BC-DX 1578 22 April 2024 ________________________________________________________________________ Private Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors. Any items from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band but mainly SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via: Reproduction of items from BC-DX / Top Nx is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News. Permission is granted to reproduce items of this document by individual hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News. This file is put together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address: or or via Link of Homepage: Both actual and previous week issue are available, previous week under: e-mail #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* ALGERIA 1550 kHz Radio Nacional de la Republica Arabe Saharaui, Rabouni, 2127-2139 UT on April 10, Arabic songs and comments. 35443. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, wor during stay in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, wor 06-15 April) ARMENIA Russian TV channels may be switched off in Armenia. Yerevan can unilaterally terminate the agreement with Moscow on coopera- tion in the field of mass communications, which regulates the broadcasting of Russian TV channels in Armenia. This was stated by the country's Mini- ster of High-Technological Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan. According to him, Armenia is going to present Russia with a new package of proposals with amendments regarding the existing agreement. However, if Moscow is not satisfied with the changes in the document and it is not accepted, Yerevan does not exclude the possibility of abandoning Russian channels without taking into account the opinion of the other side. The topic of broadcasting Russian TV channels in Armenia has been raised since September last year, when the possibility of turning them off began to be discussed at plenary sessions of the National Assembly. Later, Moscow and Yerevan held a series of consultations on this issue,but did not come to a common decision. <5-tv.ru> (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) AUSTRALIA 15460 kHz Reach Beyond Shortwave, Kununurra 1100-1130 UT Sat/Sun 1.....7 Japanese (jpn) 15460 kHz eQSL Reach Beyond E-mail: WEB: 7 April 2024, 11.00-11.29 UT, 15460 kHz Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) AUSTRALIA 11825 kHz - E-QSL card from Radio Reach Beyond, Kununurra Australia. Program "Women of Hope" was transmitted on 13. April 2024 in Burmese language on 11825 kHz. Picture - (Piotr Skorek-POL; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) AUSTRIA RTI-Hoerertreffen Wien - Vienna 2024 Einladung zum Hoerertreffen in Wien am Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024, ab 17:30 Uhr CEST im Restaurant "Xu's Cooking" Kaiserstrasse 45 1070 Wien Oesterreich Europe E-Mail: Tel: +43 1 523 1091 web April 16, 2024. Liebe Radio Taiwan Hoerer in Oesterreich ! Ich habe die erfreuliche Nachricht fuer Euch, dass es wieder einen Radio Taiwan Hoerer Abend in Wien geben wird. Auch diesmal wird wieder Chiu Bihui von der deutschen Redaktion dabei sein und freut sich moeg- lichst viele RTI-Hoerer begruessen zu duerfen. Dienstag, den 21.Mai ab 1730 Uhr MESZ/CEST Im Chinesischen Vegetarischen Restaurant "Xu's Cooking", in der Kaiserstrasse 45, 1070 Wien. Um die ungefaehre Anzahl der Gaeste im Voraus schon an das Restaurant be- kannt geben zu koennen ersuchen wir um schriftliche Anmeldung. Wer inte- ressierte Freunde oder Bekannte mitnehmen moechte, kann das gerne tun. Alle sind herzlich willkommen. Anmeldung am besten via E-Mail an (Harald Suess) Alternativ eventuell auch Telefonisch: +43 664 918 5321 Oder per Brief: Harald Suess, Albert-Severstrasse 2-28/12, 2231 Strasshof Fuer Autofahrer: Die Garage im Hause kann mit reduziertem Preis durch den Restaurant Besuch benutzt werden. Auf der Strasse gilt das Kurzpark System mit der Wien App oder per ausgefuelltem Kurzparkschein. Ich freue mich schon auf moeglichst viele RTI-Hoerer oder solche, die es noch werden wollen. Mit lieben Gruessen, - Harald Strasshof, 20. April 2024 AUSTRIA 15440 kHz Adventist World Radio, 2030z, April 15, in French to WestAfrica via ORS Moosbrunn. 100 kW at 210 degr azi, I believe using the track mounted, rotating, 4 wide x 3 high curtain array. Moosbrunn Austria to central Texas is about 5600 miles at 308 degrees azi. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) AZORES 828 kHz, RDP Azores, Antena 1, Monte das Cruzes-Flores, not heard during my stay in Puerto de La Cruz, seems to be out of the air, (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, wor during stay in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, wor 06-15 April) BRAZIL 11815.015v Radio Brazil Central, at 2348 UT on April 12. Lively vocals of regional popular songs. Music continues to 2359 UT with talk by a woman then ID at 0000 UT by a man and repeated by a woman with fanfare type music. Fair. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) BRAZIL 11780 kHz R NACIONAL da AMAZONAS, Brasilia, at 0900-0915 UT, on 15 April, Portuguese. ID by woman at 0900 UT with frequencies. Big shout- ing of "Bom dia Amazonia !" Musical selections with weather forecast at 0910 UT, one of which said it was going to be 33 degrees! Time check at 0912 UT 'en su cadena nacional'. Phone call was taken from a listener at 0913 UT. Much worse reception that the 0000 UT reception. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) BRAZIL 11815 kHz Radio Brasil Central - Goiania GO, in Portuguese, on April 12 at 2252-2335 UT. (11815.013 - .012 - .013 .012 kHz per utwente, the netherlands university Enschede; fair/almost good/almost fair w/ lite to stronger splats), playing many fine slow and lively romantic etc. Braz songs, man brief announcement at times after a track, man w/ longer an- nouncement at 2327 UT, ment. Brasil; heard in sync mode, lite to non stop rapid qsb, moderate qrn rustle and strong crackles, fair/almost good w/ loud audio. (Gianni Serra - DXpedition in Cincinnato-Anzio, Italy; via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) CANARY ISLANDS (These are all the stations that are currently active in Canary Islands). 576 kHz Radio Nacional de Espana, Radio 1, Mesas de Galaz, Gran Canaria, 1441-1556 UT on April 13, sports program "Tablero Deportivo". // 621 kHz 35433. 621 kHz Radio Nacional de Espana, Radio 1, Tenerife, 1431-1455 UT on April 13, sports program "Tablero Deportivo. // 576 kHz. 45544. 720 kHz Radio Nacional de Espana, Radio 5, Tenerife, 0555-0600 UT on April 07, local Canary Island news, ID."Radio Nacional Canarias". // 747. 55555. 747 kHz Radio Nacional de Espana, Radio 5, Mesas de Galaz, Gran Canaria, 0749-0757 UT on April 07, local Canary Island news, id. "Radio Nacional Canarias". // 720 kHz, 35533. 837 kHz COPE, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 0556-0600 UT on April 07, local news, "COPE Gran Canaria". 35433. 882 kHz COPE Tenerife, Tenerife, 0556-0558 UT on April 07, ID."COPE Gran Canaria, regional news. 55555. 1179 kHz Radio Club de Tenerife, Cadena SER, Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tene- rife, 0555-0559 UT on April 07, local news id. "Radio Club de Tenerife, Cadena Ser, local advertisements. 55555. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, wor during stay in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, wor 06-15 April) CHINA A24 DRM Test Transmission schedule of CNR-1 "Voice of China". A24 DRM Test Transmission schedule of CNR-1 "Voice of China" (revised on March 31 2024) is as follows; Beijing (BEI) Azimuth ID:3ED 2025-1805 6030 kHz 30 kW 0 deg (maintenance off at Tue 0600-0900 UT) 0100-0900 13825 kHz 30 kW 175 deg Dongfang (DOF) Azimuth ID:3ED 0100-0900 11695 kHz 30 kW 41 deg 17770 kHz 30 kW 16 deg Kunming (KUN) Azimuth ID:2 0100-0400 15180 kHz 30 kW 32 deg 0400-1100 13810 kHz 30 kW 32 deg Qiqihar (QIQ) Azimuth ID:1 0000-0400 9420 kHz 30 kW 203 deg 0400-1000 7360 kHz 30 kW 203 deg 1000-1200 9870 kHz 30 kW 203 deg Urumqi (URU) Azimuth ID:3EC 2200-0100 9655 kHz 30 kW 98 deg 0100-0800 17830 kHz 30 kW 98 deg 0800-1200 9655 kHz 30 kW 98 deg Original article is at (Takahito Akabayashi-Tokyo-JPN, wor April 15) CHINA CNR5 "CMG Cross-Strait Radio". 9685 kHz (poor) // 11935 kHz (good signal strength, but strong CODAR QRM) // 11620 kHz (fair-good). CNR5 "CMG Cross-Strait Radio" (China Media Group), Chinese name "Taihai zhi sheng," meaning "Voice of the Taiwan Strait", 0820-0905 UT, April 13. Mostly non-stop EZL pop Chinese songs (singer Liang Xinxi, etc.), with announcers frequently IDing the music. Enjoyable listening! (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor April 13) CHINA Chinese Service of CRI Voice of the South China Sea added new frequency. China Radio International announced that they added new frequency 9880 kHz to Existing 11895 kHz for Chinese Service of "Voice of the South China Sea" in A24 season. 0900-1000 UT 9880 11895 kHz to South East Asia and South China Sea area. Both frequencies are from Nanning RTC#954 transmitter site. These two fre- quencies will be used also in B24 season. Original article is at HFCC A24 lists: 9880 kHz 100 kW 142 deg. 11985 kHz 100 kW 200 deg azi. URL CHINA Re: CNR5 "CMG Cross-Strait Radio". According to the announced A24 shortwave schedule by China National Radio A24 shortwave schedule of CNR5 "Cross-Strait Radio" or "Voice of Taihai" is as follows. 2055-2300 7385 2055-0000 9665 5925 2300-0900 11935 0000-1000 9685 0900-1705 7385 1000-1705 9665 5925 All the frequencies are from Beijing Doudian txmitter site 100 kW 163 deg. {...} Sorry I missed to mention 11620 kHz. 0000-1000 11620 kHz Beijing 100 kW 163 deg on the official A24 schedule (Takahito Akabayashi-Tokyo-JPN, wor April 18) CHINA Re: CNR5 "CMG Cross-Strait Radio". Greetings, Takahito to Tokyo from California. April 18, I observed the following: 0825-0900* UT: On 11935 kHz, with good signal strength, but seemed mode- rately strong OTH radar (think not CODAR after all?); switched frequency to 7385 kHz, but was unusable on that frequency; also // 9685 kHz // 11620 kHz, but these continued on past 0900+ UT. 0825 UT to past 0900+ UT and I assume continued till 1000* UT; on 9685 kHz (weak) // 11620 kHz (fair). (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor April 18) CHINA 10000 kHz QSL BPM (National Time Service of China, NTSC) 15.15-15.30 UT, March 3, 2024. For the first time, an envelope with a QSL card arrived by registered mail ! Reported to (Evgeny Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) CUBA 15140 kHz RHC, April 14 at 1930 UT, English is on, S5/S6 into Mary- land SDR with squeal; waterfall clearly shows two spurs wider than center frequency, about 15136.3 and 15143.7 kHz, the lower one slightly brighter. Also with stuff extending out from center to a sesquikHz or so. Some- thing's always wrong at RHC. Aside from that, program modulation is OK, AMNarrow gets rid of the squeal. 1934 UT Caribbean Island show: Grenada and its relations with Cuba. 11760 kHz is off this time. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) DENMARK World Music Radio on 25800 kHz at 1536 UT April 13, 2024. Pleasantly surprised to hear World Music Radio on 25800 kHz this morning at 1537 UT. Playing a nice mix of reggae style music. Very low signal but solid good audio. (Sean Welsh-ON-CAN, wor April 13) DENMARK 5930 WMR Bramming, 1335-1340 UT 08 April, English ID: "World Music Radio - WMR", Spanish songs disturbed by noise, 33343 // 927 kHz MW Hvidovre (55555). (Anker Petersen-DEN-EUR, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) 5970 kHz Radio 208, Hvidovre, 1340-1345 UT on April 8, English pop songs, 45444 // 1440 MW Ishoj (55555). (Anker Petersen-DEN-EUR, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) Amateur hobby relig/music stns in 49 mband checked on April 18 at 11.45 UT 5919.988 D__ HCJB Weenermoor 5929.980 DEN WMR Bramming 5969.995 DEN R 208, Hvidovre 6150even D__ Europe24 Datteln-Schalke 6160even D__ SR Winsen Aller Niedersachsen 7269.983 HOL RockPower, Nijmegen 7365.014 D__ HCJB Weenermoor 15699.994 DEN WMR Randers 25800 kHz nothing could be heard today April 18. (wb df5sx) E'SWATINI {former Swaziland} 15105 kHz QSL TWR Africa Manzini, e-QSL 19.03-20.05 UT, March 26, 2024. I sent two reports. Apparently, the second one was not noticed. (Evgeny Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) FRANCE 13600.1 kHz on April 15 at 0531 UT, S6/S9 "NHK World Radio Japan" ID in English as required, otherwise in French. I bet it's TDF warped relay transmitter like on 9490.1 kHz for R. Republica. Yes, ISS listed at 0530-0550 UT for Africa. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor April 15) FRANCE Yes, like older Issoudun TX unit of 150 kW today Wed April 17 13600.095 kHz fqy varying up and down 20 Hertz to xxx.115 kHz, like a religious Brazilian unit in the heat, hi ! S=7 signal observed in Detroit-MI state at 05.35 UT, and S=9+10dB fluttery signal in nearby southern Germany. 05.30-05.50 UT, at 05.47 UT Japanese / French language lesson hour performance heard. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 17) FRANCE 15290 kHz at 0930 UT, April 8, NHK World R Japan in Japanese to central Africa via TDF Issoudun with 250 kW at 190 degr azi. // to 15280 kHz direct from NHK Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan with maybe a one second de- lay. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) GERMANY {Radio Slovakia International relay} 3985 kHz Paper QSL card from Radio Slovakia International - French section. Programs were transmitted on 08 and 09 March 2024 on 3985 kHz via Kall Krekel Eifel Germany Europe. (Piotr Skorek, Poland; RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) GERMANY 7390 AWR via MBR Nauen site at 0432 UT on 11 April in French. Short talk by man followed by an interview with person who wrote a book about plat-based gastronomy. ID at 0427 UT followed by duet of man and wo- man singing in English accompanied by guitar. Echo-y signal SINPO 44434. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) HUNGARY 540 kHz QSL MW Kossuth Radio, Solt. e-QSL 15.55-16.10 UT (day- light hours), March 15, 2024. (Evgeny Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) INDIA {soon be renamed Bharati instead acc Indian nationalists, wb.} Early sign on by some AIR stations tomorrow. Like monitored in previous years, on the occasion of Tamil New Year Day tomorrow 14 April 2024, All India Radio Stations in Tamilnadu and Puducherry are expected to start their transmissions over 1 hour earlier than usual ie from around 4.25 am Indian Time (2255 UTC of 13 April 2024). The MW frequencies are 711 Chennai DRM 720 Chennai 200 kW 927 Tiruchirapalli DRM 936 Tiruchirapalli 100 kW 999 Coimbatore 20 kW 1053 Thoothukudi 200 kW 1197 Tirunelveli 20 kW 1215 Puducherry FM stations in Tamilnadu and Puducherry will also sign on earlier than usual. Note: Stations in Tamilnadu & Puducherry still use identification as All India Radio ! Happy Tamil New Year! (Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, DXindia iogroups April 13) INDIA 7215 AIR Akashvani new name via Bangalore/Bengaluru center, 0120 UT on April 11. Long male vocal in presumed Sinhala as listed. Vocal con- tinues with no break. Poor with amateur station nearby. Best in narrow filter. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) INDONESIA 3325 kHz Voice of Indonesia (Channel One) from Palangkaraya, on April 20, with well above average reception; fairly readable with good audio level. A few highlights of the English segment: 1300-1311 UT: Intro (frequencies of 3-3-2-5 & 4-7-5-0), news (Indonesia regretted the US veto in the UN Security Council for Palestine's bid for UN membership, etc.), patriotic song "Bagimu Negeri." My local sunrise was at 1326 UT. My audio 1315-1319: "Today in History": 1977 - Jakarta's Cultural Park 1998 - Indonesia's Islamic Justice Party 2023 - hybrid solar eclipse. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 20) INDONESIA 7289.93 kHz RRI Nabire Pro 1, tuned in at 0757 UT till tuned out at 0920UT, April 21. Back on the air again after a brief absence after Ramadan; this is my first post-Ramadan reception and they are back to a pre-Ramadan format of mostly non-stop songs. 0757-0854 UT: Mostly EZL songs and several announcers. 0854-0900 UT: Now that Ramadan is over, again back to airing the normal Islamic Shalawat Tarhim prayer, before the call-to-prayer; during Ramadan this prayer was not given. 0900-0905 UT: The distinctive Maghrib (sunset) call-to-prayer. Right on time! 0905+ UT: Switched over to Middle Eastern/Islamic style music / singing. My three minute musical audio - Nabire Islamic call-to-prayer times for April 21: Fajr - dawn 04:40 (1940 UT) Dhuhr - after midday 12:00 (0300 UT) Asr - afternoon 15:18 (0618 UT) Maghrib - sunset 18:00 (0900 UT) Isha'a - nighttime 19:09 (1009 UT) (Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) INDONESIA 3325 kHz Voice of Indonesia again well heard. Voice of Indonesia (Channel One) from Palangkaraya, on April 22. Wonderful to daily have VOINS with readable audio level. A few highlights of the English segment: 1300-1315 UT: Intro (frequencies of 3-3-2-5 & 4-7-5-0), news ("National" and "International" - Indonesia / Egypt relations, PNG Prime Minister, etc.), "commentary" (about US and UN), patriotic song "Bagimu Negeri." My local sunrise today was at 1323 UT. 1315-1319 UT "Today in History": * Today is "Earth Day," established after the 1969 Santa Barbara, Calif. oil still [back then, I was living there and saw massive amounts of oil wash up on the beach -Ron]; Website - * 1994 - Former US President Nixon died; brief bio. [President Nixon came to Santa Barbara to see the oil spill and cleanup efforts for himself - Ron] * 1955 - International conference held in Bandung,Indonesia. 1319-1323 UT EZL pop song. 1323-1326 UT Segment "Indonesia Today"; Indonesia / China continuing to have good cooperation. news story - (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor and direct April 22) JAPAN According to the announcement on March 24, 2024, Nippon Hoso (JOLF 1242 kHz 100 kW / FM 93.0 MHz 7 kW ), one of the largest commercial AM stations in Tokyo, they will end AM stereo service on 1242 kHz on March 31. Since AM stereo facilities are no longer manufactured, it is difficult to maintain them in the future. They also announced they no longer verify reception reports by QSL card from Japanese domestic listeners. QSL card will be sent to the foreign listeners only from April 2024. Nippon Hoso Yurakucho 1-9-3, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100-1439 Japan Far East (Takahito Akabayashi-Tokyo-JPN, wor April 16) LATVIA Latvia is looking for a way to stop broadcasting in Russian. A number of Latvian public media outlets opposed the cessation of broad- casting in Russian. They presented their arguments to Latvian President Edgars Rinkevichs, who recalled that the country will finally ban the pro- duction of television programs in Russian from the beginning of 2026 as part of the national security concept adopted by parliament, Sputnik reports. Culture Minister Agnese Logina said that state media should continue to broadcast in Russian after 2026 to communicate with the Russian minority. The minister also noted that it is necessary to come up with tools that will allow all residents of Latvia to remain in a single information space. She emphasized that the ban is legally unlawful. It is noted that the concept of national security, which requires a com- plete rejection of the Russian language in the media, was adopted without any discussion and does not reflect the opinions of various groups of the population, including journalists and Russian-speaking residents of Latvia. russkie.org (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) LITHUANIA Rumors are saying that the new radio in Lithuania on 666 kHz is supposed to go on the air this week. Transmitting from a computer in the Netherlands - just like the station on 1557 kHz (Radio Lenta). Re.: (Ydun Ritz-DEN, 2024-04-17; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) Re.: Nasha Lenta, it started at 13.49 UT. IDed as Radio Signal. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, MWlist iog April 18; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) The Lithuanian Seimas approved a proposal to extend the ban on retransmis- sion of programs from Russian and Belarusian channels. 78 members of the Seimas voted for the relevant amendments to the Law on Public Information; there were no votes against, four politicians abstain- ed. Next, the project will be considered by Seimas committees ... In Lithuania and other countries, attempts are regularly made to limit the broadcasting of Russian-language channels, under the guise of "national security" interests. The authorities of the Baltic countries are known for their anti-Russian statements and their desire to impede the work of Rus- sian media ... Details in Russian. (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) LITHUANIA 666 kHz Radio Signal observed this morning. Radio Signal, the new station broadcasting from Lithuania on 666 kHz as reported by Mauno Ritola-FIM yesterday was observed this morning at 0710 UT, signing off every news report with their website URL: The site includes a live audio stream and this statement: "Radio Signal is an information radio station. The most important topics of the day from the life of Belarus, comments from first persons, news from the union states, news from Europe and the world, chronicles of in- cidents, useful secrets, incredible facts, news from the world of stars, culture, information about holidays and historical events in Belarus and abroad. We talk about all this in an interesting and easy way ! Radio Signal - details about the important things !" So it's aimed at Belarus rather than Russia - so is it in Russian, or Belarussian? Or both? (David Kernick-UK, Interval Signals Online; wor April 19) Re: Radio Signal observed this morning, see website. Internet site is in Russian only. It was reported that the broadcast was in Russian too. Looking at the site, I see that it is very similar in style to the Radio Lenta site. (Igor, wor April 19) LITHUINIA Observed and confirmed on April 19: on MW 666 kHz Radio Signal in Russian, ID & cl/d at 23.00 UT; on MW 1386 kHz from 23.00 UT Radio Ukraine International with news in Bul- garian (at the same time on MW 1278 kHz were news in Ukrainian of UR1); on MW 1557 kHz from 23.00 News in Russian of Radio Nasha Lenta (here cl/d at 23.06 UT). (Rumen Pankov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 19) MADAGASCAR 9765 kHz World Christian bc station, via MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, Madagascar, KNLS program at 2252 UT on April 11. Talk in Portu- guese by a man and woman followed by choral singing. More talk then very nice harmonizing choral singing to 2259 UT. Brief talk by man then abrupt end of transmission at 2300. Good. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) MADAGASCAR 11650.007 kHz Dutch journalist payed (NGO?) radio stn 'Radio Tamazuj' in Sudanese Arabic S=9+20dB at 03.41 UT, via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 19) MADAGASCAR 15440 kHz Trans-World Radio in Urdu via MGLOB Talata Volo- nondry Madagascar relay facility to South Asia. April 14, at 1447-1456 UT. SIO 444. Mixed OM / YL speakers in commentary. Religious broadcast. Minor QRN / QSB. Good signal. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) 15605 kHz Adventist World Radio in Mizo / Luschai via Talata Volonondry to South Asia on April 14, at 1518-1522 UT. SIO 333. OM announcer with com- mentary. Religious MX follows with YL singer. (Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) MADAGASCAR 17700 kHz Trans World Radio India via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility heard at 1303 UT on April 8 with sub-continental music and followed by a woman speaking in listed Hindi at 1305 UT. Poor- fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) MADEIRA 1530 kHz Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 1530-1610 UT on April 8, Portuguese songs, at 1600 UT time signals and ID."Posto Emissor do Funchal", local advertisements, more songs. 35433. Heard all days with clear signal. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, wor during stay in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, wor 06-15 April) MALI 5995 kHz RTVM Radio Mali {via Bamako tx center #1, wb.} at 2316 UT April 11. Program of regional music with vocals and instrumentals. Talk in French by host in between songs. Talk by a man and woman at 2330 UT with possible ID then more music. Poor with flutter. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) MALAYSIA 11665 kHz Wai FM, 1228 UT on April 20. Yet another day with good reception. Heard "Pantun Bulan," which seems to mean "poetry of the month" and is non-stop chanting / poem. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 20) MOROCCO 540 kHz SNRT Al Idaa Al-Watania, Marrakech, 1520-1534 UT on April 08, Arabic songs anda comments. 15421. {WESTERN SAHARA} 711 kHz Radio El Aaiun, El Aaiun. Inactive, checked between April 07-14 no signal, out of the air. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, wor during stay in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, wor 06-15 April) MOLDOVA { Pridnestrovie ex-USSR oblast (Transnistria) } 1413 kHz eQSL Pridnestrovsky Radioteletsentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac. E-mail: Vesti FM, April 8, 2024; 02.10-02.45 UT, MW 1413 kHz. (D. Zhavoronkov-RUS, DX WORLWIDE - Telegram; via RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) MONGOLIA e-QSL, Voice of Mongolia, Ulan Bataar in Japanese, internet, 10.30-11.00 UT, May 05, 2023 In fact, I just wrote a letter about how good the show was that day. Thank you, thank you, all that. And they responded - e-QSL :-) It turns out, like an e-QSL for Internet listening. (Evgeny Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) MYANMAR THAZIN RADIO is back on short wave from Pyin Oo Lwin. They've been broadcasting on various frequencies throughout the day: noted this morning on 6165 kHz. The morning transmission of Thazin Radio was observed on 6165 kHz at 01:30 UTC, in a vernacular language. Whilst during the afternoon daytime, Thazin Radio can be heard on 9590 kHz. In the evening on 7345 kHz at 11.45 UT. Steady signals. (Sarath Weerakoon 4S5SL Mt.Lavinia beach Sri Lanka, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews 13 April, 2024) MYANMAR This morning April 19 at 03.59 to 04.21 UT checked Myanmar Radio outlets via various KIWI easy SDR bc radio remotedly in Dimapur Ea-/India/Bharat, and west of Bangkok on 'River Kwai movie' railway at Cha-Am area close to Thailand-Burma's border, remotedly on Norwegian ham LA6LU operator station. Acc Nagoyas Aoki's database table userlist1-Perseus and see also details WRTH 2024 pages 304 to 305 {thanks Mauno}, 9730 kHz Myanmar Radio is used via old British bcast center capital Yangoon Yay Kuu, S=8 signal in Ea-Bharat, and S=9+15dB in Cha-Am Thailand, // heard in THA also on MWs 576 and 711 kHz mediumwave, S=7 signal at 04.21 UT on April 19. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 19) 9590 0230-0330 MMR Thazin Radio Mon Pyin Oo Lwin 9590 0430-0530 MMR Thazin Radio Chi Pyin Oo Lwin 9590 0530-0630 MMR Thazin Radio Kac Pyin Oo Lwin 9590 0630-0730 MMR Thazin Radio Wa Pyin Oo Lwin 9590 0730-0830 MMR Thazin Radio Pao Pyin Oo Lwin 9730 0030-0230 MMR Myanmar Radio Bur Yangon 9730 0230-0730 MMR Myanmar Radio Bur Pyin Oo Lwin 9730 0730-1130 MMR Myanmar Radio Bur Yangon 5985 0930-1530 MMR Myanmar Radio Bur Yangon 1-7 5985 1600-1700 MMR Myanmar Radio Eng Yangon 1-7 5985 2300-0130 MMR Myanmar Radio Bur Yangon 1-7 5985 1445-1505 MMR Myanmar Radio (NHK) Bur Yangon 1 7 5985 1540-1600 MMR Myanmar Radio (NHK) Eng Yangon 56 5985 1530-1600 MMR Myanmar Radio (VOA) Eng Yangon 4 (Aoki Nagoya userlist-1-Perseus A24) MYANMAR 5985 kHz, Myanmar Radio from Yengu-Yangoon Yay Kuu site, started at *1118 UTon April 19; // to 9730 kHz, which was already broadcasting and would shortly close down; from *1130 to 1158* UT had 5985 kHz being to- tally blocked by a very strong CRI signal - CRI Filipino from Beijing RTC #572 txion center. 9730 kHz observed suddenly going off the air at 1148* UT, while 5985 kHz continued on. 7345 kHz Thazin Radio from Pyin Oo Lwin northern bcasting center, from 1150+ UT on April 19, definitely heard faintly underneath a stronger China - CNR7 - Voice of the Greater Bay signal. CNR7 solely with announcers, while Thazin had music and announcers. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor April 19) 7345 1030-1130 MMR Thazin Radio Kok Pyin Oo Lwin 7345 1130-1230 MMR Thazin Radio Kay Pyin Oo Lwin 7345 1230-1330 MMR Thazin Radio Sha Pyin Oo Lwin 7345 1330-1430 MMR Thazin Radio Bur Pyin Oo Lwin (Aoki Nagoya userlist-1-Perseus A24) MYANMAR This morning April 19 at 03.59 to 04.21 UT checked Myanmar Radio outlets via various KIWI easy SDR bc radio remotedly in Dimapur Ea-India Bharat, and west of Bangkok on 'River Kwaimovie' railway Cha-Am area close to Thailand-Burma's border, remotedly on Norwegian ham LA6LU operator station. Acc Nagoyas Aoki's database table userlist1-Perseus and see also details WRTH 2024 pages 304 to 305 {thanks Mauno}, 9730 kHz Myanmar Radio is used via old British bcast center capital Yangoon Yay Kuu site, S=8 in Ea-Bharat, and S=9+15dB in Cha-Am Thailand, // heard in THA also on MWs 576 and 711 kHz mediumwave, S=7 signal at 04.21 UT on April 19. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 19) MYANMAR Myanmar's short-wave and medium-wave radio landscape on 21st April 2024. MRTV's National Service Yegu - Yangoon Yay Kuu on 5985 kHz from 01:00 to 02:00 UT, and on 9730 kHz from 01:15 until sign-off at 11:30 UT. This broadcast was heard // mediumwaves to Yay Kuu 576 kHz and Nay Pyi Daw 594 kHz. MRTV's "Thapyay Radio" Nay Pyi Daw on 711 kHz around 13:00 UT, while their service dedicated to minority ethnic groups was heard via Yegu - Yangoon Yay Kuu on 729 kHz, as well as on new capital Nay Pyi Daw 5915 kHz from sign-on at 00:30 to 14:30 UT. Thazin Radio, operated by the military from northern Pyin Oo Lwin May Myo site, could not be heard today on 6165 kHz, and later on 9590 kHz, and 7345 kHz, and 639 kHz. (Sarath Weerakoon-CLN 4S5SL, Mt. Lavinia beach Colombo, Sri Lanka, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) MYANMAR 5985 kHz Myanmar Radio (PRESUMED), 1215 UT on April 20. CRI in listed Filipino off at 1157UT uncovering a much weaker signal that improv- ed bit by bit until peaking at about 1220 UT, but still just barely audible. No definite ID but only the station listed at this time in Aoki, EiBi or HFCC lists is Myanmar. Listed with 25 kW aimed at 176 degr which makes little sense considering the geography of Myanmar. Most of the country is north of Yangon, only a sliver of land is south. Bi-directional N/S seems sensible. The Yangon T-site is at 16 52 01 N 96 09 42 E and has both MW and SW masts visible on Google Earth. Plus, according to GE photo tags, television studios or theaters. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) NETHERLANDS Radio Delta changed its broadcasting schedule. Radio Delta Elburg, The Netherlands, will be back on the waves as soon as possible..on Sundays at 0400 - 0800: 6110 kHz 0800 - 2100: 9800 kHz + updated the the website. all factual feedback is highly appreciated (Kari Kallio-FIN, wor April 15) NETHERLANDS 5955 kHz Radio Veronica, Westdorpe, in Dutch, April 11. at 0420-0436 UT. (5954.994 kHz per utwente, barely audible ), man and woman chatting ment. ID during talk, at 0422 UT man ID ("Radio Veronica"), then playing disco pop, rock songs, w/ man dj talk and chatting w/ woman and other man briefly, woman jingle ID at 0427 UT, from 0432 UT till 0434 UT some men and women announcements over some music (advertisements), man talk w/ some brief music breaks; heard in sync mode, rapid and deep qsb at times, lite qrn rustle w/ strong crackles at times, fair / almost fair or almost good at times. (Gianni Serra - DXpedition in Cincinnato-Anzio, Italy; via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) NEW ZEALAND 17675 kHz RNZ Rangitaiki at 0346 UT on April 8. Talk in English concerning investment stability investing in chain restaurants. Musical segue at 0337 UT then new topic discussed by a man and woman. At 0341 UT drums heard then a male vocal selection. Poor with considerable noise. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) NEW ZEALAND 11725 kHz Radio New Zealand Pacific, Rangitaiki heard at 1231UT on April 17. A man and woman speaking in listed Pidgin and followed at 1235 UT by a report in English concerning social media types used in New Zealand. Mostly fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) NEW ZEALAND 17675 kHz RNZ Rangitaiki, at 0304 UT on April 18. Ongoing discussion between a man and woman in English. Sounded as if an interview was in progress. Mention of an "an island situation". Very poor with noise. Best in USB. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) RUSSIA Another item about that Russian OTH radar destroyed. Article with link goes into a lot greater depth: Sources within the special services told Kyiv Post that a $100 million radar monitoring the sky 700 km deep into Ukrainian territory was target- ed inside Russia by seven kamikaze drones. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) targeted a Russian long-range radar station in the Bryansk region, which was monitoring the sky 700 km deep into Ukrainian territory, sources within the special services informed Kyiv Post. "The Russians now have one less modernized Nebo-U complex," the source said. This radar helped Russian troops detect Ukrainian weapons and sup- ported bombers attacking Ukrainian border settlements with guided aerial bombs. The radar, valued at $100 million, was hit by seven aircraft-type kamikaze drones. According to sources, the Nebo-U complex is no longer operational and has "likely turned into a colander." The source added that the destruction of this radar has limited Russian troops'ability to detect air targets along the northern border of Ukraine. (via Walter R Salmaniw-BC-CAN, wor April 16) RUSSIA/CHINA Chinese banks have begun blocking Russian payments for elec- tronics. Kommersant: Chinese banks have begun to block Russian payments for electronics. Starting in March, Chinese banks began to block payments from Russian legal entities for electronic components purchased from Chi- nese manufacturers for various assemblies. As Kommersant notes we are talking about the so-called kit kits from which electronic devices are assembled. They include processors, screens, and other components. Re- presentatives of Russian IT companies interviewed by the publication con- firmed difficulties with paying for components, noting that since December there have been problems with paying for ready-made devices from Asian manufacturers - system units, servers, data storage systems. The Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs noted that there are now problems with paying for goods from China in general. The reason is the significant influence on Chinese financial structures from the United States, which threatens sanctions if cooperation with Russian legal entities is revealed. Blocking payments for Chinese components may have a negative impact on Russian electronics manufacturers, but alternative options for settlements with sellers are already being worked out. (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) SAUDI ARABIA 11745 kHz Al-A'zam army radio, at 1359 UT on 12 April in Arabic: What sounded like either a call-in programme or some sort of au- dience participation as a woman was heard singing accapella. Several music selections were played followed by a feature report. RSP1a IQ re- cording of 25 metre band. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) 11745 kHz at 0140z, April 12, Al A'zm Radio via Jeddah tx site center, listed with 250 kW at 300 degr azi. Unusual evening / overnight path open- ing for me, I more often log Al Azm in the morning. It so happens that RRI Tiganesti-ROU is booming in at the same time and the path is about the same for both signals. Jeddah to central Texas is about 7800 miles at 320 degr azi. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) SAUDI ARABIA 11935 kHz Rep of Yemen Radio, excile via Riyadh ARS bcast center site, 1400 to 1425 UT on 12 April in Arabic: Presumed Rep of Yemen Radio as no clear ID was heard. Distinct male announcer until 1415 UT when a new announcer was heard. Did hear mention of Iran. With what sounded like advts at 1418 UT followed by chanting. Fair with light c-channel from R Marti. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) SAUDI ARABIA 11935 kHz April 14 at 1525 UT into UTwente, huge horrible roar again, S=9+10dB, flailing trying to Synchlock, stops briefly on 11935.197, then 11934.717 kHz merely instantaneous spotting. Still at next check 1926 UT. The SA trans- mitter is haywire again. Had been clear starting April 2. Or are there two different transmitters ? Why in the world would they let it transmit for long hours / days / months in such a condition? Inaudible programming pre- sumably still Republic of Yemen Radio. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor April 14) re Riyadhs TX condition ... Or are there two different transmitters? They have at least 9 x (NINE) txs at their daily usual shortwave disposal; one or two are in bad faulty condition, {such behavior would never happen on for example at centers ENC Woofferton Englands Albion or ENC Ascension Island team near Malvinas in southern Atlantic Ocean; or RTC Mali Bamako II tx site technicians performance of D.P.R. China branch ...} 73 wb df5sx SAUDI ARABIA 11935 kHz on April 18 at 1516 UT, S2/S3 roarblob direct. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor April 18) Re 11935 kHz Yemen excile radio from Riyadh vv ?likely Iran jamming ? On April 18 at 17.30 UT heavy 120 Hertz audio strings apart distance, 38 x jammer strings seen either sideband measured, of likely Continental tx at US / ME jamming site. Sirjan European AEG Telefunken tx have 100 Hz mainpower electric current instead in usage ?? On April 19 at 05.20 UT heard both - from Saudi Arabia excile Yemen Radio from Riyadh bcast center, a n d likely Iran origin strong jamming stn co-ch program of 20 kHz wideband signal, annoying jammer audio wb. 11745.007 kHz SBA Saudi army radio 'Al A'zm' from Jeddah site, S=9+5dB at 03.44 UT on April 19. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 19) SAUDI ARABIA 11935 kHz April 19 at 1528 UT, S3 roar of defective transmitter. Wolfgang Bueschel is suggesting this could really be Ira- nian jamming of the opposition's Yemen relay, but I don't think so. Analyzing the "audio strings", if multiples of 60 Hz apart, would be from Saudi, only ME country with 60 Hz power; if multiples of 50 Hz, from else- where such as Iran At 1730 UT April 18 he had strings at 120 Hz separations, which means not Iran, rather Sa'udi Arabia with 60 Hz. All peripheral countries on the Peninsula, such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE are 50 Hz. On 11935 kHz I never hear any mixture of program audio and roar, always one or the other, but wb says: "On April 19 at 05.20 UT heard both - from Saudi Arabia excile Yemen Radio from Riyadh bcast center, a n d likely Iran origin strong jamming stn co-ch program of 20 kHz wideband signal, annoying jammer audio - wb". SPAIN The Spanish international broadcasting of Radio Nacional de Espana - RNE in the period from 1942 to 1978 was divided into RNE para America and RNE para Europa. In the early 70s, I became interested in the then existing separate divi- sion of RNE para Europa, broadcasting for the socialist countries of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, which at Spanish Radio, according to their classification, belonged to the "broadcasting service for countries behind the Iron Curtain" and was discontinued only at the end 1975 after Franco's death. Having heard RNE broadcasts in Ukrainian, which began with the words "Speak to the Spanish National Radio from Madrid," I was sure that there was broadcasting in Russian, but after listening to the entire block (broadcasting was carried out during the day in three repeated blocks - morning, afternoon and evening; each block consisted of programs broad- cast sequentially in eight languages - Ukrainian, Slovak, Hungarian, Estonian, Latvian, Croatian, Polish, Lithuanian). I never heard the broadcast in Russian, and it was not possible to find it at other times. Broadcasting in Ukrainian and the three Baltic languages was subject to particularly intense jamming and was practically in- accessible to listening, especially since one frequency was used all year round. This broadcast was not mentioned in Swedish DX broadcasts, but its schedule was published annually in the WRTH directories. Many years later, it turned out that Russian broadcasting, which began in 1946, stopped on RNE in the early60s, and before that, in different years, there were broadcasts in Chinese, Albanian, Bulgarian, Romanian and even Belarusian. As a result of rebranding, on January 2, 1978, a new international broad- casting of RNE was established under the name Radio Exterior de Espana - REE, on which on May 7, 1990, broadcasting in Russian was resumed and con- tinues to this day; data for listening to it can be found in the directory "Radio Broadcasting in Russian language" edited by A. A. Berezkin. This note is based on the author's memoirs and journal entries, as well as on Internet sources devoted to the study of the history of Spanish inter- national broadcasting, for example the book "Contra el enemigo exterior: las emisiones de Radio Nacional de Espana en frances (1945-1953)", 2005. (author Javier Cervera Gil, professor at the University of Francisco de Vitoria). The main source used to write it, indicated at the end of the book, is in- teresting - the General Archive of the Administration Archivo General de la Administracion (AGA) de Alcala de Henares. The names of sections, sec- tions, numbers of boxes and boxes with archival materials are given. From the description it follows that this archive stores in printed format "text blanks/scripts" of all broadcasts broadcast in all languages of in- ternational Spanish radio during the period 1942-1977. That is, materials on broadcasting for the Soviet Union in Russian and other languages are also stored there. In this regard, I recall references to the lack of any information about that period of Russian-language broadcasting when responding to letters from listeners by employees of the Russian service of REE in the 90s and 2000s. Obviously, these were empty excuses and a reluctance to delve into the topic. (Vladimir, Rybinsk, Yaroslavskaya oblast-RUS, via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) SRI LANKA 11905 kHz at 0215 UT on April 12, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Co at former DLW Cologne Sri Lanka relay in Hindi from Trincomalee. Indian style music ended and off at 0228 UT. My most recent log of SLBC Colombo was May 2016. Colombo Trincomalee to central Texas-USA is about 9650 miles at 358 degr azi. (Jerry Lenamon-TX-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) SRI LANKA 15500.005 kHz Adventist World Radio via SLBC Trincomalee site, heard at 1144 UT on April 11 with a man speaking in listed Sundanese. Music began at 1145 UT. Mostly poor. {measured April 19 at 11.42 UT, S=9+15dB in Doha QAT-ME remptedly, wb.} (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) TAIWAN 9555 kHz Radio Taiwan International, Danshui heard at 1216 UT on April 8 with a two-man discussion in Mandarin with competition from Chi- nese jamming which featured a young girl talking with an older lady. Poor-fair. (Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) TAIWAN 9595 kHz at 0900 UT on 13 April Chinese: Sung station ID followed with programme line-up. Story about Hualien County. Instrumental music followed by discussion with Lin Jiancheng about tuition at schools. Good RSP1a IQ recording of 31 metre band. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) TAIWAN 11940 kHz Radio NUG (via Paochung site) 1400-1430 UT on 12 April in Burmese: Sign-on my woman at 1400UT over music. Makle announcer at 1401 UT. Female announcer at 1410 UT with switch to feature reports. Vocal music at 1428:50 UT with sign-off sounding info. End at 1430 UT. (Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) TURKEY Still, the Russian service of the Voice of Turkey continues to confirm reports with paper cards. Yesterday I received two identical ones for January reports. The card shows views of the St. Nicholas Museum (formerly a church). (Varzin Victor, Leningradskaya oblast, Kommunar-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" via RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) TURKEY vv Kurdistan Near and Middle East target radio via Tashkent UZB. see WRTH, page #584 Target Radio Near / Middle East. At 03.40 UT on April 19 only Erdogan TRT Emirler jammer on air, on channel 11550.006 kHz S=9+25dB powerful Turkish Osmanic empire music. No Denge Gel SW radio sce could be observed neither on 7460 kHz, nor on 11.5 MHz area. Later at 05.20 UT noted 11550.007 kHz S=9+15dB Turkish Osmanic empire music from TRT Emirler jammer on air, and nearby fqy of 11539.995 kHz 'Denge Gel' Kurdish national SW radio via CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. S=8-9 noted remotedly in Doha Qatar ME at 05.23 UT, scheduled 04-22 UT; in winter season 04-16 UT, later 16-22 UT night time in 7.5 MHz range. 6165.006 kHz TRT En 03.00-04.00 UT, S=8 signal in Doha Qatar ME, IDs 'Tuerkiye...' at 03.52 UT. 7275.014 kHz TRT Emirler in En, poor S=7 in ME target, 03.48 UT April 19. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 19) TURKEY re Maintenance work at TRT Emirler on Thur April 18, 2024. I hope that they will finally repair the faulty transmitter with the whistle (squeal). Obviously a fault somewhere in the modulator section as it varies according to the amplitude of the speech/music being transmitted. (This has been going on for the last year or two at least). However, I am guessing the maintenance is probably to do with the antennas in more favourable weather conditions. (Alan Holder, G4ZBH; Isle of Wight, U.K.; wor and direct April 16) TURKEY Wartungsarbeiten bei TRT Emirler am Do, 18. April 2024. Mail information of TRT Ankara's German service. Ufuk Nezihe told: TRT Short Wave TX bcast center Emirler - some maintenance work break on Thursday April 18 will happen. (TRT Ufuk via Siegbert wwdxc germany, April 15) Danke an die liebe Ufuk fuer Ihre vorausschauende Information. Am Samstag gibt es die wdh. des Briefkastens zu den ueblichen Zeiten, hoffentlich. Ansonsten auch www.wwdxc.de die von Michael Bethge zuverlaessig bereit- gestellten Podcasts. (Siegbert Gerhard-D, via wwdxc germany, April 15) Lieber Siegbert, leider wird es wegen Wartungsarbeiten beim Zentrum TRT Emirler, am Donnerstag (18. April 2024) keine Kurzwellensendungen in Deutscher Sprache geben. Doch kannst du die Sendung im Internet verfolgen. Ufuk (Ufuk Nezihe GECIM tel. +3124633392 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 15) UAE {ex-USSR world target Yeltsin area radio from Slovak Republic} 13650 kHz eQSL International Radio of Slovakia. E-mail: 4 April 2024, 16.30-16.59 UT, 13650 kHz rebroadcast of World Radio via transmitter in the UAE, ENC relay Al Dhabbaya site). Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) UAE 13650 kHz QSL RPI Prague, Czech Republic via ENC Al Dhabbaya UAE relay site - eQSL Radio Prague International. 4 April 2024, 15.00-15.29 UT 13650 kHz (transmitter Encompass Media, UAE). Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) UAE 13649.983 kHz April 19 at 1522 UT, S5/S6 of dead air direct with Doppler flutter like many other weak signals on this and other bands. By 1529 UT some just barely modulation. 1557 UT into UTwente when measured, sounds Russian, S=9+15/20dB, 1600UT timesignal and NHK IS, opening Russian with ID pronounced in English as required, NHK World Radio Japan. This is part of the 15-17 UT WRN service to Russia via UAE relaying various broad- casters. At 1500-1530 UT it's listed as R. Prague. Recheck 1659 UT, Encom- pass IS and off after 1700* UT. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) U.K. BBC World Service chief resigns amid 'deep concern' about broadcaster's future. Liliane Landor calls for the service to be protected amid -L-500m hole in broadcaster's finances. The head of the BBC World Service has quit as she cited "deep concerns" about the broadcaster's future amid sweeping cuts. Liliane Landor, senior controller of BBC News International Services and BBC World Service director, said she will step down in July after three years in the role. {...} The BBC announced major cuts to the World Service in 2022 that has led to hundreds of job losses and the closure of foreign language radio services including BBC Arabic and BBC Persian. She wrote: "The organisation is operating in a tight and ever restrictive financial environment and over the past two years we have faced tough choices resulting in cuts which have incrementally impacted our global reach and the breadth of our services." {...} "And it needs to continue to be a genuine international public service capable of reaching people and parts of the world in need of trusted news and information." A BBC spokesman said there were no specific plans for further cuts but said cost savings were an "ongoing situation" at the public service broadcaster. {... read more} (British_Tele_graph by_James_Warrington, via Mike Cooper, Atlanta-GA-USA, wor April 19) USA 17690 kHz Radio Marti - { meant of Russia vv Ukraine war special Spanish language outlet to Cuban foreign legionnaires soldiers fighting at present for Putin's tsar empireon on Ukraine soil .... 5 April 2024, 18.52-18.25 UT, 17690 kHz, 45 degrees towards Prague azi. Edward R. Murrow Transmitting Station. USAGM Greenville-NC-USA relay station E-mail: Picture: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) USA 17690 kHz USAGM Radio Marti, April 18. With daily special service in Spanish for Cuban forces for Russia in Ukraine. Good signal at 1810 UT, YL with long monologue, not // usual Marti on 11860 kHz. Somebody really did some fast talking, selling the idea of this xmsn to higher-ups in Marti ma- nagement. You can probably count on the fingers of one hand the Cubans tuning this in Ukraine. Our tax dollars in action. (Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1148 April 21) USA 9475 kHz WTWW, April 8 at 2240-2300 UT. WTWW on with bigsig. Check- ing since George McClintock called after 2200UT saying it's running 75 kW; I guess with A.W.R. programming but dumps off the air and back on several times. Can't keep it on or deliberately testing? (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) USA 15150 kHz e-QSL: WMLK at 04.25-04.55 UT, Aug. 22, 2023. The confirmation itself is in an email. Attached to it blank-pdf ("printed QSL"). (Evgeny Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) USA 7520 kHz WWCR - from Nashville-TN state, at 0047 UT on April 20. Brain Brothers Radio. Brain Brothers has been a pirate who announced last week that they will start broadcasting on WWCR: End of a song, "Medicare Magic Hotline" ("no connection with Medicare ... just give us your Medi- care number" ...), "I noticed your Zip Code is not working properly" then transferred to Marvin w/ "Zip code repair" ad, ID, Miss Scarlett ending show, Prof. Plumb with information about the program including brain- brothersradio.com web site, crowd chanting against Professor Plumb, "Pro- fessor Plumb has left the building." ID, NA, Kennedy's "Ask not ..." clip. 0051 UT into WWCR ID and a short religious program to ToH. Fair to good. (Mark Taylor, Madison-WI-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet#1148 Apr 21) USA WSHB-WHRI sw station in Cypress Creek, S.C. Part I. In Dec of 1987 The First Church of Christ Scientist began construction on a new SW station near Cypress Creek and Furman, S.C. After the final test in March of 1989 and an inauguration,the WSHB station was on the air by April 27, 1987. The cost to build the station was $19 Million. WSHB started to serve Eastern, Western and North America, including Canada, Central America, the Caribbean, Europe, Mexico, Australia and Oceania. The initial broadcast was in English, but broadcasts in other languages were expected later. The 49, 31,22, 19 and 16m bands were used most often. The place for transmission was chosen in a pine forest area in South Caro- lina state at location 32 41 02 N 81 07 51 W The facility was constructed to be the most technically sophisticated,pri- vately owned SW station in the country at that time. The station was lo- cated on 380 acres, on which were installed many different types of array antennas. Also, WSHB contained 2 power splitters allowing each transmitter to radiate through two antennas simultaneously. The antenna system was enabled for coverage into all four directions - almost into every part of the World. The programs from the production studios in Boston were delivered to the station via satellite. The Tx building was neo-metropolitan in design with 19,000sq.ft., spacious enough for more than one powerful transmitter and for 3,750 kW generator/ (via lev.lyt-CAN, sw sites, April 15) USA 17865 kHz Radio Marti, April 14 at 1542 UT, weekend service for Cuban forces for Russia in Ukraine {Foreign Legionnaires war, wb.}, is still running, music at the moment, sked 13-17 UT Sat&Sun, and still 17-21 UT Mon-Fri on 17690 kHz. 17865 kHz achieves S=9+5/15dB into UTwente, so presumably also audible by the mercenaries, should they care to listen, or even be aware of it. 1545 UT DJ mentions Peter Gabriel, Music without Frontiers, so this is not just music fill. Must be referring to and playing 'Games without Fron- tiers', which could be interpreted as anti-war. (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) USA 12050 kHz EWTN, 2320 UT on April 7. Religious choral singing then a female solo in Spanish with guitar. At 2329 UT, Man speaking with back- ground guitar music to 2330 UT with ID by man in Spanish. Fair. (Ed Cichorek-NJ-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1147 April 14) UZBEKISTAN Tashkent region. The Republic of Uzbekistan. Shortwave Radio Center. On the territory of Radio Station #3, as part of the national project "Green Space", hundreds of seedlings of fruit trees and other greenery were planted. Thus, the territory of the enterprise is improved and, importantly, lost ecosystems are restored. Source: now RED FMO, CRRT RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center: Tashkent Shortwave Transmitting Station c/o RRTM Amir Timur str. 109 A Tashkent, 100202 Uzbekistan, Central Asia E-mail: URL: (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) VIETNAM 11885 kHz, e-QSL Voice of Vietnam from Son Tay site, 20.30-20.57 UT, March 16, 2024 e-QSL: 11885 kHz, 19.30-19.57 UT, April 2, 2024 e-QSL: 11885 kHz, 16.30-16.57 UT, April 4, 2024 (Evgeny Kornykhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via RUSdx #1286 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* EDXC 2023 conference in Metz. Alan Pennington reports from North East France. EDXC conference in Metz' text & photos (c) British DX Club October 2023 (via RUSdx #1285 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* EDXC 2024 in Tartu Estonia How to get to Tartu Accommodation Conference Agenda Conference packages Contact General Information TARTU Tartu is the second largest city of Estonia. It is located in southeastern part of the country, about 185 kms from Tallinn. This cosy town has about 100000 inhabitants, but it is still small enough that many of the targets can be reached by walking. We can see two parts - the historical area and the business area. The centre of the city is the Town Hall Square (Raekoja Plats). The University of Tartu is the oldest and the biggest in Estonia. Its main building is located in the historical area. Our conference will include a walking tour in Tartu on Saturday and during that most important sights of the centre will be seen. Tartu has several interesting museums. For those who want to take closer look we recommend an extra day in Tartu, but during the conference it is also possible to visit briefly 1-2 smaller museums. Here is a list of some museums and other attractions. More can be found at Estonian National Museum is located about 2 kms from the city centre. This fairly new museum is huge - we recommend to reserve several hours to visit that. A small but impressive KGB Museum is at Riia highway, not far from the centre. Tartu Toy Museum is a speciality in the historical centre. The Estonian Sport and Olympic Museum is also located in the historical centre. The Tartu University Museum is in the Toompea hill, in the old cathedral. A Le Coq Beer Museum is located close to the historical centre. The Tartu University Astronomy Tower is at Toompea Hill and gives you a beautiful view over the city and its premises. AHHAA Science Centre is right behind our conference hotel. TYPA Art Galleries (widget centre) have nice workshops available. Kastani street 42, near the railway station. StPaul's Church of Tartu was designed by Finnish architect Eliel Saarinen. It is located at Riia highway near the railway station. Villa Tammekann was designed by Alvar Aalto. It is located at Kreutzwald Street in a villa area, not far from the centre. The Tartu University Botanical Gardens are in the centre. How to get to Tartu. First of all, we offer a cheap joint bus ride from Tallinn on Friday 20th of September at 12.30 hrs. The bus will take us first to Tueri in central Estonia, where we'll visit the Estonian Brodcastin Museum. A lunch break is Tueri will also be made. We hope that many of you will join this ride. From Helsinki Finnair serves Tartu with two daily connections. A bit more expensive but quick and easy way to get there. Tartu airport is located about 11 kms south. Taxi to the city should be max 15 Euros. Currently no other flights to Tartu airport are available. Bus connections from Tallinn bus station run at least hourly through all day. Our conference hotel is located right at the Tartu bus station. Bus connections from Riga are also available, four times daily. The train connection from Tallinn doesn't differ much from the bus connec- tion, but there are not many connections daily. The train station in Tartu is located somewhat further (about 1,5 kms from the conference hotel). Accommodation Our conference hotel in Tartu is called HotelTartu. It is an elderly hotel with basic working services. A new part was built recently with good con- ference and sauna facilities and some new rooms. We recommend staying here, because attending the conference is thus flexible. For those wanting to have some luxury or maybe good spa facilities, we re- commend to check Hotel V Spa (near the conference hotel), Lydia Hotel or Antonius Hotel (both in the historical area). Conference Agenda Friday 20 September A group transport from Tallinn will leave the D-Terminal at 12.30 hrs and pick up passengers at Uelemiste bus stop (at the airport). This transport will also visit The Estonian Broadcasting Museum in Tueri (centralEstonia) and it should arrive at the conference hotel in Tartu at 18 hours. The following agenda is preliminary and subject to changes. Note that there is space for more presentations so please take contact, if you are ready to host a forum. 18.30 The conference opening. (All conference presentations take place in conference room Meloodia unless otherwise stated). 18.45 Presentation by Jopi Nyman. Topic to be announced. 19.30 Panel discussion featuring the history of the European DX Council. 20.30 Notes on DX and shortwave meetings around the world. Risto Vaehaekainu. Saturday 21 September 08.00 Breakfast 09.30 The presentation of Tartu by the Tartu2024 office. 10.00 The FM DX season 2024. Jukka Kotovirta. 12.00 A walking tour in Tartu (two groups, one in English and one in Finnish). 13.00 Lunch at the Gunpowder Cellar. 14.00 Finnish SW radio today: Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Real Mix Radio. 15.00 DXpeditions to Lapland. Presentation of the Aihkiniemi site by Jim Solatie. 16.00 Coffee break. 16.30 MW-masts project, an update. Dan Goldfarb. 17.15 Presentation by David Mawby featuring his life on radio starting during 1960's in London and ending up to Turku, Finland. 19.30 EDXC Banquet at the hotel restaurant. Sunday 22 September 08.00 Breakfast. 10.00 Panel discussion upon the present and the future of DX in Europe. 11.45 Closing of the conference. 13.00 Bus trip to Valga. 20.30 Return to the hotel. Monday 23 September 08.00 Breakfast. No official agenda. Return to Tallinn. Conference packages: These prices are not final. We are still waiting for information about transports and other services. Basic conference package -3 nights in a double room (including breakfasts). -bus from Tallinna including the museum. -lunch Saturday. -banquet. -trip to Valga. Estimated 220 Euros. Same in a single room. Estimated 295 Euros. Superior rooms (the new part of the hotel) are available for extra charge. Prices with only two nights or without some services can be counted upon request. Please inform us, if you need special meals or other special services. Contact email: (via sdxl.fi April 11) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* vy73 de Wolfgang DF5SX END