgarien Europe. Die Angabe einer Absenderadresse ist obligatorisch. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Zuschriften! Uebersetzung: Georgetta Janewa (BNR, Jan 23) CHINA China AM ID Database now online ! It wasn't such a brilliant idea when I started the project, which was supposed to just be IDs of the major signals like 100+ kW. But then I thought ... why not do them all? Umm. That was greatly underestimated, given the fact now it's 2024 and it's now finally done. Then once I had them all, why not add Taiwan, since it's so different and so many DXers truly struggle with IDs from there, given the fact most are 2-5 minutes before the TOH, so everyone misses them (didn't know that prior to record- ing all of them myself)? But now that I have China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, now it is truly brilliant. Will people utilize it? Doubtful. But like the fact that my Seoul AM Radio ListeningGuide covers Korean pro- paganda and now many of them just switched off for good, it's suddenly quite a valuable historical archive of sorts, my China database will one day perhaps be the same. I'm just happy for anyone who finds my project helpful, cool, or interesting. (Chris Kadlec - IRCA iog -, RealDX group / wor Jan 23) The China AM ID Database - a project in the works since May 2021 - is now online ! This database is the most comprehensive look at Chinese-language radio on the Internet with top-of-hour station IDs and time pips for 636 stations broadcasting in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. This guide, consisting of 1,515 station IDs, amounts to 53 hours of primarily studio-quality audio covering more than 95% of the Chinese-language AM band. With stations organized both by frequency and alphabetically, it has never been easier for those in the radio hobby to identify unknown stations. In addition,audio clips of nearly 30 languages are featured with related edu- cational resources, making identification of languages an easy process for those otherwise unfamiliar with what they are hearing. I've helped a lot of you with your Chinese UNIDs in RealDX and it has been a fun challenge and pleasure to do so. When I first started listening to Chinese radio while living in Korea, I knew nothing and could ID almost nothing, relying solely on the help of others at a time when Chinese DXers were sparse and hard to find outside Chinese-language forums that required login assistance. I will be forever grateful to those few people for their help and now hope I can help others who need it with the knowledge and experience I have ob- tained in the 13 years since then. I am primarily an FM DXer and haven't listened to AM in years,but helping all of you ID your clips in this group and knowing that feeling of happiness resulting from a new catch and solv- ed UNID was the main motivation for starting this little project. I hope you will check out this completed project, a valuable educational and historical archive of radio in East Asia, and let me know your thoughts. (Jean Burnell - I am forwarding this from the Chris Kadlec; via MWCircle iog; Jan 17, wor gh) CHINA Help IDing logged Chinese language station. This morning I logged a Chinese language station on 7730 kHz beginning at 1345 UT. Programming consists of an informal discussion between a panel of several men and a woman. At about 1357 UT there was what sounded like com- mercials with the last one mentioning BMW. I caught an indistinct ID at 1359 UT followed by time pips and then a transmission/ carrier cut. Trans- mission returned at 1403 UT with similar programming and is still audible as I post this, but signal is not as clear and strong as it was prior to 1400 UT. Sample from 1358 UT can be hear at: I assume that it is intentional placement of CNR on top of the much weaker Sound of Hope, Any ideas (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, cidx / BDCX / wor Jan 23) Re: Help IDing logged Chinese language station. It's kind of hard to tell, but I don't think it's an ID right before the time pips. It sounds like "For more info ..." and then something right at the end about using your cellphone. If it's blocking Sound of Hope, it could be just that they're running ads or whatever filler programming they have lying around. When I lived in Shenzhen, right across the border with Hong Kong, we would get HK TV channels via our mainland cable provider,but whenever HK channels would do something like run Taiwanese news broadcasts, we were subjected to info- mercials or PSAs for a half hour instead. That's what this sounds like to me. (Max Heidel, Houston-TX-USA, wor Jan 23) Re: Help IDing logged Chinese language station. Greetings, Tony, from California. Actually it is relatively easy to ID an UNID Chinese station that you think may be jamming SOH, RFA, etc. Item number 2 below is a positive confirmation if the UNID is in fact CNR1. I still use 6125 kHz. (1000+ UT) as my reference for non-jamming CNR1. Good luck with your future detective work. Ron (Calif.) Identifying Sound of Hope (Taiwan) vs CNR-1 jamming Sound of Hope (SOH): [pg. #18] For me, it has always been fun trying to tie down if a station heard is really a Sound of Hope reception or just the CNR-1 program jamming. Here are a few suggestions, based on my years of observations: 1) One positive way is to listen at the top-of-the-hour. CNR-1 programm- ing always has time pips, while SOH never has any. 2) Find a known CNR-1 frequency, that is to say a non-jamming frequency (I use 6125 kHz), then check to find if it is // to the station in question. 3) SOH is a religious station, so has a more refined format.At ToH usually has news and then a lot of monologues. Rather rare to hear music. While the CNR-1 format is fairly contemporary; many short segments; often with music; in general has a much more upbeat format than SOH. 4) After many years of listening to SOH,I find their audio slightly muffl- ed; not a lot, just enough to be noticeable, especially when compared to the crisp audio of CNR-1. 5) It is not uncommon for SOH to be slightly off-frequency; while CNR-1 is on the exact frequency (xx.00). 6) Finally, if the station in question has fair to good reception, it al- most certainly is CNR-1 jamming. SOH stations use rather low power, hence fair-good reception would be extremely rare. 7) If you are fortunate enough to actually hear SOH, their top-of-the-hour ID is "Xiwang zhi sheng guoji guangbo diantai" (Sound of Hope internatio- nal broadcast station), given twice (once by OM and once by YL), then into the news. My audio of a typical ToH SOH ID format is posted at (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor 17 May 2021 / Jan 23, 2024) CHINA Qinghai News Comprehensive Broadcasting - 5990 // 9850 kHz. 5990 kHz Qinghai News Comprehensive Broadcasting, at 1152 UT on Jan 24. ID via distinctive Tibetan chanting / singing; and clearly // 9850 kHz with QRM. My brief audio of the chanting/singing attached. Ron (California) Website: yhttp://www.zuiaishiting.com/radio/qh/4.html> (Qinghai News Comprehensive Broadcasting) [site has not been updated for a very long time!] Google_translation: Qinghai News Comprehensive Radio (FM98.9) Qinghai Traffic Music Radio (FM97.2) Qinghai Economic Radio (FM107.5) Qinghai Life Radio (FM90.3) Qinghai Tibetan Radio (FM99.7) Qinghai Satellite TV Qinghai Life Channel Qinghai Urban Channel Qinghai Tibetan Satellite TV. Qinghai People's Broadcasting Station, founded on September 14, 1949, has gone through 55 years of struggle. Through the unremitting efforts of several generations of broadcasters, various undertakings have develop- ed and improved rapidly, and are moving towards modern broadcasting development goals. Looking back on 55 years of development and summariz- ing half a century of achievements, we truly feel that none of this would have been possible without the support of leaders at all levels and all walks of life, as well as the selfless dedication of generations of broadcasters. In recent years, Qinghai People's Broadcasting Station has actively ex- plored the path of reform and development and achieved remarkable results. Especially in 2003, taking the national "Broadcasting Development Year" as an opportunity to comprehensively promote the reform of the organization, personnel and distribution systems, in accordance with the principles of broadcasting frequency and frequency specialization, four departments were established: News Comprehensive, Economics, Transportation Music and Tibe- tan Professional frequencies, as well as the news center, technology center, offices, and chief editor's office, make the station's new program broadcasting framework and department structure more in line with the de- velopment requirements of modern broadcasting. Qinghai Station currently uses a total of 12 frequencies including medium wave, short wave and FM. It broadcasts for 68 hours and 20 minutes throughout the day. The combination of medium and short wave and FM broad- casts can basically cover the entire province. Programs on Taiwan's four frequencies are broadcast through 3S satellites, further expanding co- verage. At the same time, programs on four frequencies are also broadcast online. In recent years, through continuous upgrading of technical equipment, the production and broadcast of Chinese and Tibetan programs in Taiwan have been digitized, and the quality of program broadcasts has been greatly improved. By focusing on high-quality programs and highlighting brand co- lumns, the quality of programs has improved rapidly. Many radio dramas, manuscripts, and columns have won the national and Qinghai Province "Five One Project" awards, the China News Award, and the China News Famous Co- lumn Award. Qinghai Station also regularly and irregularly provides programs and manu- scripts to China Radio International, Central People's Broadcasting Sta- tion and dozens of provincial and municipal radio stations across the country, effectively relying on the systematic advantages of national broadcasting to expand external publicity channels. At present, Qinghai People's Broadcasting Station is adhering to the "Three Closenesses" as its purpose, aiming to develop programs on various frequencies and program innovation, and based on strengthening news, fo- cusing on special topics, invigorating literature and art, and expanding services, it is promoting the adjustment and adjustment of the entire sta- tion's programs. Improvement, overall highlighting the spatial advantages of diversified radio station programs, making the entire station's broadcasts form a linked multi-level, multi-functional, and audibility-enhancing effect, further expanding the audience listening rate, and providing public opinion for the social and economic development of Qinghai Province Publicity services, and sincerely hope that leaders at all levels and all sectors of society will continue to care about and support the development of Qinghai People's Broadcasting Station. (via Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Jan 24) CUBA 11530 kHz Unidentified numbers station at 1757 UT, "HM-01"* Cuban numbers station suddenly popped up in the channel 1757 UT, going into 1800 UT, on a familiar fqy but a different schedule. (In the past, they had tx on 11435, 11530, and 11635 kHz at 1600 UT, 1700, and 1800UT respectively). Nothing was heard at 1600 UT on 11435kHz (or anywhere else). Then, at 1805 UT, signal dropped off 11530 kHz but popped up on the familiar 11635 kHz. (New schedule? or more of "something's always wrong" with radio in Cuba?). The vox was the usual Spanish female voice that has been heard at least since the building of the pyramids. There was a new anomaly, a short two- one chirp/beep that started at 1825 UT (in the past: bird chirps, flute music, and musical tones have been heard). Transmission closed suddenly at 1850 UT. Very Good Jan 25. * HM-01" the so-called Hybrid Mode transmission, mixing synthesized voice with digital data text transfers. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update wor Jan 26) CUBA 11635 kHz Unidentified numbers station at 0845 UT, "HM-01" Cuban numbers station not head for months, with vox mode synthesized Spanish woman and mix of digital data transfers. Powerhouse audio and signal. Off at 0851 UT and popping up on 11462 kHz and running on into the 0900 UT hour. By 0830 UT we took our listening to the nightstand portable with telescoping whip, where we still had VG reception. We wonder if the Cuban SW broadcast transmitters now also have their issues resolved as well. Excellent Jan 25. (Rick Barton, Sun City-AZ-USA, Arizona Update wor Jan 26) CUBA Re: Radio Rebelde back on 5025 kHz. wbcq was very strong on 9330 kHz on Jan 27. No Cuban Rebelde at 0500z. Nothing on 5025 kHz. Faint WRMI on 5010kHz just before 0500z. Also faint WBCQ on 5130 kHz just after 0500z, Jan 26. (Ron Trotto-WDX4KWI, Virden-IL-USA, / Rodney Johnson, wor Jan 26 - 27) N O T CUB RadioCuba nothing at this 06.32UT hour on 4765, 5025, nor on 5040 kHz 6000even CUB RHC English, S=9+45dB excellent audio feed today, powerhouse signal, clean Audio, two BUZZ tone audio strings 120/240 Hertz seen and heard at 06.40 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 27) CUBA 5025 kHz Habana Radio being heard Monday 29 January at 0745 UT on 5025 kHz with some nice jazz / blues music. Note, this is "Habana Radio" and not either Radio Rebelde or Radio Havana Cuba. Confirmed via live stream at Thanks to Bill Tilford who first advised that Habana Radio was being aired on this frequency. (Alan Roe, Teddington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr / wor Jan 29) Re: 5025 kHz Habana Radio. It was a special programme of Radio Rebelde which broadcast the ceremonies and concerts to mark the 25th anniversary of Habana Radio. (Michel Fremy-BEL , wor Jan 29) Re: 5025 kHz Habana Radio. Recorded Habana Radio on 5025 kHz overnight (28/29 January) from about 2300-0800 UT here in NB-CAN. Haven't listened to the whole recording but reception started out with a good signal with slight modulation distor- tion and a bit of RTTY interference (could have been on 5022 kHz; source?) with a combination of music and talk in the first hour. Not sure if this is regular or special programming. This is a great opportunity to listen to Habana Radio on the radio as they only usually broadcast on the FM band unlike some other Cuban national stations that broadcast on the AM band and can be picked up in southern Florida, for example, and even further afield at times ... (like Radio Enciclopedia on 530 kHz here in NB occasionally). (Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor Jan 30) Re: Radio Rebelde e-mail address wanted. Dear Ivan {Penev-BUL} , I have found the following email address in the Internet: Best wishes from Germany, (Pres. Michael Bethge-D, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 29) CUBA came across of Spanish number reading on 12180even kHz, typical female voice of Cuban Bejucal site sce, S=8-9 even mornings at 09.53 UT here in southern Germany, scheduled 09.54 to 10.50 UT range ? 73 wolfie df5sx wwdxc topnews. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 27) CUBA Scanning the bands this local evening / UTC morning, I noticed CRI in Cantonese was missing from 5910 kHz. I then stumbled upon a strong signal playing some vocal pop(ish) tune, then operatic music on 6180 kHz. Intrigued and confused, I hung around to see if I could catch an ID ... and with some words spoken, I immediately recognized it as the female host of the Cantonese programs on CRI. Here's a recording I made via my SDR of a portion of the closing announce- ment. I can only assume someone at the transmitter site forgot to retune from the earlier CRI/CGTN relays and luckily, I don't believe anyone else occu- pies this frequency at that hour. (Radio Nacional de Amazonia from Brazil would have vacated by 0300 UTC, for example.) (Ricky Leong-AB-CAN, wor Jan 27) CUBA Re: RCI Beijing China in Cantonese via Cuba relay at Quivican San Felipe TITAN, Made in USSR origin bcast center, on wrong frequency 6180 kHz, ~ 0455 UT on Jan 27, 2024. CRI English and Chinese Mandarin strait north at 10 degrees at Detroit MI state azimuth in B-23 season 6180 0100 0200 8 HAB 250 10 0 206 Eng CUB CRI RTC 2519 6180 0200 0300 8 HAB 250 10 0 206 Chn CUB CRI RTC 2520 and in A24 summer season then on 9580 kHz instead 9580 0100 0200 8 HAB 250 10 0 206 1234567 Eng CUB CRI RTC 9580 0200 0300 8 HAB 250 10 0 206 1234567 Chn CUB CRI RTC Chn = Standard Chinese and En / Cantonese towards West coast Pacific, like CA state and BC-CAN, Alaska target at 305 degr 5910 0300 0400 6,7SW HAB 250 305 0 216 Eng CUB CRI RTC 2352 5910 0400 0500 6,7SW HAB 250 305 0 216 Yue CUB CRI RTC 2353 Yue = Cantonese (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 27) CUBA Re: Radio Rebelde back on 5025 kHz channel. The ident was 'Habana Radio' rather than R Rebelde at 0500 UTC on 5025 kHz. I'm checking with Cuba to find out whether this was just one of those things vs. a permanent change. Music mix program access changed unfortunately for European ears ... wb. Habana Radio is not uninteresting, but losing radio access to Rebelde's 'Todo Música' would be a misfortune. (Bill Tilford-USA, wor Jan 28) CUBA 5024.994 kHz noted like DISTORTED music / singer feed, bad modu- lation / feed at 07.19 UT on Sunday Jan 28. S=9+25dB remotedly noted via MA state SDR unit. ps. nothing traced on RHC Sunday only Esperanto program at 07 UT, any fqy available ? [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28) RHC Esperanto Log from last week here: 15140 kHz AM CUBA 'Radio Havano Cubo', via Bauta at 2132 UT on Jan 21. Surprise ESP program here when POR is usually heard or plug otherwise pulled. No other txs on. This one good level, but squealer tx on which audio is gradually deteriorating again. Into normal SPA after 2200 UT, incl old "Formalmente Informal" long Orlando Castellanos tribute at 2208- 2259 UT with interview, joined by Bauta 11760 kHz xlnt, and Bauta 9710 kHz good, all Bauta synchro audio. For what it's worth, LOL, that doesn't guarantee a recurrence today. I agree on your bad audio observation on 5025 kHz. That and 4765 kHz were (finally) both on the air at the same time last night, so at least we know there are two functioning 60 mb txs. They seem to (finally) be re- pairing some txs, so there is hope. Quivican 6000 kHz has had surprisingly good audio the past couple of weeks since it was restored. (David E. Crawford, Indian River City-FL-USA, wor Jan 28) Re: Radio Rebelde back on 5025 kHz. 5025 kHz Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 0546-0626 UT on Jan 28, relaying 'Habana Radio', "La Voz del Patrimonio Cubano", music, Spanish, comments, at 0601 UT ID. "Transmite Habana Radio", "Saludos a los oyentes de Habana Radio". Latin American songs. Distorted signal. 35433. Habana Radio frequencies: "Transmitimos para las Villas Fundacionales: San Cristobal de la Habana por los 106.9 fm Santisima Trinidad por los 97.5 fm Espiritu Santo por los 92.5 fm Santa Maria del Puerto del Principe por los 94.9 fm Asuncion de Baracoa por los 92.3 fm" (Manuel Mendez, Lugo-ESP, wor Jan 28) ESWATINI {SWAZILAND} 15105 kHz TWR Africa from Manzini-SWZ site, *1903- 2005* UT on Jan 19, tuned in to IS alternating with a man announcer with English language station ID ("This is TWR broadcasting from Eswatini") re- peated several times. A woman announcer opened the listed Lingala language program. A short choral selection followed by a man with a long, long re- ligious talk. Poor to fair at tune in but steadily improving. The program continued until 2005 UT when the IS was played once before the carrier was terminated. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Jan 21; Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) { 15104.980kHz much odd fqy of TWR Africa in Lingala language from Manzini relay site, noted S=8 in Europe at 19.20 UT on Friday Jan 26. 7409.974 kHz much odd fqy of TWR Africa in Portuguese language, from Man- zini bcast center site, Mon-Sat only Portuguese at 19.20-19.50 UT, S=8 signal, much bad SW propagation Sunspot figures today. wb df5sx } 11880 kHz Trans World Radio via Manzini site, heard at 1526 UT on Jan 17. a man giving broadcast information, frequencies, etc. in listed Somali. Music was then played to 1530 UT shutdown. Mostly poor. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) 13799.986 kHz TWR Africa progr in Arabic via Manzini bc site, daily 18.02 to 19.02 UT, and accompanied by Muslim country {SUDAN ? like} BUBBLE scratch jamming til 18.12 UT; of 10 kHz wideband on 13790.009 kHz centre; and 200 x 18 Hz and 42 Hz combined distance jamming strings too, each sideband. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26) FRANCE {NoAM coast line target, single day radio px operation} Radio Oeoemrang. Hello, Next broadcast of Radio Oeoemrang from the island of Amrum (Northsea coast in Germany) is scheduled for Wednesday February 21st in 2024 year. Time: 1600-1700 UTC on 15215 kHz still MBR brokered, via TDF Issoudun (France) bcast center. (Christian Ghibaudo, Nice-F, BrDXC-UK iogr Jan 29) FRANCE {Cuba island target radio} 9490+ kHz on Jan 22 at 0419 UT, S9 of dead air, little if any jamming. Must be TDF not yet turned off after RMI R. Republica relay, always askew on high side but not remeasured now. HFCC registered as 0100-0200 & 0200-0300 UT both daily, also EiBi list database as 01-03 UT daily. Aoki Nagoya JPN list database shows the second hour extension applies only on days 1267 UT Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon. I think this correct, or used to be but not rechecked lately. WRMI sked- grid lines 441 & 442 show both on days 7123456, i.e. every; yet start/end dates differ: At 01-02 UT: 291023 to 051123, but 02-03 UT: 061123 to 300324. So that implies it's always only one hour, but shifted one UT hour later with the end of DST in USA, and the Running Dog of Yanqui Imperia- lism, Cuba. So, Jan 23 from 0153UT monitoring 9490 kHz into Maryland and Florida SDRs: nothing yet, but *0156 UT jamming starts! *0159UT R.R. carrier on with the real Cuban NA and s/on,'Recuentro Informativo' totally overriding jamming. The two SDRs can't agree how far off-frequency, Florida +78-95 Hz, or Maryland +51-67 Hz. But that indicates the transmitter is axually fluxuat- ing some 16/17 Hz up and down. 9490+ kHz on Jan 23 at 0346 UT, S=9/+10dB of dead air with hum from TDF, again failing to turn it off at 0300 UT when RMI Republica finish. Some- thing's incompetent at ISSoudun. { Various ISS operating sites without staff on site, necessarily heating on frosty winter nights in France? wb. } (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) GERMANY Public tours through the broadcasting hall of "Europe 1" at Saarlois, Germany; at Felsberg-Berus in the municipality of Ueberherrn. Wieder oeffentliche Fuehrungen durch die Sendehalle von "Europe 1" - In den Monaten Februar und Maerz bietet die Gemeinde Ueberherrn wieder oeffentliche Fuehrungen durch die Senderhalle von "Europe 1" an. Diese finden jeden dritten Mittwoch um 14 Uhr hrs CET - also am 21. Febr. und 20. March. - und jeden dritten Samstag um 11 Uhr hrs CET - also am 17. Febr. und 16. March - statt. Ab dem Monat April sind fuer mehrere Monate bauliche Renovierungsarbeiten geplant und keine Besichtigungen moeglich. Eine Anmeldung bei der Gemeinde Ueberherrn ist erforderlich unter Tel. (0 68 36) 90 91 22 oder per E-Mail. Die Fuehrung dauert 90 Minuten und ist auf max. 25 Teilnehmer begrenzt. Der ehemalige Langwellensender Felsberg-Berus in der Gemeinde Ueberherrn ist ein Monument der Rundfunkgeschichte. Er war ehemals der staerkste Langwellensender der Welt. Registration with the municipality of Ueberherrn is required by phone (0 68 36) 90 91 22 or by e-mail. The tour lasts 90 minutes and is limited to a maximum of 25 participants. The former long-wave transmitter Felsberg-Berus in the municipality of Ueberherrn is a monument to broad- casting history. It was formerly the most powerful long-wave transmitter in the world. Die Anlage steht unter Denkmalschutz und ist noch so erhalten wie am letzten Tag des Sendebetriebes. Die Sendehalle wurde 2021 wegen ihrer Konstruktion in die Reihe der historischen Wahrzeichen der Ingenieurbau- kunst in Deutschland aufgenommen. In der DARC CQDL 11/22 magazine hat Eugen Duepre, DK8VR, ab Seite 52 einen Bericht veroeffentlicht, unter dem Titel: "Die Kathedrale der Wellen: Das Sendezentrum Europe 1". (DARC Deutschland-Rundspruch 4 / 2024, Jan 25) GERMANY {radio to Volga Russia target of German Evangil protestants nationals group, since about 200 years living there} Voice of the Andes / HCJB (D), 15.30-16.00 UTC, Dec. 9 / 16-2023. QSL-cards: 9500 kHz via MBR Nauen bcast center, Blog: (Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" via Anatoly Klepov-RUS via RUSdx #1274 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28) GERMANY Re: Radio DARC. Ja, der Rainer hat zwar die Haxen in seinen Masten gebrochen, aber seit 2 Tagen die drei Sender / Antennen Feeder / Masten wieder in die Luft be- kommen. 3955 0700 2000 18,27,28 ROB 1 0 700 1234567 D C29 FNA 3955 2200 0459 18,27,28 ROB 1 0 700 1234567 D C29 FNA 6070 0000 1000 18,27,28 ROB 2 0 700 1 D C29 FNA 6070 0000 2400 18,27,28 ROB 2 0 700 234567 D C29 FNA 6070 1100 2400 18,27,28 ROB 2 0 700 1 D C29 FNA 9670 0000 2400 18,27,28 ROB 2 0 700 1234567 D C29 FNA Die 6070 kHz 10z Radio DARC Aussendung am Sonntag kommt aus ORS Moosbrunn in OE, mit einem westwaerts 1000 km Distanz Signal non-dir: 6070 1000 1100 18,27-29,37-39 MOS 100 0 926 1 AUT C29 ORS Soeben Sunday Jan 21 um 14.09 to 14.14z wollte ich mal in die Rohrbach Waal Kanaele hinein hoeren, sie waren alle drei in der Luft, aber nach 10 Sekunden ist die 3955 kHz Aussendung OFF THE AIR gegangen / ausgeschaltet worden, Ausschaltung oder BREAK liess sich nicht heraus hoeren. 6070.003 kHz ein bruellendes S=9+10dB Signal nachmittags um 14.11z 9669.993 kHz S=8 signal als Sigal für das entferntere Europa um 14.14z. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 21) GERMANY/AUSTRIA/USA Erinnern moechte ich zuerst an den 18. Mai 2024 als Termin fuer das 43. ueberregionale DX-Treffen im Christophsbraeu Alois Degler Str. 3 Gaggenau Germany Europe. Ein weiterer Termin im Juli wurde auch schon bekanntgegeben. Das DX-Camp Doebriach findet von 13. bis 27.Juli 2024 am Millstaetter See in OE statt. Nouri Streichert informiert, der Sommerkontest des RTI Hoererklubs Ottenau ist vom 14. bis 26. Juni 2024 vorgesehen. Zu hoeren ist jeweils eine Sendung aus den an der Fussball EM 2024 teilnehmenden Laendern. (via Bernd Seiser-D, RTI DX-Tipps Jan 26) USA CM Obrecht informiert: Aufgrund des Unfalls und damit verbundenem Sendeausfall bei Channel 292 Rohrbach Waal Ingolstadt Bavaria Germany folgt meine naechste Sendung ueber WRMI Okeechobee FL state. Ein Sender ist nach Europa gerichtet, er ist allerdings eher selten bzw. schwach zu empfangen. Die Sendung laeuft wie folgt: 28. Jan. 2024 um 12 UT auf 15770 kHz. Weitere Sendungen mit Zielgebiet Nordamerika: 27. Jan. 2024 um 04.00 UT auf 5850 kHz und 9395 kHz. 28. Jan. 2024 um 05.00 UT auf 5950 kHz. Da Channel 292 derzeit wegen einem Arbeitsunfall von Rainer Ebeling schweigt, hat sich Hoererklubmitglied Nouri ueberlegt, eine Testsendung via WBCQ - The Planet zu produzieren und auszustrahlen. Somit praesentiert er die erste Sendung unter seinem Kuenstlernamen als 'The Henry Norman Show'. Am 09. Februar 2024 um 03.00 UT auf der Frequenz 7490 KHz mit einer Test- sendung fuer das Zielgebiet Nordamerika/Westeuropa. E-QSL's gibt es unter: An dieser Stelle beste Genehsungswuensche an Rainer Ebeling vom RTI Hoererklub Ottenau und Korches-Radio. Popshopradio informiert: Hallo, wie Sie wissen, ist Kanal 292 z.Zt. nicht auf Sendung, weil Rainer sich das Bein gebrochen hat. Also habe ich Vor- kehrungen getroffen, dass meine naechsten Shows auf WRMI Okeechobee-FL state USA stattfinden und nach Europa ausgerichtet sind. Diesen Sonntag wird eine "regulaere"Sendung ausgestrahlt und die finnische Sondersendung wird am 28. Jan. ausgestrahlt. Die Zeit ist 2000 UT und die Frequenz betraegt 15770 kHz. Wenn Sie dies weitergeben und natuerlich diesen Sonntag an der Rezeption nachsehen koennten, wie der Empfang ist, waere das grossartig. Die weiteren Uebertragungen auf WRMI Okeechobee-FL-USA finden an weiteren Sonntagen statt: 28. Januar, sowie 4. und 11. Februar 2024. Ich hoffe, Sie koennen einschalten. Das Programm am 28. Januar 2024 wird Tony auf Finnisch sprechen ! (Unsere Sendung zum Valentinstag ist am 14. Febr. um 17 UT und 17. Febr. auf 3955 & 9670 kHz. In der Winterzeit regelmaessige Sendungen am Mittwoch um 17 UTC auf 3955 kHz und 9670 kHz.) Auf 1476 KHz gibt es am Samstag ab 19 UTC das DX-Wunschkonzert. Reinhard Pirnbacher wuerde sich ueber eine staerkere Hoererbeteiligung freuen. Er meint, es sind oft die selben Hoerer wo daran teilnehmen, aber es sollten sich auch mal andere Hoerer daran beteiligen, damit die Sendung beibehalten werden kann. Gruesse und Musikwuensche sind zu richten an: Bitte die Adresse ohne Endung einer Landeskennung verwenden. Thomas Becker aus Bonn bat um diesen Hinweis: SMR Dessau am 11. Febr. 2024 von 12-13 UT auf 6070 kHz mit Auswertungen der Sendungen + Musik von Goetz Alsmann. Dazu die Frage an Thomas, hast Du Interesse an einer direkten Kontaktaufnahme mit unserem Bonner Hoererklubmitglied Guido Paul, dann bitte mitteilen, damit wir den Kontakt herstellen koennen. Die fuer 14. Januar 2024 vorgesehene 112. Sendung von Korches-Radio wird wegen dem Arbeitsunfall von Rainer Ebeling erst am Sonntag 28. Januar 2024 um 11 UT auf 6070 KHz gesendet werden koennen. Der RTI Hoererklub Ottenau wuenscht Rainer baldige Genesung und bedankt sich bei Dir fuer Deinen Ein- satz, insbesondere was unsere Hoererklub-Programme von Sabrina, Nouri, Oliver, Jake FM und Radio PowerRumpel betrifft. Nach Korches-Radio sendet CM Obrecht um 12 UT auf 15770 KHz und dann um 13 UT Jake FM auf 9670 kHz. (via Sabrina Sander-Petermann und Bernd Seiser-D, RTI DX-Tipps Jan 26) INDIA My latest monitoring observations shows that the following transmissions from Akashvani External Services on 11560 from Delhi is ir- regular / absent: 0300-0430 Baluchi 0430-0600 Pashtu 11560(D) 11559.773_DEL 0900-1030 Nepali 9909.810_DEL 11559.774_DEL (Jose Jacob-IND, DXindia Jan 30) Missed today Jan 30, NOT ON SERVICE at DELhi bcast center. Tibetan 0100-0230 11570(D) 11569.774 Tibet, jammed by CHN mainland But heard still the 'accompanied CHN mainland jamming sce' of CNR1 program on even 11570even kHz, S=9+20dB strength in Doha Qatar ME SDR unit,0100 UT But AIR / Akashvani Bangalore Sindhi sce noted at 01.00 UT on 7380.002 kHz. Sindhi 0100-0130 1071(R) 7380(B) 7380.003BGL Pakistan target (wb, df5sx Jan 30) KOREA REPUBLIC KBS wollte seinen Hoerern eine Freude bereiten und hat einen Schluesselanhaenger mit deutlich sichtbarer Preisangabe vom Wert 3€ verschickt. Doch leider hat in vielen Faellen der Zoll wieder zugeschlagen und wollte bei den meisten Hoerern 50,26 € kassieren, weshalb viele den Umschlag wieder nach Korea zurueckgeschickt haben. Das ist sowohl fuer uns Hoerer, aber auch fuer KBS selbst sehr aergerlich. KBS entstehen Kosten zum Kauf des Geschenks und dann kommt noch das teure Luftpostporto hinzu, und in den meisten Faellen kommt der Schluesselring wieder nach Korea zurueck. (via Bernd Seiser-D, RTI DX-Tipps Jan 26) KOREA REP OF {South} 11810 kHz KBS World Radio via Kimjae site, at 0153 UT on Jan 18. Talk by man and woman in listed Japanese. At 0158 UT soft piano music with woman talking. At 0200 UT more talk followed by a soft Korean vocal. Woman speaking slowly as if telling a story with vocal in the background. Fair. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) LIBERIA 6050 kHz ELWA Liberia at 2032 UT with a religious program in English then song on 2034 UT stopped in sudden -58dbm signal but there is some noise and spurs ID "E L W A" on 2035 UT then airing songs while on 2055 UT carrier started from Xizang RTV. This is the second time logging them but again via remote receiver !!! Via Canaries SDR. Signal seems to be quite strong though not so high SNR (35 db only with noise at -80C) with nearly limited fading levels od 20db. What is the transmitter power or EIRP ? (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wor Jan 25) MADAGASCAR 17730 kHz on Sun, Jan 21, 2024. 1949-2000 UT, Adventist World Radio, Talata-Volonondry-MDG, in Igbo language. Pastor makes a preaching in this interesting language; Sometimes he laughs; He sings, too! 1955 UT Woman says ID, repeats website three times and address to Nigeria; 1957 UT Now, she talks with music background; 1958 UT AWR IS and an instrumental song; 1959 UT Ends program. Good to very good reception: 45554. (Jose Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, wor Jan 21) MADAGASCAR 13670 kHz MWV African Pathways Radio (Mahajanga), 1815-1825 UT on 14 Jan, ENGLISH. Acapella choir singing followed by man introducing new part of a programming. After short bit of preaching music returned with man singing accompanied by a choir during the chorus. Fluttery and not easily understandable. SINPO 33333. {like 13669.964 kHz - wb.} (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) MADAGASCAR 13760 kHz Madagascar World Voice (aka KNLS, Your New Life Station), 0245z, Jan 21, via MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, Madagascar. 100 kW at 40degr azi in English to South Asia. Strong het from NorthKorea while tuning up for their Spanish to South America starting at 0300 UT. The 0200 UT broadcast ended a couple of minutes early with an ID before the second hour started at 0300 UT. The interference from NorthKorea after 0300 UT was less intrusive and abrasive than the heterodyne had been ear- lier. Mahajanga to central Texas is about 9900 miles at 302degr azi. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) MALAYSIA RTMalaysia Revives Older Shortwave Transmitter. Hi Glenn, I guess we will have to accept this article as good news, although I find it very sad that "RTM has scaled back its shortwave offerings since the site was founded, ..." There was a time years ago that they had a good number SW stations (Salam FM, Asyik FM, Traxx FM, Radio Klasik [formerly Klasik Nasional], Voice of Malaysia, as well as the now long- standing silent Sarawak FM). You, Dan Sheedy and I greatly enjoyed monitoring the many Malaysia SW stations over the years. One of my favorites was listening to the Wai FM relay of Limbang FM programming, which aired Mondays and Thursdays, from 1315 to 1400 UT, on 11665 kHz. Here is one of my receptions: Have not heard this Limbang programming for many years now. I feel very fortunate to have been a SWL when there were so many interest- ing stations on the air, but I am still pleased to hear what remains on SW today (Radio Vanuatu, RRI Nabire, etc.). (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Jan 24) MALI 15125 kHz China Radio Intl, 1715z on Jan 21, in Swahili to East Africa via Bamako II bcast center. 100kW at 111degr azimuth using a 4 wide x 4 high array. Good signal off the back side of the beam with what soun- ded like a native speaker, not a Swahili as a second language presenter. It seems to me that the Bamako relay station must be kept in pretty good working order, I can't recall hearing many (if any) poor quality broad- casts from there. { Chinese engineers served relay stn there, wb. } (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) 15125 kHz CRI (Bamako II stn), 1730 to 1745 UT, 22 Jan, Swahili sce. Oriental music followed by talk by man which was introduced with African sounding music. SINPO 33333. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) 15125 kHz China Radio International - Bamako II site, 1703-1716 UT, fade out Jan24. This in briefly with poor to fair signal with a woman announcer reading the news in the Swahili language. Began to fade out when features started. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) MALTA During the period from 22.00 to 02.00z at night, when Radio Russia is not broadcast on 999 kHz through a transmitter in Transnistria, Moldova close to Ukraine boundary; Radio Malta from 5 kW station Mosta Bizbizja can again be heard in the local language. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, via RUSdx #1274 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28) MALTA New ITI GE75 data file of February 7th, 2012: Formerly planned at ex Deutsche Welle relay site area 1215 kHz DELIMARA POINT, coordinates 14 34 E 35 49 N 600 kW 34.8dB, mast 75meters height. Now modified 1215 kHz MOSTA-BIZBIZIJA TR, coordinates 14 24 E 35 54 N 600kW 30.2dB, mast 131meters height, coordination with COG; E; EST; ETH; G; MDG; NGR; POR; SEN. MLT PBS Radju Malta 999 kHz 5 kW, Mosta [Bizbizja] is at present on location 35 54 47.57 N 14 24 41.34 E (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 2, 2012) MEXICO 6185 kHz XEPPM Radio Educacion, at 0009 UT on Jan 20. Vocals by man and woman. Romantic sounding ballads by a tenor male singer. At 0013 UT another vocal with guitar to 0020 UT. Talk by a man and woman in Spanish. Soft piano and guitar to 0022 UT. Poor to fair. Monitored with Yaesu YH-55 communication headphones. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) MYANMAR 5919even Myanmar Radio noted today at 13.30-14.00 UT, nothing heard on 5915v kHz. MR Yegu - Yangon Burmese also on even 5985 kHz at 13.44 UT on Jan 26. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26) MYANMAR 5919 kHz Myanmar Radio - Nay Pyi Dyw (P), at 1317 UT on Jan 27. In Burmese. End of song, YL w/ melodic Southeast Asian style ballad, YL & OM announcers alternate, 1323UT slow indigenous Burmese music, OM, 1328 UT theme like music bridge into another contemporary style ballad, YL ballad, YL ann. briefly into program of music w/ YL announcer. Poor - fair. (Mark Taylor, Madison-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) NEW ZEALAND 11685-11690-11695 kHz digital block on Thur Jan 18 at 0740 UT, surprised to encounter S=9+20dB DRM noise here. Presumed RNZI in one of their midweek transmitter tests as scheduled in drmrx.org only at 1756-1857 UT daily except Sats, 25 kW at 35 degrees - and it cuts off the air already at 0741.4* UT. Then at 0743 UT, I check 13755 kHz which is supposed to be on now in AM, but no trace of it. Should be propagating or at least detectable. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) NEW ZEALAND The RNZ transmitter is being replaced Last December, RNZ (Radio New Zealand) permanently switched off power to its 34-year-old Thompson brand shortwave transmitter known as "Transmitter 1", one of two shortwave transmitters that provide analogue and digital radio broadcasts in the Pacific region. This is part of preparations for the installation of a new Swiss-made Ampegon shortwave transmitter at the Rangitaiki transmission centre. This project is a landmark project for RNZ. For the past 75 years, the company has used shortwave radio to broadcast to the vast Pacific region. The replacement of the old transmitter marks a significant step in secur- ing the future of broadcasting. Details in Russian (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1274 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28) New Swiss-made Ampegon shortwave transmitter at the Rangitaiki trans- mission centre will be ready on air in late (?) March 2024 then, wb. PALAU 9965 kHz Jan 18 at 0813 UT, Hope Radio weakly audible, but about equal to pulse jamming from CUBA ! Which persists despite being unneeded since R. Republica quit Costa Rica site many years ago. T8WH or whatever may not be too bothered in PAC/AS target, but why in the world choose a frequency ever jammed by Cuba? Sheer ignorance. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) PERU 4810 kHz R Logos, Chazuta, Jan 22; fair signal at 1005 UT but only audible in ECSSB (USB), which also makes a lot of the wall of QRM recede. OM preaching in Spanish over light strains of mx. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) PHILIPPINES 9795 kHz Far East Broadcasting Corporation, Manila, via Iba site at 2255 UT on Jan 20; in (listed) Mon. IS, 2300 UT brief indigenous singing, woman with opening including "FEBC and a postal address in Manila" man with brief opening and into a section of three indigenous ver- sions of familiar hymns with brief man and woman announcer announcements between songs, into a bass voiced man preaching. Fair - good. (Mark Taylor, Madison-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) ROMANIA 9510 {BULGARIA_sic.} IRRS/ Nexus-IBA via 100 kW Saftica site, Jan 28. Fadey signal for Sunday morning show with dated 1960s pops. "Neon Rainbow" at 0910 UT. 0918 UT OM anmt in Italian and En. Then a C&W version of "The Midnight Special" by Ringo. Holding up through BOH but eroding. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) ROMANIA World Radio Day 2024 : Radio Past Present Future - RRI call for contributions. Dear friends, This year as well Radio Romania International celebrates World Radio Day, a UNESCO traditional event celebrated on 13 February every year since it its adoption in 2011. Promoting radio as a medium of information and entertainment, as well as a means of fostering freedom of expression and international cooperation between broadcasters and media networks, in 2024 World Radio Day brings into the spotlight radio's remarkable past, its relevant present and the many promises it holds in the future. Despite repeated challenges linked with fluctuating audiences, disinformation, economic hardships, pervasive social media and geopolitical events, radio remains widely popular today. In 2024, UNESCO invites the radio industry to join in this celebration and focus on the following highlights: The indelible history of Radio and its powerful impact upon news, drama, music, sports ... The ongoing utilitarian value of Radio as a relatively free and portable public safety net during emergencies and power outages brought on by na- tural and human-made disasters such as storms, earthquakes, floods, heat, wildfires, accidents and warfare. The continuing democratic value of Radio to serve as a grassroots catalyst for connectedness within underserved groups including immigrant, reli- gious, minority and poverty-stricken populations; and as an instantaneous bellwether of public opinion expressed through the auspices of free speech in the public space. As always, we are looking forward to hear your insights and opinions on today's WRD theme. You can send your contributions to our station, either by email at You can post them on Facebook or send us pre-recorded contributions by email or via WhatsApp, at +40744.31.26.50. And of course, you are always welcome to use the tradition post and write to us at the following address: The English Service Radio Romania International 60-62 General Berthelot Street, district 1, P.O.Box 111 Bucharest 010165 Romania Europe All contributions will be published in a special Listeners Corner article on our website, and some will be included a special mailbag item devoted to WRD 2024. fax E-mail: (via Rumen Pankov-BUL, / Dave Kenny-UK, BrDXC-Uk iogr / wor Jan 28) SPAIN 17755 kHz R EXTERIOR de ESPANA, from Noblejas site, at 1630 to 1701 UT on 18 Jan, SPANISH. Discussion between man and woman. Time pips at top of hour. News with correspondent reports. Fair. SINPO 33333 (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) On Jan 26 at 20.18 UT REE noted in Western Europe, at Detroit MI state and AB province in CAN: 9690even S=9+25, 12030even S=8 17715.013 S=5 poor and tiny, 17755even weak and poor too. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26) SPAIN [and non] 9690 kHz on Jan 26 at 2300 UT, token English from SNR, VG direct starting with accurate timesignal. No news this time. Subject is Ecuador, from a tourism-promotion event in Malaga, presented by an announ- cer who says Ecuador is her home country; is that Quintana? Also heard a Fernandina mentioned later, not sure if she were an interviewee among many, about many different topix with some Andean music; such as cafe, at 2321 UT mariposas. Worth hearing the podcast if they get around to loading it, to be dated Jan 27: or should be repeated on webcast only after SW be off, at 0300 UT Sat. Also into UTwente at 2320 UT, marred by heavy OTHR clatter extending from 9690 to 9710 kHz. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 26) THAILAND A few MW k-logs in Bangkok Thailand on Jan 22. And experimenting with the transcription program 1287 Sor.Or.Tor. Smart Radio 2 1640 UT with continuous talks and very good signal reception in Chai Am, Thailand remotedly. There are some spurs from an unknown station, plus some sporadic noise with a very sharp sound. Reverb audio. 747 Ror.Dor. At 17 UT with YL with talks good signal at -53 and good but not sharp audio. Topics on Thai history More at 792 Wor.Por.Thor. 1710 UT adverts on Cafe Pekoui Kofi and gingko biloba adverts, then a traditional song. The speaker is drinking and sucking his coffee on air using funny talking -52dbm signal, he discusses on setting up a shop for 8 people, offering food, wifi, and My Mouse Play, emphasiz- ing cleanliness, mask protection, and health, physio therapy, and a healthy lifestyle. Phone-ins on 1722 UT with him singing and funny talking More at thelink above. 1269 Khor.Sor.Thor. Bor. BKK radio at 1734 UT with an old American rock song. Continues with western rock songs of the past (67 dbm) Tune in later with nice mor lam songs from 2015 UT, as such I heard when I was on 89 in BKK. Nice memories! (Zacharias Liangas-GRC, hcdx Jan 23) TURKEY Since I report on VOTurkey so much, this from Alan Holder Jan 21 is pertinent: "TURKIYE - VOTurkey English service Letterbox programme returns January 21 The last time I heard "Letterbox" on Voice of Turkiye was in August 2020 if I remember correctly. After many requests by myself (and others no doubt), I was pleased to hear the programme return to the air today, acknowledging letters from some listeners in South Asia and from Ireland. The presenter, as previously, is Halil Ibrahim Sarikaya. There were a few changes to the weekly English language programme line up from January 15, with "That's Why" and "The Energy Agenda" being new. They are also repeating the series "Turkish Folk Tales" heard a while ago and they now have a weekly Sports round-up. Glenn's "badax" announcer has also given out her name, which is Efsun Duri Elgeler (I think I have the surname spelt correctly). (Alan Holder, G4ZBH, I.of Wight,U.K." via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 21) TURKEY 11510 kHz OPPOSITION. R Recep Erdogan via Emirler-TUR (pres), Jan 22. ID from the fqy range and very familiar, usual pompous military march choral mx at 1319 UT check, poor-fair signal only. Wonder where R Denge Welat/Gel is, the target for this Turkish jammer. {opposition radio jamming against a non-existent Kurdistan state popula- tion, since the end of the Ottoman empire in 1923 Lausanne Peace Confe- rence. wb. } (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) TURKEY/UZBEKISTAN {KURDISTAN ME target radio} Re: Denge Welat / ... Gel Hi Chris, WRTH 2024 has 0330-1600 11520 kHz 1600-2200 7465 kHz Both fq's variable to avoid jamming. I could hear them yesterday on 11535 kHz, but not today, maybe they are becoming irregular. And they call themselves now 'Denge Gel'. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, wor Jan 25) Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has a recent confirmed schedule for Denge Welat? (Chris, wor Jan 24) Re: Denge Gel (exWelat) and audio web-player: log at 16.15 - 16.30 UT n Thur Jan 25 but N O T heard at this hour on SW channel. BUT Today Friday Jan 26 noted Denge.Gel - Kurdish national radio program back on SW 11530.003 kHz Likely UZB Tashkent (?) relay S=9+50dB signal in Doha Qatar SDR remotedly at 14.33UT and accompanied plus/minis 100 Hertz audio string sound. and fully compared via webplayer audio // and accompanied by Turkish security jamming radio of Pres Erdogan, Emirler relay site on SW channel 11550.012 kHz TUR S=9+30dB powerful signal in NE / ME at Doha Qatar SDR Turkish drums and singer folk mx, some 360 / 700 Hertz whistle audio tone strings noted of FAULTY TX unit, one of the transmitters in Emirler with whistle tone modulation always. At 14.40 UT on Friday Jan 26. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 26) re: Denge Welat Kurdish national SW radio relay. Compare Denge Gel 11520even kHz at 07.44 UT on Sunday 28 Jan with web player offer at S=9+25dB signal noted in Doha Qatar ME target remotedly. And Pres Erdogan jammer stn service plays some Army brass music / soldiers chorus at 07.52 UT on oddity 11535.011 kHz S=9+20dB signal this morning. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28) TURKEY 11535 kHz CLANDESTINE_? sic - rather Turkish jamming {not} Radio Denge Welat / -Gel - at 2050-2123 UT on Jan 27. Jack Widner and Ralph Perry have been reporting stuff in the general area weekends moving 5-10 kHz presumably being this with non-stop group (martial type) singing/music. Fair signal. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) Hello, I've caught this signal locally on occasion, but I was never sure whether I was listening to the actual station or the Turkish jamming. How do you find out? Greets, (Alain - F4LDT) compare with the webplayer of Denge Gel.org Turkish jammer is always odd plus 8 to 13 Hertz on the upper side flank of the 25 mband channels, and plays mostly Turkish Osmanic empire world Near East music, also of army band brass music theme; but on Denge-gel radio mostly talk by Kurds Nationals heard instead. (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 28) U.K. BBC London WS on 25900 kHz. [Reason: Just added "when I checked" - no biggie but it didn't read right before.] Finally managed to hear the virtually only user of the 11-metre band at the moment. But from here in Long Beach where I'm attending an Institute of Navigation meeting. There is little RF noise in my hotel room but the windows are covered with some kind of reflecting film, which means I could be almost in a Faraday cage. So, the bands are pretty quiet and I guess I'm only hearing the strongest signals. Anyway, BBC WS on 25900 kHz from ENC Woofferton-UK had a fair signal at times this morning (22 January) but fading into the mud frequently when I checked at about 16:45 UT using a Tecsun PL-880 with just its whip antenna right up against the window pane. Got a bit stronger over the next hour or so. Might venture out onto the nearby beach one morning to try for other signals - if it stops raining! (Richard Langley-NB-CAN, wor Jan 23) U.K. 15510 kHz FEBA Radio Sama (via ENC Woofferton), 1845-1859 UT, 15 Jan, ARABIC. Recognizable as Arabic, but noisy. Man speaking followed by upbeat music. Man then introduced a woman speaker. More music with an almost afro-Arabic sound, sign off at 1859 UT. SINPO 33333. {S=9+20dB in Europe, noted at 18.24 UT Jan 26, wb. } (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) U.K. 15510 kHz IBRA Media (Radio Sama), 1816-1859* UT on Jan 24. Brief instrumental music followed by a man announcer speaking in the Arabic language. Mix of male and female speakers mixing with religious vocal selections until carrier terminated while a man announcer was speaking. Good signal. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) U.K. Re: Sunshine Radio closedown info - email for reports. Hi All, Dave Porter has confirmed that reception reports on the last day of Sunshine 855 should be sent to the well known email: (transmissiontest at gmail dot com if you're reading this on the web) (Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Jan 28) Hi All, The switch off of the 855 kHz service will be between 1200 and 1300 Friday 19th Jan. There may be separate programming on the MF feed for the close-down. I have been invited to turn it off as I switched it on in front of the Radio Authority Engineers in Oct 1992. The first record played on the test transmissions period was "The is the way it is" by Bruce Hornsby and the Range and it will be the last record through the MF transmitter. Quite fitting.... Might be worth sending a QSL request if you hear it. 73 Dave G4OYX (David Porter-UK, BrDXC-UK iogr Jan 18) USA With the DRM / datacasting transmissions now gone, I wonder if WINB is using the ancient Continental transmitter or the relatively new ASI made unit for 9265 kHz ? (Stephen Luce, Houston-TX, hcdx & wor Jan 21) Re: WINB & its crappy signal. Hi all, I did check a few SDRs and some have the whistle and some don't. I too have the warbley QRM that wanders up and around in multiple places in se- veral different bands. I THINK it is the equipment our local electric utility uses to retransmit smart metre readings back to the home office, but that is just a guess. Oh well, once propagation is better at 0330 UT for me, it will wipe out the whistle. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, hcdx & wor Jan 21) Re: WINB & its crappy signal. Tony, I don't see the 'whistle' you show at +1800 Hz here in Michigan. I DO note the modulation is 'muddy' at best, as others also noted, but in- terestingly enough, I find that 'muddiness' doesn't impact the quality of the MFSK decodes, despite the fact it often makes understanding the voice parts before and after the MFSK very difficult. You are absotootlutely correct the signal is 'below par' but is that whistle / birdie local to you? I also note a rather 'large blob' of QRM that I assume is local to me in Williamston BELOW 9265 - it wanders closer and farther but USB sync al- ways (so far!) has eliminated it. I assume this is local both because I don't see it when I'm using the exact same reception equipment (except outdoor antenna of course!) when I'm at my lake house and it always re- appears when I come back to my 'city house'. I don't use 'active' antennas at either site, FWIW. It is also there even when WINB is not on the air, so ... not from their transmitter for sure. I continue to marvel at the VAST difference is bandwidth and quality of modulation I see today. MANY stations 'just get it' and put out nice sig- nals consistently, and others (Cairo / Havana/etc) can't seem to 'figure out' what they're doing and put out HORRIBLE sounding stuff. It's a toss up to me whether the stations 'just don't care' or if they 'don't know how to fix it' or if the 'equipment is broken and they don't have the funds to fix it' or if there's some OTHER reason why this continues to be un- addressed. I mean, clearly it CAN be done as many others are doing it - shoot even PIRATES have better sounding signals! - but yet it seems there are a large number of people 'in the business' who want things to fail for whatever reason and just do NOT want to address the issue. Money? A desire to see it fail? Disinterest? Incompetence? "The Boss" doesn't look so who cares? Hard to say what the 'real' reason is. I USED to believe that one should never ascribe to malice that which can adequately be explained by incom- petence, but I'm wondering now. Insert whatever conspiracy theory de jour you'd like here, but the facts are out there even if the cause is pure speculation! 73 // Ken Z. (Ken Zichi-MI-USA, hcdx & wor Jan 21) USA 9275 kHz on Jan 15 at 1955 UT, WMLK is back on MLK Day with Yahweh stuff, S=9+10/20dB; still on at 2115 UT, S=9+20/30dB, sermon about glue and guitars, citing Deuteronomy - of course! Tony Pavick, BC, already heard it yesterday after some days/weeks? absence (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) USA 9275 kHz WMLK, at 2015z on Jan 23, in English. Their own in house programming. Poor signal, listed with 300 kW aimed at 58degr azi using a rhombic but apparently using a 1 wide x2 high curtain with reflector aimed at 53 degr azimutho. At least I see no evidence of a rhombic (when looking on GoogleEarth) any- where nearby. Similar signal strength to WINB, just 42 miles away. FWIW, 9330 kHz was weaker, 9395 kHz was stronger and 9455 kHz a bit stronger but with lower modulation. No sign of 9955 & 9980 kHz. Perhaps a Philly area dxer could take a two hour drive to Bethel to confirm WMLK's antenna. Bethel to central Texas is about 1300 miles at 249 degr. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) USA 15825 kHz on Jan 17 at 1635 UT, WWCR-1 is horribly overmodulated, distorted again, S=9+30dB and splattering 15710/15860kHz*approx. I had re- ported it fixed back to normal as of Jan 5. 15825 kHz on Jan 19 at 1614 UT, WWCR-1 is the SSOB, S=9+25/35dB with spo- radic E boost, slightly distorted, squealing, and splashing some 30 kHz either side. SAWA. { * WWCR 15824.998 kHz noted on Jan 26 on 15801 to 15849 kHz fqy range, S=9 in western Europe, S9+35dB in North AM at 19.38 UT, 120 Hertz apart distance audio strings either sideband seen and heard, wb df5sx } (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) USA About WTWW's current problem: "A broken heat exchanger??? Must be a single stage heat exchanger. They use distilled water for cool- ing of the PA tube. The water turns to steam and is fed to a radiator where it is cooled and turned back to water to be fed thru the system again. There is a water pump to do this. So, the water must have frozen up inside the radiator and it (or pipes) burst. Northern stations have a 2-stage heat exchanger. It's distilled water on the inside and anti-freeze on the outside. I worked at a station that had a single stage system. When it got cold (below freezing) we had an operator at the transmitter to keep an eye on things. If it got too cold he would close the louvres, and it would warm up again.But that was in the days of the first class license and we had an engineer on duty 24/7 hrs/d. Now, most transmitters are solid state. Lou KF4RCA" Johnson. (via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 28) USSR/SOWJETUNION - radio history. Data from the directory "Radio Broadcasting in Russian" (autumn 2002 - spring 2002). Authors and compilers: Konstantin Gusev, Igor Yaremenko, Alexander Dementyev, and Andrey Tavrizov. So, let's start with medium waves. - 999 kHz - Transnistrian Radio and Television Center, Grigoriopol Maiac. In the past, it was one of the main frequencies for broadcasting towards Eastern Europe and our closest neighbors. Radio Russia programs are now broadcast (from 04 May 2022). MDA_"Tsekh" Nr.3_former LW 234, MW 549 621, 1467 kHz sidefire too, MDA_Radio Moscow MW sidefire SV2+2 4-mast 1467 kHz 170degr azimuth at TUR CYP EGY; just finished at the end of USSR in 1991 year. MDA_MW Malaya Zarya 1548 kHz 1000 kW, 245 degr 12 masts 940m length, exR Moscow ext sce towards ROM; exYUG, Napoli-Rome-Sardegna, TUN/ALG. - 1089 kHz - Kuban Radio Center. Armavir Krasnodar region. The European direction is similar, {rather non-direction, wb.}. It was also well re- ceived in the Caucasus, although long-wave broadcasting was available for mountainous areas. In 2014, broadcasting was stopped. Restored in test format in 2022. There are no regular broadcasts. The equipment is ready upon request. - 648 kHz - Orzu. Radio station No. 5. southern Tajikistan. A huge enter- prise with amazing infrastructure. Dozens of antennas, including two Big Zarya systems {of former R Moscow external sce}. The radio station still operates today, fulfilling orders from various broadcasters. TJK_Orzu MW 648 / 1503 kHz 1000 kW, Malaya Zarya 233 degr towards 12 mast, 1.11 km long, AFG, Herat, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain. - 1215 kHz / 1143 kHz - Radio Center No.5. Bolshakovo. Kaliningrad region. At a frequency of 1215 kHz, a directional antenna system of the "Square" {sidefire type,wb.} type was used, which ensured effective coverage of the territories of Central and Northern Europe. Former 1386 kHz foreign sce. 1143 kHz - broadcasting in the direction of the Baltic countries, the Re- public of Belarus (pie chart). - 1170 kHz - one of the frequencies of the Kuban Radio Center. {Krasnodar - Armavir - Tbilisskaya, Second name - Kuban radio center.} The RV-680 (1200 kW) transmitter operated in combination with the Bolshaya Zarya antenna. The main lobe of the diagram "beat" in the direction of Israel (very relevant now). RUS_Tbilisskaya Srednyaya Zarya antenna 1170 kHz 200deg azi 27mast 2.2km towards Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan target. The transmitter has been removed. wb. In general, it is a Middle Eastern frequency. The transmitter has been re- moved. The antenna system has been taken out of service. - 1314 kHz - Radio station in the village of Noratus. Republic of Armenia. The RV-602 transmitter worked in combination with the Bolshaya Zarya an- tenna. Azimuth - 195 degrees. Near East. ARM _ MWdir Srednyaya Bolshaya Zarya antenna, 26 masts 2.2km long 1314kHz 180 degr azi towards IRN, Kurdistan, IRQ, KWT and Saudi Arabia target. The equipment has been preserved and is in working order. There are plans to use this frequency in the near future. - 1323 kHz Germany. Wachenbrunn-exGDR. This venue was called the "Russian Quartet". 4 masts of 125 meters each (directional antenna system) Power - 1000 kW (decreased to 150 kW in certain periods). The transmitting facility confidently provided radio coverage of European territories. Dec 31, 2012 RM foreign sce relay stopped here. Sept 19, 2013 realy facility demolished. see 11 pictures of R Moscow Wachenbrunn MW 1323 kHz facility: demolition see DFMG - 612 kHz. Moscow. Kurkino. The same small radio center from which, in the last years of his on-air work, the broadcasts of Narodnoe Radio" - 612 kHz and "World Radio Network" - 738 kHz were heard Not working since 05/01/2019. {Former jamming stn at Aleshkinskiy Lesopark, wb.} 55 52 50.81 N 37 23 58.49 E - 603 kHz - local German transmitter in Berlin. Location at D___ Oranienburg Rehmate 177 kHz LW 603/693 kHz MW_exGDR_DLS. exR Moscow 55 52 50.81 N 37 23 58.49 E A few conclusions. In the direction of Europe, broadcasting was organized more than voluminously. At frequencies 999/1089/1143 kHz - omnidirectional antenna systems were used (pie chart) In addition to the "target" regions, it was possible to receive transmis- sions on very extensive routes. For example, during the Sputnik Radio test in February 2023, many letters came from the Orenburg region. The Middle East, Asia and other destinations on medium waves are repre- sented modestly or completely absent. This means that it's time to turn to short waves. And now everything is getting more serious. - Sessions from Transnistria (read Grigoriopol Maiac) were possible any- where - the rotating antenna made it easy to cover any territory. By the way, the antenna can now transmit a signal in any necessary direction. - Vladivostok. Razdolnoye/Tavrichanka. Both radio centers are in the pro- cess of being dismantled. They lasted a long time though. To a certain extent, thanks to caring leadership. - Lvov. Radio center in the village of Krasnoye. The former luxury of powerful radio broadcasting, which Ukraine inherited after the collapse of the USSR. The company had great potential. The equipment has been dis- mantled. As of 2022 - 2023, the antennas were being dismantled. The cur- rent condition is unknown. UKR_Lvov_Krasne_MW_Bolshaya_Zarya_936 kHz 1000kW 230deg 27masts 1.95km length. Further more outlets on LW 171, 549, 648, 972, and 1242 kHz. - Krasnodar. Kuban Radio Center. Naturally, in addition to medium waves, the company also dealt with short waves. Fortunately, there were plenty of antennas and transmitters here. Minimal shortwave broadcasting remained until 2020 (Adygei Radio) {latter radio px southwards to Kurdistan, wb.} As a result of the ongoing dismantling (2020 - 2023), the possibility of short-wave on-air work has come to naught. Although ...it's still possible to restore something (Sputnik, come to your senses before it's too late!) - Moscow. Here you need to take into account that there were many radio centers in the Moscow region. These are Taldom, Kurovskaya and Lesnoy. In general, when they were drawing up the frequency schedule, the en- gineers tried to ensure that every Russian enterprise had something for a powerful radio. Now it is difficult to say which centers are meant in the lines under the general designation - Moscow. Most likely, the load is spread across at least two centers. Taldom was also used for Radio Rossi broadcasts on HF. {Some jamming signal site installations used at Taldom northern Moscow during Sowjetunion era, like towards 60 degr azimuth at FE USSR at Surgut, Yeniseysk, Irkutsk, Chita, Vladivostok, Japan, 9 SW masts, 8 reflectors AMO-450 system, 60degr, 2 masts x 370 m long antenna line track. Dipole masts movable, Center Reflector Mast some 220 meters behind driven masts, 56 44 18.75 N 37 37 33.23 E wb.} Radio centers in the Moscow region are in very poor condition. A small amount of work remains in Taldom (on-air broadcast of standards). - Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Radio station named after Popova. By the way. Today it is one of the surviving radio centers in Russia that can operate on short waves. DRM equipment was brought here from all over the country after the dismantling of high-power radio broadcasting facilities began. Periodic digital Q-tests are carried out here. On medium waves, the radio station broadcasts the program "East of Russia" at a frequency of 765 kHz (simultaneous broadcasting network) Employees of the Far Eastern branch of FSUE RTRS maintain, as far as possible, the necessary broadcasting infra- structure. - Let's continue the Far Eastern theme in Khabarovsk. In the radio broad- casting and radio communication workshop, the possibility of on-air broad- casts on medium waves is maintained. An example of this is "East of Russia" on 765 kHz. Unfortunately, there is no information about the con- dition of the shortwave site. In a word, the Far Eastern branch of RTRS, in terms of powerful radio equipment, retains its potential. - Irkutsk. Radio center No. 7 - Angarsk Whopper. Mahina. I can't find the exact word. A scattering of antennas, three technical buildings. The longest "Big Dawn" in Russia - 37 towers. Alas, this is all with an eye to the past. The radio center infrastructure is currently being gradually dismantled. - Novosibirsk Radio center in the village of Raduga. There were two sites. On one: long-wave and medium-wave equipment. On the second: shortwave technology. The radio center has been dismantled. The land has been transferred to the municipality. - Samara. The radio center was dismantled in preparation for the World Cup Had great potential due to its good location. - Saint Petersburg. Another pain of loss. Radio center No. 11 "Krasny Bor" The equipment has been dismantled. The land is up for sale. - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. This refers to the Radio Center near Elizovo. Dismantling. - Chita. Radio center near the village of Novokruchinsky. Dismantling has been carried out. The land has been transferred to the municipality. - Kaliningrad. This means Bolshakovo. During the Soviet years, the radio center was engaged in jamming Western radio stations. After the collapse of the USSR, the transmitters were adapted for on-air operation. True ... broadcasting towards the Caucasus {jamming western radios during communist era, towards 118degr Caucasus, and also to Asian USSR at 70 and 83 degrees azimuth, wb.} is doubtful [sic}. Most likely a typo. At the moment, SW transmitters in Bolshakovo have been dismantled. But the antenna remains. It was specially built by order of the Voice of Russia. - Ekaterinburg. The condition of the object is unknown. But from online publications from those who like to "climb" antennas, I can conclude that they will be dismantled. Please note that powers (kW) in some cases are indicated approximately. For example, in Krasny Bor there was no *400-kW transmission equipment. And in general - a completely unusable figure. There are other inaccura- cies as well. However, it is worth understanding that in the years when these schedules were compiled (the beginning of the century), there was no publicly avai- lable information as there is now. Radio enthusiasts collected various technical information bit by bit. What can we say in the end? Powerful radio broadcasting centers that can broadcast something far away are located in the Western Part of Russia (Bolshakovo, Kubansky) and in the Far East (Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on- Amur). The radio station near Yakutsk (Tulagino) is in a mothballed state. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) In principle - that's all. Perhaps you managed to catch one of the objects alive. P.S. The Pridnestrovian Radio and Television Center is the flagship of Russian powerful radio broadcasting. It belongs to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RTRS, but is not located in Russia. (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1273 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 21) {* Very dubious. shows Krasny Bor had 200 kW transmitters, so they could be used in parallel. Russia's General Radio Frequency Centre keeps registering even 800 kW for Krasny Bor at HFCC (like 4 x 200 kW) until this day. And by the way, prominent Russian DXer Mikhail Timofeyev (R.I.P.) worked there at St. Petersburg regional radio centre and always provided correct information. This centre even had a unique DX Corner with up-to-date schedules, QSL information etc. Mikhail's website is still online, featuring a good QSL collection, logbooks from DXpeditions and a legendary Russian- language DX bulletin 'Exotic DX News'. (Alex Miatlikov-UKR, wor Jan 21) } {* Has the work of Mikhail Timofeyev been preserved? All the material he collected and researched, much beyond AM transmission matters? I fear it is lost, considering how certain discussions meanwhile start from scratch again. The same goes for the work of Olle Alm in Sweden. So at least what I know off-hand: The shortwave transmitters at Krasny Bor were the Sneg model, rated 50 kW in its original form, still in use now at Kostinbrod and Bejucal (or only Kostinbrod if Bejucal is no longer on air, which could be the case, judg- ing from the observation that shortwave operations in Cuba have been much reduced). Now it must be considered that the AM transmission network of the USSR saw extensive modifications of existing equipment, rather than replacements by new deliveries from the industry. This could involve power increases up to four times the original rating, made possible by the development of new tubes, like the GU-88A seen in the unboxing video just send from Armenia. So some Sneg blocks have been upgraded to 100 kW, turning them into a Sneg-M. And at some stations, including Krasny Bor, there have even been upgrades to 200 kW, with the result called Sneg-MU. "Transmitter blocks" because it was customary to run Sneg equipment in pairs of two blocks, with the coupling stages being part of the original installations. Thus there were in the GDR just the transmitters KWH 22 and KWH 23, consisting of the blocks 22a, 22b and 23a, 23b, respectively. So at Krasny Bor the upgrade meant that 400 kW were the new standard power level. And indeed for certain transmissions, in particular to South America, four transmitter blocks had been coupled to 800 kW. I see also no reason to question the use of Bolshakovo for transmissions into the Caucasus. One would expect that suitable antennas existed, for the already mentioned reason. Some of the programming transmit this way was called "Radio Chechnya Svobodnaya". When it started, still in the days of Yeltsin, there was talk about this being a cooperation with VGTRK. But apparently it was primarily a product of Voice of Russia, at least it came from their studios in ul. Pyatnitskaya 25 (some additional detail: veterans told that the building was originally meant for the ministry of culture but then deemed not re- presentative enough, and so the radio got it). So they were already in- volved in domestic broadcasting as well, although of course not so promi- nent as Rossiya Segodnya nowadays. When this programming started there had been comments by Pavel Mikhailov that were really nice indeed, at the fringe of personal insults. One of his remarks was that it is "a trifle". I would have almost responded with something like "aha, Chechnya is a trifle?", but I left it at that. Unless I missed something this was more or less the end of his communica- tion with outside the Russkiy Mir. Anyone here still remembering Nikolai Pashkevich? He had chimed in with something like "Pavel, shouldn't it rather be called Radio Chechnya Nesvobodnaya?" This all refers to ... so specifically to Russian-language broadcasting. Some transmitters were run at reduced power. Don't conclude that every 200 kW was a Sneg-MU, more often it were two coupled 100 kW transmitters. As pointed out "Moskva" could be three widely separated sites, with no way to tell which one (while at Novosibirsk and Irkutsk the new stations could be easily re- cognized by power levels of 500 or 1000 kW). Bolshakovo 160 kW because the transmitters were a model called Purga, rated 80 kW. Few cases of operation in four-block configuration, thus with 320 kW, had been listed there as well. Probably this transmitter model was not originally meant for programme service at all, I found that the modu- lation used to leave something to be desired (and in this case not the source was to blame, as // transmissions on mediumwave proved). (Kai Ludwig-D, wor Jan 22) } VOICE OF RUSSIA Relay via MW txs of Russia. 31/03/2002 - 26/10/2002 kHz UTC Call QTH 585 1000-1400 RV-769 Belogorsk (Amurskaya oblast) 612 1500-1600 RV-1141 Kurkino (Moskovskaya oblast) 1900-2200 630 1200-1400 RV-750 Komsomolsk-na-Amure (Khabarovskiy kray) 648 1000-1300 RV-445 Ussuriysk (Primorskiy kray) 720 1200-1400 RV-679 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Sakhalinskaya oblast) 801 1000-1400 RV-116 Atamanovka (Chitinskaya oblast) 1080 1100-1400 RV-489 Angarsk (Irkutskaya oblast) 1089 1600-1700 RV-681 Tbilisskaya (Krasnodarskiy kray) 1800-2100 1143 1200-2000 RV-373 Bolshakovo (Kaliningradskaya oblast) 1170 1400-1900 RV-680 Tbilisskaya (Krasnodarskiy kray) 1215 0100-0300 RV-372 Bolshakovo (Kaliningradskaya oblast) 0900-2100 1251 0700-0900 RV-70 Ussuriysk (Primorskiy kray) 1000-1500, 1700-1800 1386 0900-1200 RV-367 Bolshakovo (Kaliningradskaya oblast) 1400-2100 1494 1500-1800 RV-857 Krasnyj Bor (Leningradskaya oblast) 2000-2100 VOICE OF RUSSIA. Relay via MW txs abroad Russia. 31/03/2002 - 26/10/2002 kHz UTC kW QTH 603 0300-2100 5 Berlin, D 603 1200-1300 200 Hainan Prov., CHN 621 1700-2130 1000/500 Maiac, MDA 648 0100-0200 1000 Orzy, TJK 1200-1800 936 1530-2000 1000 Lviv, UKR 972 1200-1700 1000 Orzy, TJK 999 1200-1500 1000/500 Maiac, MDA 1600-1700, 2000-2100 1170 1700-1900 800 Sasnovy, BLR 1269 1300-1500 300 Yunnan Prov., CHN 1700-1800 1278 1300-1900 150 Petrivka, UKR 1314 1500-1900 1000 Gavar, ARM 1323 0500-2200 800/150 Wachenbrunn, G 1548 0300-0500 1000/500 Maiac, MDA 1530-1800, 2015-2130 (Nikolay Rudnev-RUS, RUS-DX June 15, 2002) UZBEKISTAN 6035 kHz BBC London via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, at 0026 UT on Jan 17. Man and woman speaking in English in what sounded like an interview. At 0032UT a musical bridge to more talk but not understandable due to noise crashes. Poor with noise. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) VIETNAM 9840 kHz Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, via Son Tay site, at 1312 UT, on Jan 21; in Indonesian. Woman announcer into a musical bridge then a longer section of apparent news (including mention of "Netanyahu", "Gaza", etc.), Vietnamese pop song, man announcer with a light interview with a woman (laughing, friendly talk, etc.), traditional song, 1330 UT man and woman announcers alternating over a musical bed (maybe an ID?) into more pop. Fair. (Mark Taylor, Madison-WI-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1135 Jan 21) VIETNAM 12020 kHz V of Vietnam Hanoi, 1345z, on Jan 24, in En via SonTay bcast center. 100 kW at 57 degr using a 2 wide x 4 high array to East Asia (eastern China, Japan and the Koreas). Switch to Japanese at 1400 UT. USB helps eliminate the RTTY interference but unfortunately muffles the audio. SonTay to central Texas is about 8500 miles at 23 degr azi. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1136 Jan 28) #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* NZL 7390.012 kHz S=9+25dB signal strength at 16.15 UT, talk on BBC txion GAZA strip war in Palestine soil, Jan 25. MDG 7445.013 kHz BBC London SW in En 16-20UT, via MGLOB Talata Volonon- dry Madagascar relay facility at 16.17 UT, Jan 25, S=9+30dB signal. TUR 11530.007 kHz TRT Erdogan jamming against Kurdish Denge.GEL program, S=9+35dB powerhouse in EUR, Greece, and Doha Qatar SDR Perseus units remotedly at 16.27 UT on Jan 25. Others heard on log today Friday Jan 26: 11824.987 AUS RBA Burmese, S=9+5dB in Hiroshima Akitakata JPN, 14.18 UT. 12119.974 PHL FEBC Manila, Burmese via Bocaue tx site, S=6, at 13.45 UT. 12095.003 PHL FEBC Khmer, Bocaue, S=7 at 13.52 UT on Jan 26. 12084.996 GUM AWR KSDA Agat, Laotian, S=7 at 13.54 UT. 12054.999 MRA USAGM Tinian, RFA Burmese, S=9 signal at 13.54 UT. 12020even VTN VoVTN Hanoi, Son Tay, S=8 carrier signal at 13.56 UT. 11569.973 MRA USAGM VOA Korean, Saipan, Agingan Point. S=9+15dB strength at 14.04 UT on Jan 26. 11620.010 GUM AWR KSDA Agat, Abishira language, S=9 at 14.09 UT, wonderful religious smooth Girls singer sound. 11750even PHL FEBC Bocaue, Lahnda language, S=9 srength at 14.12 UT. 11850.008 IRN VoIRIB Sirjan, in Bengali language, S=6 signal at 14.20 UT. 11940even TWN R Nug in Burmese via Paochung bcast center, S=6 at 14.22UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 25 - 26) Log of Saturday Jan 27 at 06.30 UT to 07.30 UT, taken in Edmonton AB-CAN and in Japan at Hiroshima Akitakata Perseus SDRs net remotedly. 5130.298 USA WBCQ TOM BS sermon ministry, S=9+20dB in AB-CAN 06.30 UT and BS TOM ministry religious program // on 5010even USA WRMI Okeechobee-FL state. S=9+20dB. 5850even USA WRMI Okeechobee-FL state. S=9+40dB at 06.33 UT. 5889.995 USA WWCR S=9+40dB powerhouse signal. N O T CUB RadioCuba nothing at this 06.32 UT hour on 4765, 5025, nor on 5040 kHz. 5909.950 CLM Alcaravan Radio in Spanish at 06.35 UT, S=9+5dB LatinAM mx. 5940.153 BRA R Voz Missionaria, BrasPort, S=9+5dB Bras mx, 06.38 UT. 6000even CUB RHC English, S=9+45dB excellent audio feed today, powerhouse signal, clean Audio, two BUZZ tone audio strings of 120/240 Hertz seen and heard at 06.40 UT on Jan 27. 6159.932 USA WBCQ TOM BS, P.O.Box address given at 06.43:45 UTC, S=9+5 in Edmonton-AB. 120 Hertz main power audio tone string BUZZ heard. 6184.968 MEX R Educacion Mexico D.F. in Spanish, S=9+5dB in Edmonton-AB remotedly, at 06.46 UT trumpet mx of Mexican mx sound. 9480 - 9496 DITTER signal jamming broadband anoying sound ? from Asia ? via Pacific path at 06.48 UT, S=8 strength. Help - any observation ? Or is meant as Cuban 'anti R Republica px' of WRMI Jeff White via TDF Issoudun France program on 9490 kHz at 01 - 04 UTC. ? wb. 9700.004 TUR TRT Turkish morning sce scheduled 03.50-06.56 UT, heard at 06.50 UT, S=9+15dB signal strength in AB-CAN. 11880even AUT AWR Arabic sce NoAF/NE/ME S=9+15dB signal in NA sidelobe, EXCELLENT audio quality of ORS Moosbrunn Austria relay sce. 06.54 UT. 11550.009 TUR TRT Emirler, Erdogan jammer program outlet against Kurdistan national SW relay Denge Gel (see also wor log 11530/11550 of yesterday Jan 26). Army brass band sound of NE/ME Osmanic type. S=7 in AB-CAN at 06.56 UT. 11620even ROU RRI Tiganesti, German lang morning sce at 07.01 UT stn annmt. 120 / 240 buzz tone underneath of US made SW tx, S=9+35dB in CAN remotedly. 11734.963 much odd fqy KRE Voice of KOR Kujang 200 kW unit, army brass band mx progr, S=9+10dB at 07.03 UT on Jan 27. 11830.005 STP BBC London WS En via Pinheira Sao Tome, S=9+10dB at 07.09 UT at Edmonton-AB-CAN remotedly, talk and comment on yesterday highest UN International law court in the Netherlands The Hague, on GAZA strip Palestine - Israel war matter. Israel genocide accusation crime handled on Jan 26 yesterday. S=9+10dB signal. Now logs of upper 13 mband flank on SW, taken in Hiroshima Akitakata Japan Perseus SDR remotedly from 07.15 UT on Sat Jan 27: Highest CNR1 China mainland channel NOT on 21800even kHz today ! 21799.928 kHz CHINA CNR1 jammer odd fqy, S=9 in Japan at 07.15UT, against 21799.709 kHz Taiwan SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect program. 21560.141 kHz UAE BBC London WS En, via ENC Al Dhabbaya, MUCH ODD fqy, one faulty fqy TX of 4 x UAE tx units. S=7 sidelobe signal heard at 07.19 UT on Jan 27. 21530even kHz CHN CNR1 jammer of S=8 strength and 21530.117 kHz TWN Sound of Hope Mandarin sect, S=9 stronger today, also 120 Hertz BUZZ tone intermodulation audio noted so far. 21490.022 CHN CNR1 jamming of S=9+15dB strength at 07.24 UT Jan 27 and against accompanied odd fqy of 21490.248 kHz TWN SOH Mandarin sect service. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 27) Log of Monday Jan 29 at 01.30 UT to 02.45 UT, taken in Edmonton AB-CAN and in Detroit-MI state Perseus SDRs net remotedly: 9264.985 USA WINB Red Lion PA state, at 01.35 UT on Mon Jan 29, heard '... sermon Jesus Christ ...'. 9700even ROU RRI Bucharest in Romanian via Tiganesti bcast center at 01.40 UT, S=9+30dB in AB-CAN, fluttery signal across Arctic zone. 4765.002 CUB oddly fqy on upper side flank this night, R Progreso, at 01.44 UT, Beetles mx 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', S=9+20dB. Re RadioCuba, nothing noted on 5025 - nor 5040 kHz in 60mb at this time. 5909.950 CLM Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras, S=6 poor signal, 01.48 UT. 5940.150 BRA R Missionaria, BrasPort, sermon at 01.50 UT, S=9+5dB. 6000even CUB RHC in English letterbox progr at 01.54 UT, nice audio to- day via ? Quivican San Felipe TITAN site, and confirmed deter- mination by the harmonic frequency // 12000 kHz hx outlet. S=9+40dBexcellent audio quality. For example letters reached the editorial team from Italy, used a professional Fritzel FD4 an- tenna by a listener in southern Germany on Jan 15th. // 12000even kHz hx, suffering from interference of strong CW morse code signal on 12001_even kHz in AB-CAN province. 11760even CHN CNR1 from mainland China, S=6 poor signal tonight, nothing noted of RadioCuba Bauta signal on this channel. 02.00 UT Jan 29 6180even CUB CRI Mandarin program via RadioCubarelay Quivican San Felipe TITAN, scheduled 02.00-02.57 UT, S=9+35dB power in AB province. ... and much bad co-channel mixture of 6179.954 MDG WCB Spanish sce westwards to LatinAM target, via MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, Madagascar bcast center. S=8 -75dBm signal on lower fqy flank, at 02.04 UT. 6159.933 USA WBCQ, trumpet mx px, S=9+10dB in Detroit MI at 02.05 UT. 5130.267 USA WBCQ, TOM BS religious ministry, S=9+20dB at 02.06 UT. 11749.956 BRA Radio Voz Missionaria, S=9+10dB, QRM CNR1 VoCHN at 02.09, // BRA Camboriu SC 9665.003 kHz at 02.11 UT. 12050even USA WEWN EWTN Birmingham Catholic radio program, S=9+40dB most strong txion in 25mb at this hour, excellent audio quality, at 02.17 UT Spanish female singer / sermon. 12112 - 12217 kHz S=9+5dB CODAR digital signal broadband ... 13426 - 13579 kHz S=9+20dB CODAR digital signal broadband ... at 02.21 UT. 13749.968 THA R Thailand Bangkok, via USAGM Udorn Thani Ban Dung relay center on this kingdom, En ID. at 02.33 UT, S=9+15dB in AB-CAN. I'm wondering because the tx_mission is on the lower edge flank. 13920even CHN CNR1 jammer S=9+20dB in AB_CAN at 02.28 UT on Jan 29. 15105even KRE Voice of Korea Kujang early on air, music px start exact at 02.30 UT, shrill Lady singer of army personell performance and brass music also on // frequency of 15180even VoKOR Kujang in AM too at 02.33UT, and bad mixture co-channel of CNR1 Kunming DRM digital audio block,S=9+10dB in AB-CAN province 15190.123 BRA R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, S=9+5dB signal at 02.37 UT 15230even CUB RadioCuba Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250kW power towards SAM ARG and BRA target, RHC in Spanish, S=9+10dB noted at 02.40 UT in AB_CAN province SDR unit remotedly. Misserable audio quality, distorted audio signal. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 29) #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX END