AFRTS Keflavik, Iceland Adventist World Radio (1996) Adventist World Radio (2018) Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX e.V. (AGDX)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX e.V. (AGDX) Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX e.V. (AGDX) Austrian Radio (1974) Austrian Radio (1974)
Austrian Radio (1988) Austrian Radio (1988) Babcock, Great Britain Bayerischer Rundfunk (2014)
BBC Cyprus (1983) BRT, Belgium (1990) Deutsche Welle (1983) Deutsche Welle (2003)
Deutsche Welle (2005) Deutsche Welle (2006) Deutsche Welle (2011) Deutsche Welle (2010/2011)
Deutsche Welle (2018) Deutschlandfunk Germany Calling - DJC Shortwave Station DP07 Seewetterbericht
Evangeliumsradio Hamburg (2005) European DX Council - Special QSL European DX Council - Special QSL (backside) Evangeliumsrundfunk
Evangeliumsrundfunk (2012) Hamburger Lokalradio (2006) Hamburger Lokalradio (2010) HCJB-Weenermoor, Germany
HCJB-Weenermoor, Germany IBRA Radio (1989) Italian Radio Relay Service (Nexus) Italian Radio Relay Service (Nexus)
MV Baltic Radio (2013) Norddeutscher Rundfunk (2011) Norddeutscher Rundfunk (2017) OE13M
OE14M PCJ Radio International via Nauen, Germany (2013) Polskie Radio (2005) Radio 208, Denmark
Radio 700, Kall, Germany (October 2010) Radio Bloemendaal, Netherlands Radio Bloemendaal, Netherlands Radio Bremen (1969)
RDE Radio Diffusione Europea, Trieste, Italy Radio Exterior de Espana, Spain (2012) RadioFax - British landbased pirate station (2006) Radio Free Europe (1971)
Radio Gloria, Switzerland (2010) Radio Kiev (1981) Radio Kiev (1981) Radio Moscow (1990s)
Radio Moscow (1994) Radio Monte Carlo shortwaveradio.de, Winsen an der Aller, Germany The Voice of Russia (2009)
The Voice of Russia (2009) The Voice of Russia (2012) Radio Nederland (1984) Radio Nederland (2012)
Radio Portugal (1982) Radio Prague (2008) Radio Prague (2008) Radio Prague
Radio Prague Radio Prague Radio Prague (2001) Radio Prague (2006)
Radio Prague (2008) Radio Prague (2011) Radio Prague (2013) Radio Prague (2016)
Radio Prague (2018) Radio Prague (2018) Radio Prague (2018) Radio Prague (2018)
Radio Prague (2018) Radio Prague (2018) Radio Prague (2018) Radio Prague (2018)
Radio Prague (2019) Radio Prague (2019) Radio Prague (2019) Radio Prague (2019)
Radio Prague (2019) Radio Prague (2019) Radio Prague (2019) Radio Prague (2019)
Radio Pridnestrovie (2011) Radio Slovakia International (2006) Radio Slovakia International (2010) Radio Serbia (2014)
Radio Sweden (1971) Radio Teos, St. Petersburg, Russia (2010) Radio Vilnius (2005) Rhein-Main-Radio-Club (October 2010)
Rhein-Main-Radio-Club (February 2013) Saarländischer Rundfunk (1971) Saarländischer Rundfunk, 1421 kHz (1975) RTÉ, Ireland (2006)
RTR 2 Sondersendung Michael Jackson über Kostinbrod, Bulgarien Süddeutscher Rundfunk (1992) The Mighty KBC (2011) The Mighty KBC (2013)
The Mighty KBC (2013) Teracom (Swedish Telecommunications Company), Sweden (2005) Transport Radio, Netherlands Vatican Radio (1979)
Vatican Radio (1970s) Vatican Radio (2006) Vatican Radio (2007) Vatican Radio (2011)
Vatican Radio (2013) Welle 370 - Das Funkerberg Radio (2014) Welle 370 - Das Funkerberg Radio (2017) Welle 370 - Das Funkerberg Radio (2019)
World Music Radio, Randers, Denmark

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