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BC-DX 1586                                                  26 July 2024

ALGERIA   17600 kHz July 16 at 0630 UT, Ifrikya FM in French, S7/S9 direct
and the SSOB besides several JBA carriers with Doppler flutter, but not on
this. If anyone catch them in English again, let us know, but probably on
no reliable schedule.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

ANTARCTICA  LRA 36  Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel's shortwave trans-
mitter is out of service.The Collins HF 80 equipment will be taken back to
the mainland for repair and will be replaced by equipment of the same
brand and model when weather conditions allow for operation. We must bear
in mind that we are in winter, so transportation to and from Antarctica is

We are confident that we will be back on 15476 kHz within the next 60 days

While its content is distributed through other channels, such as web
streaming and applications, we know that LRA 36's broadcasts are followed
by a global audience, passionate about radio and shortwave, and that its
mission is precisely to dis-seminate information about Antarctic activity,
and as one of the activities that support the ratification of Argentine
sovereign rights on the white continent.

In the meantime, progress continues on the station's renovation plan,which
began with the installation of a studio console and other audio acces-
sories, will continue with a new antenna, and will conclude with the com-
missioning of the shortwave transmitter donated to LRA 36 by Javier Gratz,
President of Trialcom, an Argentine telecommunications company.

We appreciate the support and understanding of shortwave listeners, DXers,
radio amateurs and radio enthusiasts around the world.

We also ask that you please disseminate this information in publications,
groups and to colleagues. Additional information:

The station is located in Esperanza Base, Antarctica.

The station's programming includes news, sports, weather, and music.

The station can be heard online at

(Adrian Korol-ARG, Director General of RAE, July 18 via Horacio Nigro,
CX3BZ, "La Galena del Sur", Montevideo-URG; via SWB #2059, July 21)

ASCENSION ISL   21630 kHz  Tuesday July 23 at 1424 UT, JBA carrier is the
OSOB and thus the SSOB. Per EiBi & Aoki databases, it's BBC Hausa at 1400-
1430 UT Mon-Fri, but 1100-1430 UT Sat - and never on Sunday ?

Here we are near the solar cycle peak and 13m band is drastically under-
used. Not a single transmission to or from North America! It should work
at least over day paths from European or African afternoons into our morn-
ings. Only SPAIN is interested in such a service, but 16mb suffices when
it's not missing.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 23)

AUSTRALIA   11825 kHz  Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, 1459 to 1510 UT,
July 15. Burmese. Carrier up at 1459:45 UT with light music. Kookaburra at
1500:15 UT. Male announcer doing ID in English followed by woman doing ID
in Burmese and then continuing with long form talk. Fair.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

11905 kHz  Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra heard at 1155 UT on July 15.
A man speaking in listed Burmese to music at 1158 UT, English ID at 1159UT
and shut down just prior to 1200 UT. Poor-fair.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

AUSTRALIA   15459.996 kHz  Reach Beyond Australia from Kununurra, ID in
Hindi already at 11.58 UT on July 17, religious singer and flute mx at
12.01 UT, S=9+20dB signal into AB-CAN SDR remotedly.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)  and QSL :

AUSTRALIA   15460 kHz  eQSL Reach Beyond 6 July 2024; 11.00-11.30 UT
E-mail: <hcjbjapan.office2 [at] gmail.com>
HCJB (Reach Beyond) Japan Office  <http://reachbeyond.chowder.jp/>
Picture: <https://rusdx.blogspot.com/2024/07/reach-beyond.html>
(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

AUSTRALIA   e-QSL: 15460; 11900; 11870 kHz. Reach Beyond Australia / HCJB
(Kununurra AUS), 12.45; 13.00; 14.00 UT, July 10. Blog:


(Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx,
via RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

AUSTRIA   ORF history, - real estate history Funkhaus Wien.

Das ORF-Funkhaus in Wien hat kuerzlich seinen Haupteingang geschlossen,
das Haus wurde an den neuen Eigentuemer uebergeben. Wo einst Radio
geschichte geschrieben wurde, entstehen nun hochpreisige Apartments.:

Der Schriftzug "ORF" ist schon weg. Die prominente, schwarze Aufschrift an
der Aussenhaut des Funkhauses in der Argentinierstrasse 30a in Wien wurde
kuerzlich um die Buchstaben "ORF" verkuerzt. Nur noch "Funkhaus" steht da.

Der Teil-Abriss an der Fassade spiegelt wider, was sich schon laenger im
Inneren des historischen Gebaeudes abspielt. Denn das Funkhaus war zu
grossen Teilen schon 2016 vom ORF an die Vorarlberger Baugruppe Rhomberg
verkauft worden. Zug um Zug wurde abgesiedelt, geraeumt und umgebaut.

Der Plan des Immobilien-Entwicklers: ORF raus, Luxus-Wohnungen rein. Klar,
dass da auch das "ORF" auf der Fassade weichen muss.

"Finesse und Akribie".
Auch der Haupteingang des Hauses wurde kuerzlich wegen der Umbau-Arbeiten
gesperrt. Wer zu den wenigen, dem ORF noch verbliebenen Teilen des Hauses
will, muss den Eingang ueber den Hof nehmen. Rhomberg uebernimmt das Haus
ohne den oestlich gelegenen Radio-Sendesaal, den mittigen Peichl-Trakt und
die westlichen Studios. Der "Kulturtrakt" samt Radiokulturhaus und
Radiocafe bleibt unveraendert. So sieht es der Vertrag vor.

Das ist auch kein Wunder, sind doch die meisten dieser historischen Teile
rund um den Grossen Sendesaal denkmalgeschuetzt. Hier sind gewinnbringende
Umbauarbeiten daher von Haus aus nicht moeglich.

FM4, OE1 und das Landesstudio Wien wurden schon vor laengerem abgesiedelt.
Die beiden Radios zogen auf den Kueniglberg, das Landesstudio Wien in die
nach dem OE3-Umzug auf den Kueniglberg leeren OE3-Studios nach Heiligen-

Ob und wann das Studio Wien nach dem Umbau wieder ins Funkhaus zieht, ist
offen. Ihr Heim, der sogenannte Peichl-Zubau, ist sanierungsbeduerftig.
Was Rhomberg mit der Liegenschaft vorhat, zeigt ein Prospekt des vorderen
Gebaeudes zur Argentinierstrasse hin, das bereits fertig umgebaut ist.
Hier in den Stockwerken ueber dem Radiocafe, kann man nun gleichermassen
hochpreisig wie gediegen wohnen. "On Air" nennt Rhomberg ironischerweise
das Projekt mit 21 Eigentumswohnungen in seinem Verkaufsprospekt. [...]


(24 July 2024)

AUSTRIA   17570  Sunday July 21, at 1941-1950 UT, Adventist World Radio,
ORS Moosbrunn-AUT, in French. Woman talking; 1942UT Man / woman announcers
say AWR ID and returns a preaching with questions & answers; 1946 UT She
says AWR ID and address to Abidjan; Man says about this french program and
more. Good reception: 45544.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, hcdx July 21)

BOLIVIA   3310 kHz  Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, at 2335 UT. Very weak
signal, music ? to 2350 UT on July 16.
(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

BOTSWANA   5925 kHz  Voice of America via USAGM Mopeng Hill bc center to
Africa, July 21, at 0408 - 0431 UT. ' SIO 444.

Political discussion with guest academics about Trump's successes in the
courts. Host and guest commentary is anti-Trump and anti-Republican. Talk
of getting Biden to step down and what follows if he does. There doesn't
seem to be much enthusiasm for Kamala Harris in any role in a new ticket.
Host and guests spouted the same lies about Trump as a "threat to Demo-
cracy" and various abortion related myths.

Further discussion followed about foreign policy under a new Trump admi-
nistration especially as it relates to China / Taiwan, and Russia /
Ukraine. VOA ID at BOH and then POP MX.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

BRAZIL   6180 kHz; Radio Nacional da Amazonia, EBC (Brasil); e-QSL:
00.40-02.05 UT, July 5, 2024. Blog:
(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

BRAZIL   5035 kHz  R. Educacao Rural - Coari_AM. This station's appearance
on shortwave has been quite erratic in recent times. So it's good to hear
it back on the air again. ... but for how long?  1007 UT - Plenty of "Bom
Dia" greetings and roosters crowing. At 1015UT a beautiful choral version,
Brazilian style, of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" (9th symphony). Then anncts
and chat.

1025 UT - ID as "Radio Coari" and mentions of "Amazonia", then a popular
song. Programming on this day was mainly community ("comunidade") anncts
and interviews, with only occasional music.

1102 UT - ID and 7 AM time check as "las siete" - Yes, two minutes late!
Fade-out around 1108 UT. I last heard this station on June 4, 2023, so
great to hear it again! The location is in the far western part of Brazil,
so its fade-out is always much later than eastern PY stations. July 8.

And again on July 9 at sign-on 1000 UT with the Brazilian national anthem,
ID and frequencies. Then, what sounded like a prayer (an"Amen" at the end)
with an instrumental version of Ave Maria in the background. 1007 UT - ID,
rooster sounds and an extended station jingle. Time checks, filler anncts
and music. A barely audible signal here compared to yesterday, so I did
some co-monitoring via the Ironstone Range Kiwi SDR in South Australia,
where the signal was slightly better. July 9.

5035 kHz (5 kW) ZYF272 Radio Educacao Rural de Coari or Radio Coari-
Coari AM. 5.000 Watts.

(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

BRAZIL   5939.94 kHz  Voz Missionaria - Camboriu, SC. 0602 UT. Prayers and
preaching with background music. Then gospel music programming, fair sig-
nal, July 11.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

9664.95 kHz  Voz Missionaria - Camboriu SC, 0420 UT. Weak signal with an
occasional gospel song and talkback chat. Confirmed via the Pardinho Kiwi
SDR. The great circle short path from Camboriu to Mt Evelyn is via deep
south Antarctica. This is why it reaches us in the winter afternoons - al-
most a full darkness path. Last month (June 12), this was heard as early
as 0240 UT (12:40 pm LT here). But now fading in around 0400 UT (2:00 pm
LT here), 90 minutes later. So, as we leave winter behind, we won't be
hearing this station fading in until the late afternoon. July 11.

(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

On July 7 measured 5939.951, 9664.926, and 11749.980 kHz, and
on July 12 on 11749.974 and 9664.921 kHz. ed.

BRAZIL   6150 kHz on July 14 at 0514 UT. Radio Saturno, Belo Horizonte,
Brazilian songs, comments, program “Faixa Brasil”, “Radio Saturno”.
(Manuel Méndez-ESP, SWB #2059, July 21) 

6149.964 kHz BRA  Rádio Saturno, JBA audio of S=6-96dBm, poor / tiny 04.31

BULGARIA   17900 kHz  But OUT-OF ITU FQU-RANGE channel like religious TOM
old archive prayer(?) conserve program noted on Thur July 25 at 16.30 UT,
scheduled acc hfcc.org database at 05 to 19 UT via SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostin-
brod Bulgaria relay site, QSL via ? Spaceline Ltd., Sofia Bulgaria ?
S=8 on short skip target here in Europe today.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 25)

COLOMBIA   6016.84 kHz July 15 at 0211 UT, JBA carrier, presumably this as
reported a few nights ago:
"COLOMBIA  6017 kHz Organizacion Radial El Prado, 0353-0357* UT on July 9,
after many months without hearing it, today on air with Colombian song and
closing transmission with the National Anthem of Colombia. 15422.
Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain, Log in Reinante, NW of Spain".

And he reports it again just now:
"6016.9 kHz  Organizacion Radial El Prado, 0128-0137 UT on July 15,
Spanish, comments, Latin American songs. 15421."
Two sesquiyears ago it was reported on 6016.4 and 6016.7 kHz.
Wethinx this be a pirate; not in WRTH 2024.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

CUBA   5025 kHz  R Rebelde, 0759 to 0815 UT on July 16. Spanish. Several
promo style announcements at ToH including one featuring the sound of a
passing train. No real ID heard. Man spoke for 5 minutes on something that
sounded like blaming the US blockade for Cuba's problems. Audio was muddy.
Music at 0805 UT. More promo style announcement from 0808 to 0812 UT. Good
signal, rubbish audio.   {5024.992 kHz measure on July 5, ed.}
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

CUBA   9700 kHz  UT Monday July 15 at 0219 UT, RHC English propaganda, VG
S=9+30dB here and nowhere else, not even 6000 kHz. A bit of studio reverb
and YL accent impaired comprehension. At 0234 UT, Elena Valverde with
"Caribbean Outlook Show" about H. Beryl damage to several Windward islands
[or it seems that Windward&Leeward have fallen out of fashion; unofficial
anyway]. The Other Side:

"Where are you going, Cuba? Fidel Castro lost the country. Today,Castroism
is just struggling to stay in power, at any cost.
Jorge A. Sanguinetty, Miami-FL 09 Jul 2024 - 21:26 CEST
Cuban emigrants on a raft. Getty Images.

Pursuing his cardinal goal of perpetuating himself in power, in 1959 Fidel
Castro planted the seeds of a crisis that today seems to be finally wind-
ing to an end. The bearded commander rose to power on a scaffolding of
unaccountable government so that he could implement his personal agenda,
breaking his promise to restore the 1940 Constitution and hold democratic
elections, as it was always his aim — privately confessed to his most
trusted confidante, Celia Sanchez — to foment perpetual confrontation with
the United States, perhaps because he felt despised by how Washington
treated him, perhaps because it was the only enemy as enormous as his
ego ..."

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

CUBA   11760 kHz  R Habana Cuba, 1056 to 1105 UT, on July 20. English &
Spanish. Started up at 1056 UT with English. Then right before 1058 UT
their interval signal and ID in Spanish followed by the National Anthem.

Finally, just before 1100 UT, programme opening announcements in Spanish
with frequencies including domestic ones on FM followed by greetings from
the staff announcers. As usual, always something different from RHC.
Although quality not perfect, fairly clean.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

CUBA   9700 kHz  UT Monday July 15 at 0219 UT, RHC English propaganda,
VG S=9+30dB here and nowhere else, not even 6000 kHz. A bit of studio re-
verb and YL accent impaired comprehension. At 0234 UT, Elena Valverde with
"Caribbean Outlook Show" about H. Beryl damage to several Windward islands
(or it seems that Windward&Leeward have fallen out of fashion; unofficial
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

11760, July 15 at 1455 UT, RHC at S6/S8 of dead air, some hum, not sure if
JBM. Not found anywhere else, 15140 missing as usual.
Something's always wrong at RHC.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

15140, July 15 at 1915 UT, NO signal from RHC's first English broadcast of
the day - make that zeroeth, as usual. Something's always wrong at RHC.
However, it can happen: Ron Trotto,IL, had it on July 12; and Rick Barton,
AZ, on July 6.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

11760 July 16 at 0137 UT, S=9/+20dB of dead air in Spanish from RHC. Noth-
ing at all on possible English frequencies, 11950, 9700, 6000. Something's
always wrong at RHC.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

4765, July 16 at 0151 UT, no signal from R. Progreso; but 5025 kHz
R. Rebelde is on at S=9+20/30dB somewhat distorted. Something's always
wrong at RadioCuba.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

4765 kHz  July 24 at 0251 UT, R. Progreso is S=9+5dB but just barely modu-
lated; while 5025 kHz R. Rebelde is S=9+30dB with good mod now. But by
0645 UT, 5025 kHz air is dead at S=9+30/40dB, as often the case late at
night. Something's always wrong at Radiocuba. RReb is certainly 24h on nu-
merous MW outlets, perhaps with more reliable modulation.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 24)

E'SWATINI   13800 kHz  TWR Manzini site, Arabic at 1820 UTC on June 18
from Eswatini to EastAfrica. A song followed by an announcer and more
music. Superb, damn near perfect signal at all 5s SINPO.
(Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

{ mostly odd 13799.983 kHz  TWR Manzini-SWZ in Arabic at 18.54 UT,
also July 23, ed. }

E'SWATINI   15104.964 kHz much odd fqy. TWR Manzini site, Tigre ETH target
language sce, HoA singer sound at 15.35 UTC on June 23. From E'Swatini to
EaAF/HOA target audience. S=9+35dB powerful signal from downunder.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

ETHIOPIA / ROMANIA  15425 kHz  Broadband 15 kHz wide like DRM digital mode
jamming of ETH Addis Ababa security dept at 15.00-til 15.45 UT sharp sign-
off noted on Tuesday July 23.

Jamming meant against Oromo target radio signal of IRRS Milano NEXUS-IBA
Gospel Miracle program, religious(?) via RadioCom Galbeni network facility
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

15425 kHz  ROMANIA  IRRS Oromia National Media via Galbeni-ROU site heard
at 1507 UT on Friday July 19.  A man speaking alone at literal break-neck
speed in listed Oromo language. Mostly fair.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

FRANCE   7315 kHz  R. Dabanga via TDF Issoudun, 0440 UT, Sudanese Arabic.
ID and commentary. This feature of mid-winter afternoon propagation on
7 MHz covers almost a full dark path between the transmitter and my Mount
Evelyn receiver. This type of reception typically only lasts for a few
weeks. Fair signal to s/off 0500 UT, July 11.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

FRANCE   15550 kHz  Radio Dabanga (via TDF Issoudun relay site), 1745-1755
UT on July 15. {Sudanese -} ARABIC. Interview between two men about a pro-
ject of underdetermined nature in Sudan. Good to fair.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

15550 kHz  Radio Dabanga, at 1753 UT on July 21. SINPO is all 5s with news
/ discussion and then mentions of Dabanga website, Facebook and SoundCloud
Language sounds like Arabic to me.
(Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

FRANCE   7425 kHz  Thur, July 18, 2024. 2031-2040 UT, NHK World Japan, TDF
Issoudun-F transmission center, in French. ID News by male announcer; 2035
UT Japan news by same announcer;A brief music and man/woman communication.
Fair reception: 35543.

11700 kHz  Thur, July 18, 2024. 2021-2030 UT  Radio France Internationale,
via TDF Issoudun-F bcast center site, in Hausa to WeAF. Man announcer in
conversation with a man; 2023 UT Woman participates too; She says ID and
African news, mainly about Nigeria; 2028 UT  Man singer playing a song;
2029 UT Man talking; 2030 UT Ending. Good reception: 45554.
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 18)

FRANCE   9690 kHz  Sunday July 21, at 2051-2059 UT, Pan American Broadcast-
ing, TDF Issoudun-F, in English. Man, Pastor, makes a preaching; 2057 UT
Starts slight to moderate interference by CNR1 firedrake. Fair reception:
34533. At 2059 UT, 33522.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, hcdx July 21)

GERMANY  {Canada non}   3975 kHz  Shortwave Radio, Winsen-Aller-Germany.
eQSL Pop Shop Radio, British Columbia, Canada. E-mail:
<popshopperadio [at] gmail.com>
7 July 2024, 19.32-20.00 UT, Picture: 
(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

GERMANY   12040 kHz  Thur, July 18, 2024. 2122-2129 UT, Adventist World
Radio, MBR Nauen-D FMO, in Nigerian Pidgin dialect. Man pastor preaching;
A brief song and continues preaching, with an exalted man; He says Amen!
and AWR address to Nigeria; 2127UT A brief AWR music, hymn; 2130 UT ID and
IS. Good reception: 45554.
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 18)

GERMANY   15220 kHz  E-QSL Adventist World Radio Arabic service (via MBR
Nauen Germany, 250 kW), July 3, 2024, 1 minutes, web-form:

(Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via
RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

GUAM   13830.003 kHz  KTWR Merizo Guam test in UNID language Uyghur like
Turk language family, 13.30-14.00 UT log Mon-Thur only likely S=9+30dB.

re13830 kHz USAGM monitoring has a log entry for Karachi Pakistan on test.
UNID language, 13830.003 kHz GUAM KTWR Merizo, 13.30-14.00 UT July 17,
only T E S T.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)

Re: Arthur Pozner says in WRTH F_B group:

It is listed as a "Kas" language in HFCC.org database as of today,July 15,
2024. My conclusion it is a program in the Kazakh language, which is some-
what related to the Uyghur.
Best regards, Mauno Ritola-FIN, July 17.

Re: UNID language, 13830.003 kHz GUAM KTWR Merizo, 13.30-14.00 UT only

TWR just replied, that they are alternating between Uyghur and Kazakh.
Mauno Ritola-FIN, July 18.
re KTWR Kazakh/Uyghur:
Yes RIGHT conclusion, thanks. typical 'hard' spoken language sound. ed.

GUAM   15210.011 kHz  AWR KSDA Agat Guam in Mandarin Chinese, 11.27 UT on
July 17. Religious chorus.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)

15710.013 kHz  AWR KSDA Agat Guam in Amoy Chinese, Mon-Fri only at 12.00-
12.30 UT on July 17. Religious female presenter.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)

JAPAN   6055 kHz  R. Nikkei - Nagara, Ciba, 0920 UT. Network #1 with a
Japanese discussion / chat between three speakers. They all seemed to be
having a great time - lots of laughing !  ID at 0925 UT. Very good signal
and // 3925 kHz via Nemuro site, but weaker there. Both sites run 50 kW

For a closer aerial view of the Nagara site, input the following decimal
coordinates into Google Maps and zoom around using the satellite view:
35.46592152742455 N  140.203586885192 E
You can also drag the little orange man onto the road for a partial view
of one of the site's towers. July 18.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

JAPAN   Re: email of Radio Nikkei, Japan ?

"This email is sent to customers who have madeinquiries through the
Radio Nikkei website. Thank you for your inquiry.
Please note that it may take some time to reply to your inquiry.
However, we cannot guarantee that we will reply to all inquiries.

We will read your opinions, impressions, requests, etc. and use them as
reference for the future, but as a general rule, we will not reply.
Thank you for your understanding."

This is the reply I received from NIKKEI yesterday:

Greetings from the Listener Services at Radio NIKKEI.

We are grateful for your detailed reception report and can confirm that
the signal you received is indeed from our broadcast. We would like to
inform you, that our station does not provide QSL cards for receptions
through the Internet.

We appreciate your understanding regarding this policy.
Thank you for being a valued listener, and we hope you continue to enjoy
our broadcasts.

Warm regards, Radio NIKKEI
(via Zacharias Liangas-Thessaloniki-GRC, hcdx July 17)

Re: [HCDX] email of R Nikkei ?

Contact to Radio NIKKEI ?

Hensei Center
Toranomon 1-2-8, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-8565
Japan, Far East Asia

Online contact:  <https://www.radionikkei.jp/help/inquiry/>

They have "~ -at- radionikkei.jp" address, but no contact from ordinary
listener via E-mail is accepted. Reception report can be sent via their
"inquiry" page (in Japanese) by selecting the item as "????".
Probably information in English is accepted.
(Takahito Akabayashi-Tokyo-JPN, hcdx July 12 - 13)

KOREA  D.P.R. {North}  15180.242 {much odd fqy} Voice of Korea from Kujang
site in French language, 11-12 UT, S=9+30dB into remote Edmonton-AB-CAN 
Perseus SDR unit. 11.24 UT on July 17.

13649.900 kHz  Voice of Korea from Kujang site in Mandarin language,
13-14 UT, S=9+25dB into remote Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus SDR unit. 13.34 UT
on July 17.

13760.019 kHz  Voice of Korea from Kujang site in English language, 13-14
UT, S=9+25dB into remote Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus SDR unit. 13.44 UT on
July 17.

13760.020 kHz  Voice of Korea from Kujang site in Spanish language, 19.00-
19.57 UT, S=9+25dB into remote Doha Qatar-ME Perseus SDR unit. 19.02 UT on
July 23.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17 / 23)

KOREA  D.P.R. {North}  15180 kHz { 15180.242 much odd fqy, ed}
V o Korea from Kujang site, at 05.00-05.57 UT. That strange middle-of-
the-night Spanish service to SoAM audience. Local time in CeAM and SoAM
countries, when this service signs off, varies between midnight and 3:00
I always wonder how many audience ears are listening by the end of the
broadcast! Weak signal, July 17.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

KOREA  D.P.R. {North} / CHINA  15245  BAD CO-CH AUDIO MIXTURE at 15-16 UT

15245.246 {much odd fqy}  Voice of Korea from Kujang site in English lan-
guage, 15-16 UT, S=9+30dB into remote Doha Qatar-ME Perseus SDR unit.
15.12 UT on July 23,
15245even  CRI in English via RTC Kashi-Kashgar, Xinjiang, 500 kW beast
signal of S=9+35dB ahead of KRE signal in western world.

9874.969 kHz much odd fqy of KCBS Voice of Korea from Kujang, scheduled
at 20.00-2057 UT, noted at 20.17 UT S=9+25dB signal strength.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23 / 25)

15245.20 kHz  Voice of Korea from Kujang site, 1745 to 1800 UT, July 15.
Korean program section. Upbeat marching band music until woman given fre-
quencies and time schedule. National Anthem until 1750UT. Interesting note
about this logging is that a another VoK transmission could be heard
bleeding through after the Korean one ended. It featured the typical an-
themic female choral numbers typically associated with VoK. Good to very
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

KOREA REP OF  {South}  5995 kHz  Echo of Hope (Hwaseong), 1200 to 1210 UT,
19 July. Korean. ToH ID with English letters E O H spoken. Fanfare into
man doing a story about a report of the commission of inquiry on human
rights in North Korea. Good but with jamming heard underneath.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

7719.998 kHz Echo of Hope - VOH, Korean S=8-9 here in western Europe, at
22.03 UT on July 24.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 24)

KUWAIT   12070 kHz Thur July 18, 2024. 2051-2059 UT, Voice of America, Umm
Al-Riman-KWT relay site - like different Google maps location instedad:
"AGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) IBB exBBG USAGM VoA
Kuwait al-Dschahra suburb", in Hausa language WeAF service.

Man announcer presents African newsletter; 2055 UT A conversation with an
external news reporter from Abuja-NIG; 2057 UT Abrupt sign-off and no re-
turns till 2059! Fair reception: 35533.
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 18)

KYRGYZ REPUBLIC   612 kHz  Transworld Radio. e-QSL 612 kHz, 15.45-16.30 UT
March 15, 2024. Via Krasnaya Rechka Bishkek Kyrgyztelekom.


In my letter I asked for clarification on where the transmitter is located

Kalman Dobos apologized very much for the long response, but wrote that he
could not disclose where TMR was broadcasting from at 612 kHz :-)

(Evgeny Kornikhin, Moscow-RUS, deneb-radio-dx; via
RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)


Krasnaya Rechka Bishkek Kyrgyztelekom location  42.880789 N  74.992617 E
33 kilometers east of Bishkek downtown.



Formerly Frunse-USSR
 198 kHz 150 kW,  218 kHz 150 kW, 612 50 kW, 882 kHz 500 kW,
1278 kHz 150 kW, 1323 kHz 30 kW.  SW 4010, 4050, 4795 kHz.

KGZ "TWR PANI" 210degr azimuth directional antenna, Kyrgyztelekom Bishkek
42 52 42.48 N  74 59 45.32 E

TWR Europe has been practicing this concealment of the naming of bc
transmitter locations in Muslim target areas for 25 years now ... 
Concealment of attribution to protect all radio broadcast staff parti-
cipants from Muslim terrorism. (ed)

LITHUANIA   Gerade jetzt am 20. Juli um 2115 UTC ein Programm in rumae-
nischer Sprache auf 1386 kHz bemerkt. Radio Ukraine International ?

{later}  Ja, es ist Radio Ukraine International (RUI).
Gibt es einen aktuellen Sendeplan fuer 1386 kHz ?

1386 kHz LRTC location Anyksiai Vieshintos, 200kW run by lowered 75 kW.
(Alexander Busneag-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 20)

MADAGASCAR   9885 kHz MWV QSL card, December 20, 2023. Russian 18.00-19.00
UTC, via MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, on Madagascar. The card was sent
from St. Petersburg - Radio station KNL / MWV, 191028  St. Petersburg,
Russia, P.O.Box 47. Picture:


9885 kHz 1800-1900 UT to ITU zones 19,20,29,30W  MWV  100kW  355deg +30deg
ant#218  Rus  MDG MWV WCB  3791
(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

MADAGASCAR   13630 kHz  BBC London in French, via MGLOB Talata Volonondry
Madagascar relay facility, at 1825 UTC, July 21. Man on phone being inter-
viewed, not sure what's being discussed ... I tuned in late ... BBC anchor
referred to him as a "professor" at the end of the interview. SINPO just
about all 5s.
(Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

17660 kHz  Radio France International via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagas-
car relay site heard at 1221 UT on July 16. 12.00-13.00 UT to ITU zones
#47,52N,52SE.  A woman seemingly interviewing a man in French.
This was // to 21580 kHz via TDF-Issoudun-France to zone #46 in Ce/WeAF.
Both poor-fair.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

17725 kHz  Adventist World Radio via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar
relay site at 1333 UT on July 20. A woman speaking in listed Uab Meto as
group hymns were sung in the background. Poor-fair.

{13.30-14.00 UT to ITU zone 54SE; half power of 125 kW at 85 degr target}
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

MALI   5995 kHz  Office de Radio et Television du Mali (ORTM); Radio Mali,
{via Bamako txion center #1 ed.}; 2215 UTC. French (not Bambara on this
occasion) with a lengthy discussion program and a weak signal under a do-
minating co-channel CNR 2—Nanning-CHN.

By 2230 UT, Mali became the dominant station as its short path signal tra-
vels along the mostly all-darkness path, and the daylight path between
Nanning and Mount Evelyn opens and expands during the morning.

By 2249 UT on this day, CNR had almost disappeared, and I could enjoy some
wonderful Malian and West African music - so, it was well worth the wait !
By 2315 UT, Mali was peaking at an S7, while China had vanished for the
morning. I was lucky to hear Mali's close transmission mid-song at exactly
00:00:34 UTC.

This is typical of my morning winter reception here at Mount Evelyn. In
summer, the patterns are entirely different, and it is rare to get a good
signal from Mali without severe interference from the co-channel CNR-2.
And, of course, both stations fade out about two and a half hours earlier
in high summer, so I never hear the Mali sign-off at 0000 UTC !  July 19.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

MALI   13685even  CRI Beijing Arabic via African MALI relay site Bamako tx
center #II at 18.30-19.27 Arabic sce S=9+30dB at 19.06 UT July 23.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

M W    Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan, who shares the fol-
lowing article from Red Tech:

"Medium wave's sunset in Europe"   The SWLing Post.


Medium wave's sunset in Europe (Red Tech).

GENEVA — European medium-wave transmitters are going silent. On April 1,
the BBC shut down the nine transmitters that had previously brought
BBC Radio 4 in AM to the whole country.

Since January 2018, the British public broadcaster has started to switch
off the AM transmitters for its local stations. Looking ahead, it plans to
abandon the band totally by 2027 at the latest.
(SWLing Post via mwmasts iogr July 18)

The article "The Decline of Medium Waves in Europe"translated into Russian


(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

M W    Club Spotlight:  Celebrating 70 Years with the Medium Wave Circle.

Dear Radio Enthusiasts,
We're thrilled to bring you the second edition of our Club Spotlight
series, where we introduce you to the fascinating world of radio clubs
around the globe.

This month, we have the honor of featuring the Medium Wave Circle, a club
that has been at the heart of mediumwave radio listening for an incredible
70 years.

Here's what the Medium Wave Circle has to share:

In 1954, a small group of radio listeners published the first Edition of
Medium Wave News from Belfast. They might be surprised that the Medium
Wave Circle is now in its 70th year with members all across the World.
The Medium Wave Circle is an international club for radio enthusiasts. It
brings together people with a similar interest in medium wave radio (MW,
AM or BCB) and related topics...

If you are curious, you can download a free sample copy of MWN here:


Full information about the Circle:  <https://mwcircle.org/>
(WRTH DX Club Spotligh; via
Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

MEXICO   6185 kHz July 14 at 0445 UT. Radio Educación, Ciudad de México,
DX program “Sintonía Libre”, “Trigésimo Encuentro Dxista mexicano, visita
la planta transmisora de Radio Educación”, “100 años de Radio Ed-ucación”,
“El viernes 2 de agosto será este encuentro”, “Escuchan Sintonía Libre”,
comments about “La onda corta en Liberia, ELWA Radio”, ID “Cultura Mexico,
Señal Internacional, la onda corta de Radio Educación”. 
(Manuel Méndez-ESP, SWB #2059, July 21) 

MEXICO   6184.97 kHz  R. Educacion, Mexico City. Winter afternoon propaga-
tion at f/in 0511 UT with eclectic Mexican folk music. Always good listen-
ing as you never know what you will hear next!  :-)  July 11.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

{6184.965 kHz  MEX  XEPPM  Radio Educacion from Mexico D.F. July 7, ed.}

MEXICO   6185- kHz  July 24 at 0652-0715 UT, XEPPM folk music with flute &
guitar,no ToH ID break unless I dozed off. Hard to find any pleasant music
on SW, vs talk and/or too weak signals.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 24)

MOLDOVA  {Pridnestrovie Transnistria}   1548 kHz  1000 kW  Radioteletsentr
(PRTC) transmitter at Grigoriopol Maiac Moldova. E-QSL Trans World Radio,
Romanian service (via PRTC Grigoriopol relay center), April 12; 2024, 1548
kHz, 70 days, e-mail:  <kdobos -at- twr.org>

(Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via
RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

MOLDOVA  {Pridnestrovie Transnistria}   621 kHz  Radioteletsentr (PRTC)
transmitter at Grigoriopol Maiac. E-QSL Trans World Radio, Russian service
(via PRTC Grigoriopol relay center), April 13; 2024, 621 kHz, 69 days,
e-mail: <kdobos -at- twr.org>


(Alexander Myadel, Minsk-BLR, SHORTWAVE BLOG FROM BELARUS via
RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)


amongst media details on that website:
"In Belarus, 10 weekly programs are broadcast on medium-wave (AM) radio
and on the internet.

Those serving in Ukraine are very aware that God has protected them since
Russia's invasion in February 2022.

Pray that the marginalized people in Belarus who listen to TWR programs
will be encouraged by what they hear through preloaded audio devices,
SD cards and flash drives. Pray for the safety of the team as they travel
extensively to visit and encourage their audience, donating these media
and storage devices to people who are desperate for good news.

Daily life has changed {after Russia's invasion} for millions of people
in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
( <https://twr.org>  website)

MONGOLIA   This year marks 60 years since the Voice of Mongolia radio sta-
tion began broadcasting to an international audience. The first broadcast
from Ulan Bator appeared on shortwave in October 1964.

Today "The Voice of Mongolia" broadcasts in five languages: on air -
Mongolian, English, Chinese, Japanese and on the Internet in Russian.
+ Video: 0:54



(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

NEW ZEALAND   13690 kHz  RNZ_P{acific} from Rangitaiki site. *0459-0558*
UT English to the Pacific. Incorrectly listed on the short-wave.info web-
site as 17675 kHz at this time (old news!). Excellent signal, July 17.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

Every month on the first Wednesday is Maintenance day at our trans-
mitter site from 2230-0600 UTC. (Thursdays 1030-1800 NZST local time).
During this period there may be interruptions to our programmes.

31 March 2024 - 26 October 2024

UTC          kHz  TARGET                   DAYS
00:00-04:58 17675 Pacific Updated 24 June  Daily
04:59-06:58 13690 Pacific                  Daily
06:59-10:58  9700 Pacific                  Mon-Fri
06:59-12:58  9700 Pacific                  Sat
10:59-12:58  9700 Solomon Islands, PNG     Mon-Fri
12:59-16:50  7440 Pacific                  Daily
16:51-17:58  7425 DRM Tonga Samoa Cook Isl Sun-Fri
16:51-17:58  9700 Pacific                  Sat
17:59-18:58  9655 DRM Tonga Samoa Cook Isl Sun-Fri
17:59-19:58 11725 Pacific                  Sat
18:59-20:58 13840 DRM Tonga Samoa Cook Isl Sun-Fri
19:59-23:58 15720 Pacific                  Sat
20:59-23:58 15720 Pacific                  Sun-Fri
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 10)

PERU   4774.99 kHz  Radio Tarma, Tarma, in Spanish, July 12. 0117-0131 UT.
(4774.990 - .991 - .990kHz per UTwente, poor). Music program Onda Tropical
de Oro, w/ typical local ballads, man brief and longer unclear talk at
times, presumed ment ID at 0122 UT, woman brief unclear talk at 0123 UT;
better in usb/lsb sync, rapid fluttery qsb, strong qrn, poor/almost fair
at times.
(Gianni Serra-Roma-ITA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

PERU   4775 kHz  Radio Tarma, Tarma, at 2333 UT. Noted in Spanish. OM, at
2345 UT on July 16.
(Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

PERU   4820 kHz  R. Senda Cristiana, PRU; July 15. At 0939-0945 UT, OM,
T annmt, folk mx. 35333.
(Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec-Embu SP -BRA, wor July 15)

PHILIPPINES   7410 kHz  Thur, July 18, 2024. 2159-2215 UT, Radio Vaticana,
via USAGM relay site Tinang-PHL, in Mandarin. IS; ID by woman announcer;
2201 UT News by man announcer with fast brief music between news; 2214 UT
Woman talks and a song. Fair reception: 35543.
Parallel logs on 9695phl, 35433 and 11895phl, 45533.
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 18)

RUSSIA    St. Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast. Medium wave news from
St. Petersburg. Radio Maria was forced to suspend broadcasting on the
1053 kHz frequency due to lack of funds. At the moment, a pause has been
taken for two months. We believe, hope and wait.

PS.  Today, the local medium-wave broadcast comes to life from 19 to 24
hours Moscow time at a frequency of 684 kHz. Program - Radio Radonezh.
(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

SPAIN   15390 kHz  July 24 at 1910 UT, checking UTwente for REE activity.
All three on except 17855 kHz which has been missing several days, but
15390 kHz dumps off air at 1915 UT and still off at 1924 UT. 17715 kHz and
15520 kHz remain, so not an overall power failure.

By 2200 UT token English on Wed, 15390 kHz is back on at S=9/+10dB and
17855 kHz is still off, while 15520 kHz and 17715 kHz are about equally
sufficient S=9+10/20dB direct. Wonder if the SAm beam on 17715 has been
skewed a bit clockwise to serve us better, splitting the difference? 
2201 UT already in news, about fishing boat sinking. 2212 UT feature about
the decline of the movie video rental business.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 24)

Measured on Thur July 25 at 19.35 UT: 15389.990 kHz, 15520 even fqy, 
17715.012 kHz, 17855 kHz is off air. ed.

SWEDEN   Arne Skoog: The Visionary of Shortwave and His Eternal Legacy.
Sweden CallingDXers. Remembering the great DXer and the future generations
of radio listeners. Arne Skoog (1913-1999). Video: 2:55



Arne Skoog 1913-1999. Photo by sverigesradio.se. (Escuchando La Radio)

Arne Skoog (1913-1999)
un pionero en la Radiodifusion Internacional y la comunidad Diexista,
fallecio el 7 de junio de 1999 en su amada provincia natal de Jamtland.

En 1948, Arne, entonces un joven ingeniero en Radio Suecia, fundo el pro-
grama "Sweden Calling DXers" como una forma de mantener a los oyentes al
tanto de las noticias en el mundo de la radio internacional. La onda corta
cobro relevancia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial,y despues de la guerra,
la escucha de onda corta se convirtio en un pasatiempo popular. Sin em-
bargo, los aficionados necesitaban acceso a las ultimas noticias, y Arne
penso que el mejor lugar para encontrarlas era en una estacion de onda

Muchos aficionados recuerdan a Arne presentando "Sweden Calling DXers", lo
cual es curioso ya que el nunca lo hizo. Arne escribia los guiones, que
eran leidos por colegas, primero en el Servicio en Ingles y luego en todos
los idiomas de Radio Suecia, excepto, ironicamente, el sueco.

Inicialmente, Arne recopilaba todas las noticias para el programa, pero
pronto los oyentes comenzaron a enviar material. Casi inmediatamente, se
comenzo a enviar una version escrita de los guiones a todos los que con-

En su apogeo, habia entre 1500 y 2000 nombres en la lista, que constituian
un "Quien es Quien" de la comunidad de onda corta.

Cuando Arne se retiro en 1978, en el 30 aniversario del programa, George
Wood, quien ni siquiera habia nacido en 1948, tomo el relevo. Sin embargo,
los tiempos cambiantes y la nueva gestion de Radio Suecia llevaron a cam-
bios radicales con la introduccion de la radiodifusion por satelite en los
anos 80.

La lista de correo fue discontinuada, y el programa se convirtio en uno de
transmision quincenal en ingles llamado "MediaScan", que se concentraba
cada vez mas en la sintonizacion de satelites y noticias generales de me-
dios escandinavos.

Arne se opuso apasionadamente a los cambios e intento encontrar apoyo para
revertirlos,una critica que no lo hizo popular con la gestion de la epoca.

Pero Arne no era un ludita que luchaba contra el avance de la tecnologia.
Ingeniero de corazon, abrazo la llegada de la computadora personal y,
aunque habia desestimado la radiodifusion por satelite como inferior a la
onda corta, elogio la llegada de la radiodifusion por Internet.

Arne Skoog tambien fue uno de los fundadores de la Federacion Sueca de DX
y,posteriormente, del Consejo Europeo de DX. Sin embargo, rechazo la afir-
macion de que el era "el padre de todos los diexistas suecos", aunque el y
su esposa Maj-Britt, a quien siempre se referia carinosamente como
"Cactus", parecian tener una gran prole.

En su retiro, Arne se dedico a su segundo pasatiempo, la fabricacion de
violines, por la cual era bastante respetado. Enseno muchos cursos en esta

Recordando al gran diexista, y a las proximas generaciones de radioescu-
chas. Fuente:sverigesradio.se (Escuchando La Radio) - Collage on the theme
of Arne Skoog from the Escuchando La Radio page on the Internet. You can
see it here:


(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

TAIWAN   15375.011 kHz Fu Hsing BC stn, Kuanyin, Mandarin Chinese at 11.28
UT, on July 17, S=8 signal into AB-CAN remotedly.

15388even Carrier only at 11.50 UT July 17, Star-Star BC stn. S=7 only.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)

TAIWAN (tentative)  9705 kHz  'Furusato no Kaze' in Japanese to North
Korea, Clandestine {target radio, ed.} broadcast, July 19, at 1450-1452UT.
SIO 333. YL announcer, POP MX. Likely from Paochung, Taiwan site. Off the
air at 1452 UT.
(Vince Henley-WA-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

THAILAND   17880v USAGM  RL/RFE—UdornThani-Ban Dung, 0430 UT, Pashto to
Iran. Odd transmitter behaviour: constant jumping between 17880 kHz and
17880.19 kHz, every few seconds between 0431 and 0435 UT, accompanied by
some strange audio bubbling sound. Finally stabilized at 0436 UT when it
settled on the assigned frequency with clean audio. Maybe it's time for
some maintenance? July 17.
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

TURKEY   Re my July 5 report, Alan Roe replies on the WOR iog at 1911 UT
July 16:

"Hi Glenn, Bill, I have just checked, and confirm that the play link for
"TRT VOT World" is currently (since 1830 UT today) live streaming the
English 1830 UT broadcast. You can get there by via


then scroll down to VOT Radyolari and click on TRT VOT World.
Alternatively use


and select TRT VOT World. Based on past experience, these links should
work for all broadcasts except 1630 UT (1730 in winter) which is heard
via the TRT VOT East link at


I'll update the WOR Hitlist in a few days. Alan Roe, Teddington, UK".
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

TURKEY   11785.020- kHz  July 22 at 2159 UT, VOT English not off the air,
S=9+10/20dB direct but local noise level still a problem. 2218 UT "with-
you-every-hour" promo, music. 2232 UT into UTwente when measured,
S=9+25/40dB, multi-lingual ID filler reel, music. 2239 UT 'That's Why' by
Ms Badax about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 2244 UT music.
2249 UT "always-by-your-side" promo, music. 2254 UT s/off by Ms Badax as
if this were the 1230 UT on 17620 kHz. 2255 UT IS until 2255.6* UT.

Also: "Voice of Turkiye Emirler station will be off air 1000-1600 UT for
engineering work on July 23 and 24, according to an announcement on the
station. Alan Holder, G4ZBH, Isle of Wight, U.K.", WOR iog
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 22)

 7360 0000 0200 42                   EMR 500 72    0 211 Tur   TRT 3942
 7260 0100 0200 8S,10S,11,12,27S,37N EMR 500 290   0 219 Spa   TRT 3807
 9870 0100 0200 12,13-15,16N,37      EMR 500 252   0 219 Spa   TRT 3818
 9465 0200 0300 42                   EMR 500 72    0 211 Uig   TRT 3944
 6165 0300 0400 38E,39,40W           EMR 250 150   0 205 Eng   TRT 3805
 7275 0300 0400 6E,7-11,27,28W       EMR 500 325   0 219 Eng   TRT 3808
17720 0400 0500 54N,49               EMR 500 105   7 219 Mly   TRT 3841
 6040 0400 0600 39N                  EMR 250 130   0 205 Tur   TRT 3804
 9770 0400 0600 18S,27,28            EMR 500 310   0 215 Tur   TRT 3816
15320 0500 0600 47SE,48SW,53NW,52NE  EMR 500 180   0 216 Swa   TRT 3998
15320 0600 0700 38,46E,47            EMR 500 220   0 211 Hau   TRT 4002NEW
13635 0600 1300 27,28                EMR 500 310   0 215 Tur   TRT 3829
13685 0700 0800 29SE,39NE,40NW,30SW  EMR 250 72    0 205 Aze   TRT 3968
 9655 0800 0830 29SE,39NE            EMR 250 72    0 205 Kat   TRT 3814
17730 0800 0830 29SE,30S,40N         EMR 250 72    0 211 Tuk   TRT 3983
13655 0830 0900 28SW                 EMR 250 290  10 210 Ita   TRT 3830
15720 0830 1000 39NE,40              EMR 250 105   0 205 Fas   TRT 3839
11750 0900 1000 39,38E               EMR 500 120 -30 205 Ara   TRT 3823
17615 1000 1030 30W,29E              EMR 250 32  -10 215 Tat   TRT 3969
17740 1000 1100 27S,28W,37N          EMR 250 290  10 210 Fra   TRT 3958
15270 1030 1100 30S,40N              EMR 500 72    0 211 Uzb   TRT 3955
 7210 1100 1130 28SE                 EMR 250 300  25 205 Bul   TRT 3806
17620 1100 1200 42-44                EMR 500 72  -10 217 Zho   TRT 3840
15350 1130 1230 28,27SE              EMR 250 310   0 211 Deu   TRT 3835
17580 1200 1300 40,41N               EMR 250 95  -10 215 Urd   TRT 4000
17620 1230 1330 18S,27,28            EMR 500 310   0 211 Eng   TRT 3999
11965 1300 1400 19,20,29,30N         EMR 500 20   20 205 Rus   TRT 3828
17815 1300 1600 27,28                EMR 500 310   0 215 Tur   TRT 3970
17690 1330 1400 30,31S               EMR 500 62  -10 211 Kaz   TRT 3982
 9540 1400 1500 38E,39               EMR 500 150   0 205 Ara   TRT 3945
17770 1400 1500 37,38W               EMR 500 272  10 211 Ara   TRT 4001
 9765 1500 1600 40,39NE              EMR 250 105   0 205 Fas   TRT 3815
11765 1500 1630 40,30S               EMR 500 85    0 205 PbtPbuTRT 3824
 9460 1600 2100 27,28                EMR 500 310   0 215 Tur   TRT 3811
11660 1630 1730 30S,40E,41N          EMR 500 95  -10 215 Eng   TRT 3821
13725 1630 1730 27S,37N              EMR 250 290  10 210 Spa   TRT 3981
 7360 1730 1830 38,47,48,52NE,53NW   EMR 500 210  30 216 Fra   TRT 3943
 9840 1730 1830 28W,27E              EMR 250 310   0 205 Deu   TRT 3817
 9750 1830 1930 27,28                EMR 500 310   0 205 Eng   TRT 3957
 5960 1830 2100 38E,39,40W           EMR 500 150   0 205 Tur   TRT 3803
 9880 1930 2030 37,38W,46            EMR 500 252 -10 211 Fra   TRT 3820
 9875 2030 2130 41,49,51,54,55,58-60 EMR 500 105   7 219 Eng   TRT 3819
11785 2200 2300 4,7,8,9,11N,27,28W   EMR 500 325   0 219 Eng   TRT 3825
(TRT Emirler via HFCC.org July 19)

TURKEY   11765.016  TRT Emirler Pashto sce to CeAS/AFG/IRN/PAK target,
S=9+30dB signal at 16.03 UT on Thur July 25.

9460.005  TRT Emirler in Turkish, scheduled 16.00-20.57 UT, S=9+20dB at
16.08 UT on July 25.

9880.008 kHz TRT Emirler in French, S=9 at 19.46 UT on Thur July 25. 
Scheduled 20.30-21.27 UT.

5960.015 kHz TRT Emirler in Turkish, S=9 signal at 19.50 UT, scheduled
to NE/ME/Saudi peninsula etc, scheduled 18.30-20.57 UT. Osmanic culture
singer and string instrument performer.

9875.003 kHz TRT Emirler in English towards CeAS, SoAS, SoEaAS and Pacific
target, scheduled like - but seems NOT ON AIR July 25:

9875 kHz 2030-2130 UT to ITU zones 41,49,51,54,55,58-60
EMR 500kW 105degr azimuth  +7deg  219  English TRT  request #3819.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 25)

TURKEY  and non]  11785.009 kHz on July 24 at 2200 UT, VOT not off the air
but JBA carrier direct, much weaker than neighbor ROMANIA via Galbeni site
on 11800 kHz. By 2227 UT into UTwente when measured, S=9+30/40dB as Ms
Badax is concluding some talk. 2233 UT TRT_VOT_World promo, music. 2237 UT
'The Middle East and Turkey', expectations for normalization of relations
with Syria, by some "expert", music. 2246UT 'Sports Panorama' by Ms Badax,
probably about Olympix, music. 2253 UT s/off ignoring SW.

2254 UT IS. 2256 UT restart IS with German IDs. 2300 UT timesig and s/on
German with satellite parameters, altes until chop at 2305.5* UT. Some-
thing's always erroneous at Emirler.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 24)


15760 kHz  12 - 13 UT time segment on noon only observed, likely from
QIQ (Qiqihar) bcast center site in far northeastern China mainland, S=9
remotedly signal in Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus SDR unit.


Frequency (kHz) Time (UTC+8hrs) Transmitter Power (kW) Beam   ID Notes
 6180           1800-0000       BEI         30           0    3EA
 9655           0600-0900       URU         30          98    3FC
 9655           1600-2000       URU         30          98    3FC
13810           1200-1900       KUN         30          32    3EB
13825           0900-1700       BEI         30         175    0
15180           0900-1200       KUN         30          32    3EB
15760           0500-0100       QIQ         30         225    1
17770           0900-1700       DOF         30          16    27FA
17830           0900-1600       URU         30          98    3FC
21530           0600-0100       DOF         30         341    3E8

Transmitting frequency of each transmitting station:

BEI (Beijing)
0900-1700  13825 kHz
1800-0000   6180 kHz (broadcast from time to time)

DOF (Dong Fang island, Hainan Oriental)
0600-0100  21530 kHz (broadcast from time to time)
0900-1700  17770 kHz

KUN (Kunming)
0900-1200  15180 kHz
1200-1900  13810 kHz

QIQ (Qiqihar)
0500-0100  15760 kHz (broadcast from time to time)

URU (Urumqi)
0600-0900   9655 kHz
0900-1600  17830 kHz
1600-2000   9655 kHz

frequency news, Time (UTC +8 hrs)


On March 31, 2024, 13850 kHz transmission was stopped and 9420 kHz trans-
mission was used instead, and the azimuth angle was adjusted from 225degr
to 203degr.

On March 31, 2024, 11990 kHz transmission was stopped and 7360 kHz trans-
mission was used instead. The azimuth angle was adjusted from 225degr to
203degr, and the transmission time was adjusted from 12:00-17:00 to 12:00-
18:00 LT.

On March 31, 2024, 13710 kHz transmission will be stopped and 9870 kHz
transmission will be used instead. The transmission time will be adjusted
from 17:00-20:00 to 18:00-20:00 LT.

On March 31, 2024, 17800 kHz and 15180 kHz will stop transmitting, 12:00-
19:00 LT will be merged and switched to 13810 kHz transmission, and 09:00-
12:00 LT will still use 15180 kHz transmission.

On May 31, 2024, 6030 kHz stopped transmitting, and 6180 kHz was used for
dynamic testing (broadcast from time to time). The transmission time was
adjusted from 04:25-02:05 to 18:00-00:00 LT.

On May 31, 2024, 11695 kHz stopped transmitting, and 21530kHz was used for
dynamic testing (broadcast from time to time). The azimuth angle was ad-
justed from 41degr to 341degr, and the transmission time was adjusted from
09:00-17:00 to 06:00-01:00 LT.

On May 31, 2024, 9420, 7360, and 9870 kHz stopped transmitting, and 15760
kHz was used for dynamic testing (broadcast from time to time). The azi-
muth angle was adjusted from 203degr to 225degr, and the transmission time
was changed from 0800-1200 LT (9420 kHz), 1200-1800 LT (7360 kHz), 1800-
2000 LT (9870 kHz) are adjusted to 05:00-01:00 LT.

And from 13.00-13.30 UT instead heard TWN SOH Mandarin Falun Gong reli-
gious sect program on 15759.933 kHz. July 17.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)

UAE   13650 kHz  Radio Slovakia International (Russian service), via Abu
Dhabi Media Al Dhabbaya bcast relay center, 1650 to 1700 UT, 19 July.
Talk by man followed by fold music. During the music it sounded like he
did a station ID and close out. Music continued until final talk at about
1659 and 1700 UT carrier cut. Fair.
(Tony Pavick-BC-CAN, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

UAE   13650 kHz  eQSL of Radio Prague International Prague. via Abu Dhabi
Media Al Dhabbaya-UAE relay center. 8 July 2024, 15.00-15.28 UT, (trans-
mitter Encompass Media, UAE).  Picture:


(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

UAE   13650 kHz  QSL Radio Slovakia International (Russian service), via
Abu Dhabi Media Al Dhabbaya bcast relay center / via Encompass & WRN:
16.30-16.58 UT, July 18, 2024. The reception report was sent on the morn-
ing of July 19 to
<rsi_russian -at- slovakradio.sk>

The answer came an hour and a half later from Vladimir Veselov
<Vladimir.Veselov -at- rtvs.sk>

"Dear Konstantin,
I am sending in the attachment an electronic QSL from the new anniversary
series for the 80th anniversary of START. The cards will still be further
developed, in particular, a line indicating the transmitter will appear:
in English - "via Al-Dhabbaya, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.", and in Russian -
"via Al-Dhabbaya, Abu Dhabi, UAE."

Best wishes,
Vladimir Veselov
Radio Slovakia International ".  Blog:


(Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx,
via RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

Information on the station website:

e-QSL 2024  -  The Slovak National Uprising is 80 years old.

This year, new verification cards are dedicated to the 80th anniversary of
the Slovak National Uprising. In 2024, 6 QSL cards were issued based on
photographs from the Second World War. They depict participants of the
anti-fascist resistance, officers and soldiers of the Slovak army who
fought against Nazi Germany, as well as the radio center from where broad-
casts were broadcast to the population and START participants.
(18. July 2024  16:11 hrs - Russian)


(via Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx,
via RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

RSI Bratislava eQSL 2024: 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising

The latest eQSL cards with the theme of our competition dedicated to the
80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising are here! They feature
archive photos kindly provided by the Museum of the Slovak National Up-
rising in Banska Bystrica.

Galeria - July 21 :

U.A.E.   21560.15 kHz  BBC London in En, via Abu Dhabi Media Al Dhabbaya
bcast relay center, at 0524 UT, English to EaAF target. Commentaries. Fair
signal on a day with the solar flux index at 242. A fair way off-frequency
on July 17.                      {measured on 21560.153 kHz recently, ed.}
(Rob Wagner VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn-Vic-AUS; via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

U. K.   7300 kHz  Thur, July 18, 2024. 2100-2110 UT, Reach Beyond - Radio
Akhbar Mufriha, ENC  Woofferton-G relay transmission, in Tachelhit to
Sahel-Africa. IS; ID by man; 2101 UT Man talking, preaching, says about
Jesus!  2109 UT Music. Today, with a rare fair reception: 35533!
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 18)

U. K.  15490 kHz  BBC London, Sunday July 21 at 0540 UT, English via ENC
site at Woofferton, UK to Central Africa. News headlines with Chris Berrow
then into a news magazine. Casual discussion type show. Signal is so
strong solid and clean that I can open up audio bandwidth to 8 kHz and
there is darn near zero noise or fading. SINPO would be darn near 77777 if
such a thing existed. 9410 kHz via ENC Ascension isl to West Africa is
almost as strong, SINPO is 55555 ... there is just a slight touch of fad-
(Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

U. K.  17670 kHz  IBRA media, 1832 UTC, on Sunday July 21, Arabic via ENC
Woofferton site-UK to Sudan target. Women talking with music lightly play-
ing under her, religious in nature. Music started playing after she talked

SINPO is 54555 ... there's just the slightest bit of fading but it doesn't
take away or lessen the signal and it's barely evident when music is play-
(Paul Walker-McGrath-AK-USA,via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

17700 kHz  VOA via ENC Woofferton-U.K. site, heard at 1538 UT on July 16.
A woman speaking in listed Hausa 15.30-16.00 UT, to HOA music at 1541 UT.
Mostly poor.
(Bob Brossell, Pewaukee-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

USA   13605 kHz  Powerhouse signal of R Marti US propaganda stn program
towards Cuban island audience from Miami bcast house, in Spanish, via
USAGM transmission center in Greenville NC-US state. S=9+45dB power.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)

USA  [Czech Republic non]   15770 kHz  e-QSL Radio Prague Int'l, English
sce via WRMI relay site in Okeechobee-FL-USA, 06.00-06.30 UT, July 9, 2024

Blog: <http://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2017/06/radio-prague.html>
(Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx,
via RUSdx #1299 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 21)

USA   15120 kHz  July 16 at 2205 UT, SSOB at S=9+20/40dB - but it's dead
air, obviously VOA failing again to turn itself off after Mon-Fri 2130-
2200 UT Bambara; something's gone wrong at Grimesland.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

15150, July 15 at 0600 UT, still no signal from WMLK, which should have
started at 0400 UT on a non-Sabbathday. Not a peep from DEJOM. Usual
spread of several other mostly JBA signals on 19mb.

9275 kHz *is* on July 15 at 1739 UT, VG S=9+10/25dB into Maine SDR.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

USA   15150 kHz  on July 24 at 0645 UT, WMLK on a good night, S=9+25dB
SSOB, surpassing 15770 kHz WRMI, and little else. Presumably it's DEJOM
preaching. On other occasions, 15150 kHz a JBA carrier if at all.

The "program guide" at  <https://wmlkradio.com/outreach/program-guide/>
is so tiny that it's hardly legible at max plusment, but appears to be an
affiliate list of mostly low-power FMs, and TV stations, not a schedule of
programs - well, they may well have only one.

It seems that their publication in English, French, Spanish, has added
Swahili, which might be a clue as to their priorities: 

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 24)

USA [and non]   9955 kHz  July 15 at 0604 UT, WRMI is off again instead of
persistent late extension, leaving 9960 VANUATU alone but JBA. 9955 kHz is
still on past 1500 UT July 15, S4/S6 like noise level, cannot discern if
modulated. 5010 kHz was also off at 0604 UT, as it would usually match
9955 kHz late activity.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 16)

USA   9330 July 17 at 0642 UT, tuning across World's Last Chance Radio via
WBCQ, another flat-earth lesson. Guy is explaining how there can't be any
satellites orbiting, because, well, the earth is flat!

Most satellite dishes, he says, are not pointing straight up, after all,
and are really picking up terrestrial signals. With a straight face?! Of
course,many satellites in geosynchronous orbits are closer to the horizon.

And they could only be "straight up" from an equatorial angle, duh. Is
Allan Weiner, a "man of science", secretly snickering at his benefactors
stemming from an Egyptian cosmetics tycoon?
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor July 17)

USA   9265 kHz  Saturday July 20 at 0639 UT, surprised to hear Spanish
gospel huxter on WINB, S=9+10/25dB. Does their program sked show it ?  Of
course, not! Supposedly TOMBS. Elsewhen there is one with a Spanish name
and two in English labeled (Spanish).
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx and wor July 20)

USA   7505 kHz July 21 at 0134 UT tune-in, JBA carrier, then big open car-
rier on and off; by 0136 UT rock at S=9+30/40dB: guess that would have to
be gospel rock, on WRNO. IIRC in seasons past there has been something
Eastern Hemispherian sharing 7505 kHz, but nothing else listed now. Maybe
the JBA carrier was WRNO exciter only.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

USA   Information, corrections, etc. from Glenn Hauser-OK-USA:

5085 & 9475 kHz: "WTWW: FIRE  WTWW had an arc that caused a fire and the
loss of a power card and control card. No effect on transmitter power.
Inline image.  George McClintock 19-July-2024" at 05.42 UT.

WTWW: George McClintock forwards a series of messages with photos sent to
Al Rillera, apparently a visiting engineer, as captioned:

"The Harris SW100 AC breaker went bad and would not turn on. It was re-
placed with a new one. A lot went bad while you were gone. More bad news
to follow tomorrow. We look forward to your return to Nashville.

The #1 transmitter high voltage ON, went bad and the transmitter would not
turn off. REPLACED. Inductors cleaned. Dirty inductor in the SW100 Harris.
Cleaned and lubricated. I have just removed the 4 loading inductors
(coils) from the Harris SW100 number 3 transmitter and placed them in
cleaning vinegar.

After washing, they are ready to be put back into place. These coils were
so dirty that the motors were having a difficult time moving them. I had
to put a voltage regular in that had been removed and the wires tied to-
gether by the previous engineer. The high voltage power supply is working
well.  George McClintock  17-July-2024.

Some of these resistors on the power module have changed value and had to
be replaced.

This is the phase detector that was bad, causing the transmitter to turn
off after a very few minutes or seconds. Unless I am mistaken, this is the
relay to keep the SW100 blowers running after shutdown. It does not work.
No adjustment seems to make it work. I am in the process of getting
another relay from the transmitter in storage in the middle building.
George McClintock 19-July-2024"
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

USA   9474.980 kHz  WORLD OF RADIO #2252 monitoring: confirmed Saturday
July 20 at 2300 UT on WTWW 9474.980 kHz, S=9+5/20dB into Maryland SDR;
first I tried UTwente which I already had running for Turkey, registered
S7/S9 but JBA to the ear. Not a lobe toward Europe ?

Who knows. HFCC.org once showed due south, 180 degrees, but it certainly
does well due west. Strangely, latest HFCC has no TWW entries on 5085 kHz
or 9475 kHz, rather three frequencies not yet? in use, 5830, 9930, 12105
kHz; with 9930 kHz only at 180degr.

NOT confirmed UT Sunday July 21 at 0000 UT on WRMI 9955 into Maryland SDR,
music instead, some of it gospel, tho WOR still on WRMI websked. Canceled
without notice? What next?

Also confirmed Sunday July 21 at 1048 UT the 1030 UT on WRMI 9955 kHz; had
not checked in longtime but fortunately happened to awaken. Was supposedly
on internet only at this hour per skedgrid; but now the "except on week-
ends" applies.
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, via NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

9474.982 kHz  USA  WTWN from Lebanon TN state on July 12, ed.

USA   WTWW: George McClintock info circa 01 UT July 22: power outage in-
stead of WOR July 20 at 0400 UT: widespread tnx to TVA hydro or nuclear
failure covering much ofTN. Internet was also out so he could not remotely
turn transmitter back on when power resumed. Misc. other items: Hope to
have #3 transmitter running in a sesqui- or bi-week; current problem is
lack of control card for its air conditioner.

Bob Biermann has cancer.Ted Randall was broadcasting from Lebanon hamfest,
but did not show up today, raising concerns about his health. Harris xmtr
has a loose panel which flaps when the AC is on. TOMBS wants to get on
WTWW, and probably will tho George is not happy about Bro. Stair's anti-
Catholic and anti-papal comments.

And later an email: "WTWW: water leak - 9 gallons of water leaked when a
hose that was secured with a wire tie broke free. This wire tie was placed
on by the previous engineer. WTWW now has a metal clamp that will prevent
this from happening again. We had to go and purchase distilled water to
make up for the water loss. The #1 transmitter did not get back on until
7 pm Central. George McClintock 22-July-2024"
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, hcdx & wor July 22)

UZBEKISTAN   15579.881 kHz much odd fqy of RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbeki-
stan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. Voice of Martyrs in Korean
language, 12.00-12.30 UT, S=8 at 12.06 UT.

15600even  AWR Asia in Amoy Mon-Fri at 12.00-12.30 UT, female pray sermon
at 12.09 UT, S=8 signal into AB-CAN, via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan
Shortwave Transmitting bcast center.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)

UZBEKISTAN   15320 kHz  Thur, July 18, 2024. 2216-2228 UT, Adventist World
Radio, RRTM Telecom Tashkent-UZB Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, in
Ngaju Dayak. Woman and man announcers talking: Seems to be religious
questions and answers; She responds, presumed; 2223 UT A song by female
singer; 2226 UT Woman talking; 2227 UT Music by choir; 2230 UT AWR IS and
ID in English. Fair reception: 35533.
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 18)

UZBEKISTAN  {target radio progr to KRE/KOR target audience}
7625 kHz  Thur, July 18, 2024. 2112-2120 UT  Voice of the Martyrs, via
RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center, in
Mandarin. Man and woman communications full time log. Fair reception:
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 18)

UZBEKISTAN   {CLANDESTINE ? target radio progr to KRE/KOR target audience}
7610 kHz. Fri, July 19, at 2021-2035 UT, Free North Korea Radio, via
Tashkent-UZB, in Korean. A brief music and man announcer talking, speechs?
2025 UT  Woman talking, says North Korea and more, confirmed. Fair recep-
tion: 35533. Parallel log on 7630 kHz UZB, s/off.

Note: Today, North Korea Reform Radio sign-off on 7605 and 7590 kHz, both
via Tashkent-UZB. Are both the same broadcasting?

7610 kHz Sunday July 21, 2011-2025UT, Free North Korea Radio,
target radio to Koreas, via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave
Transmitting bcast center, in Korean. Man talking, speechs, with excite-
ment; People assistance applause (I thought about Kim Jong Un!!); 2016 UT
Man announcer talking. My best reception for this broadcast: 35543.
Note: 7590, 7605 and 7630 kHz, all sign-off! 
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, hcdx July 19 - 21)

VANUATU   Radio Vanuatu appears to be currently operating to the following
schedule on shortwave (all times UTC):  

1830v-1958 on 3945 kHz 
1959-2158  on 7260 kHz 
2159-0658  on 9960 kHz 
0659-0958  on 3945 kHz 
0959-1100v on 7260 kHz 
(Tony Rogers-UK using KiwiSDR's remotedly in Australia and New Zealand;
via SWB #2059, July 21) 

VATICAN STATE   9705. Thur, July 18, 2024. 2011-2020 UT, Radio Vaticana,
Santa Maria di Galeria-CVA bcast center, in English. Man presents "Vatican
News", with report news collaborator. Good reception: 45544.

11870. Thur, July 18, 2024. 2041-2050 UT, Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di
Galeria-CVA, in French. African reporter collaborator says news,in French,
with severe accent; 2044 UT Woman announcer talking and a song by woman
singer and choir; 2050 UT  An instrumental song by piano. Good reception:

11900. Thur, July 18, 2024. 2142-2158 UT, Voice of America, Santa Maria di
Galeria-CVA, in Bambara. Woman announcer interviews a man; 2144 UT Music;
2145 UT Woman/man talking news, with african news reporters; 2157 UT man
says ID and edition in bambara; 2158 UT Music. Good reception: 45554.
(Jota Ronaldo Xavier-Cabedelo-Paraiba-BRA, hcdx July 18)

VATICAN STATE   11870 kHz  Sunday July 21 at 2041-2050 UT, Radio Vaticana,
Santa Maria di Galeria-CVA txion center site, in French. Catholic cleric
makes a sermon about Gospel, the christian family and community; 2044 UT
Woman says ID and more; 2045 UT Christian songs by choir. Very good recep-
tion: 55555.
(Jose Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo-PB, Brazil, hcdx July 21)

VENEZUELA   4940 kHz Estacion 4940 (pres), 0932 UT on July 20; in Spanish.
OM w/ religious talk, lost to (likely local) QRM at 0933 UT, back 0934 UT,
0950 UT 2nd OM w/ announcement ending speaker's program, 0951 UT hymn like
light instrumental music, off 0955 UT. 
(Mark Taylor, Lake Farm Park-WI-USA, via
NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1161 July 21)

4940 kHz {Colombian target radio}  on July 9, at 0444 UT. 'Estación 4940'
religious comments and songs, ID. “Señal de onda corta, Estación 4940”,
program reading Martin Stendal’s book “Secuestro y Reconciliación”, about
Martin’s kidnap-ping by the Colombian guerrilla,
<contacto -at- fuerzadepaz.com>
(Manuel Méndez-ESP, SWB #2059, July 21)   {4939.982 kHz on July 5, ed.}

VIETNAM   9730 kHz  e-QSL Voice of Vietnam, French Sce (Son Tay VTN),
20.30-20.57 UT; July 8, 2024. Blog:

(Konstantin Barsenkov, St. Petersburg-RUS, rusdxplus & deneb-radio-dx,
via RUSdx #1298 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 14)

ZAMBIA   4965 kHz, Voice Of Hope Africa, ZMB; July 15, at 2051-2100 UT,
English pop mx, instr. mx, YL, OM En. 44433.
(Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec-Embu SP -BRA, wor July 15)



Welcome to this 5.3 edition of "List of private MW stations in Italy".
Unlike other lists that you can find over the Internet, this publication
only lists stations currently on the air, expected to start operation very
soon or temporarily off-air.

Also included is information on how to contact the stations (E-mail and
Web sites), QSL policies and, when known, transmitter powers and future
plans. I have compiled this list by assembling information received di-
rectly from the stations and my own research. I have done my best to keep
mistakes to a minimum.

Almost all of Italian MW stations are licensed. Despite this, solid data
on hours of transmission, programmes, frequencies, and contacts are diffi-
cult to obtain because station practices themselves change often. Another
point to be mentioned is the fact that frequencies sometimes change, and
new ones or old ones appear or reappear. Some stations, especially those
unlicensed, are not on the air daily and/or the frequencies rarely tend to
be used all the day.

Most stations operate from the North of Italy (especially from the regions
of Lombardia, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia), a few from the central
part of the country (Toscana, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Marche, Lazio and
Abruzzo) and, after the disappearance a number of years ago of Gold 1593
located in Sicily, virtually none from the South.

This list will be regularly updated and more details will be added in
future. If you have any corrections, additions, comments or suggestions
please don't hesitate to write to:

<dxf -at- dxfanzine.com>

Last but not least: if you find any error (and you are invited to let me
know) be advised that it was absolutely unintentional !
Antonello Napolitano.

Licensed and unofficial independent broadcasting stations on mediumwave
(L means Licensed)

Freq. Station Notes Transmitter Site and Power
01)  603 Nuova Radio AM* L. U. Spoltore, PE. (Abruzzo)
02)  711 Media Radio Castellana* L. Castel San Pietro Terme BO.
15)  819 Radio Calcio FVG* L. Trieste (Friuli Venezia Giulia).
04)  846 Radio Luce L. I. Grottaferrata RM. (Lazio).
05)  918 AM Italia L. Villa Estense PD. (Veneto)
06)  927 Power 9-2-7 L. Abbiategrasso MI. (Lombardia)
07) 1017 Amica Radio Veneta* L. Vigonza, PD. (Veneto)
11) 1071 Media Veneta Radio/Voglia di L. Piove di Sacco PD.
    (Veneto) Radio.
02) 1098 Media Radio Castellana* L. Castel San Pietro Terme BO.
08) 1188 Radio Studio X* L. Momigno, PT. (Toscana). 5000 W
10) 1233 Milano XR* Magenta, MI. (Lombardia).
21) 1233 This is Radio!* L. U. Piove di Sacco PD. (Veneto)
05) 1323 AM Italia L. Villa Estense PD. (Veneto).
12) 1350 Radio Z 100 Milano AM* L. Linate, MI. (Lombardia). 500 W.
13) 1359 Regional Radio* L. Viterbo (Lazio). Power  250 W.
13) 1395 Regional Radio* L. Settebagni, RM (Lazio). 250 W
14) 1404 Radio Banana L. Casalgrande RE. (Emilia-Romagna). 300 W
13) 1440 Regional Radio* L. Narni TN. (Umbria). 2000 W.
24) 1449 Radio Briscola L. I. Lenta, VC. 500 W. Temporary inactive.
04) 1485 Radio Luce L. I. Ascoli Piceno. (Marche).
04) 1485 Radio Luce L. Perugia.(Umbria). 1000 W.
08) 1485 Radio Studio X* L. Livorno. (Toscana) 1000 W. Stereo C-Quam.
13) 1485 Regional Radio* L. Terni. (Umbria). 250 W.
13) 1494 Regional Radio* L. Perugia.(Umbria). 250 W. Now testing with 20 W
09) 1503 Radio Metropolis* L. Trieste. (Friuli Venezia Giulia).
16) 1512 Radio Lago Trasimeno* L. U. Perugia. (Umbria).
15) 1539 Radio Calcio FVG* L. Murris Ragogna, UD.
    (Friuli Venezia Giulia). 250 W.
17) 1566 Radio Kolbe* L. Colli Berici, VI (Veneto).
22) 1575 Radio Centrale Milano* L. Valenza, AL. (Piemonte). 400 W PEP.
18) 1584 Radio Piterpan* L. Vicenza. (Veneto).
08) 1584 Radio Studio X* L. Arezzo. (Toscana). 1000 W. Stereo C-Quam.
13) 1584 Regional Radio* L. Rieti. (Lazio). 100 W.
23) 1584 Radio Luce ? Rimini, RN. (Emilia Romagna).
03) 1602 Dot Radio* L. U. Spello, PG. (Perugia).
19) 1602 Radio a Colori L. U. Bologna (Emilia Romagna).
20) 1602 RTV Radio Treviso L. I. Treviso (Veneto).

(L) Licensed. (I) Inactive at time of editing.
(U) Not confirmed recently. (*) Also Webstreams.
(#) Active, according to info posted recently on Facebook.
However, this could not be independently verified. (IR) Irregular.

E-mail, QSL policy, Web, Facebook, Postal Addresses and other information
1 1. E-mail: <ascolto -at- nuovaradio603.it>
FB:  <https://www.facebook.com/nuovaradio603>
Web: <http://www.nuovaradio603.it/>

2 2. E-mail: <info -at- mediaradiocastellana.it>  V.by eQSL
Web: <https://www.emmeerreci.it/>  Address: Via della Resistenza 34,
40024 Castel San Pietro Terme, BO, Italy. Whatsapp: + 39 338 701 4127.
Project Coordinator: Andrea Lannutti.

3 3. E-mail: <info -at- dotradio.eu>  V.by eQSL. Web: <www.dotradio.it>
FB:  <https://www.facebook.com/dotradio.italia/>
Twitter: <www.twitter.com/DOT_radio>
Instagram  <www.instagram.com/dot_radio>  Tel.: +39 0742 436 030.
Address: Via G. Di Vittorio 11, 06038 Spello PG, Italy.

4 4. E-mail: NA. Web NA
Address: Radio Luce, Via Ugo Bassi 36, 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto-ITA.
Tel +39 0735 584594.

5 5. E-mail:  <info -at- am-italia.it>  V..by eQSL
Web: <http://www.am-italia.it/>  Whatsapp: +39 351 9986129.
AM Italia is a leisure time operation. They also broadcast on 207 kHz
(Long wave) to commemorate Guglielmo Marconi.
Project Coordinator: Maurizio Anselmo.
On 918 kHz flexible schedule depending on airtime sales.
On 1323 kHz carries programmes in English from IRRS SW, daily from
18.00 to 22.10 UTC (One hour later during Winter Season).

6 6. E-mail: <reports -at- power927.am>  V.by E-mail message.
FB: <https://www.facebook.com/people/POWER-927-Brings-the-Medium-Wave-

7 7. E-mail: <amicaradioveneta -at- yahoo.com>  V. by (digital or solid)
QSL Letter. Return postage (EUR 5.00 from Europe, PPC EUR 3.5 from Italy)
necessary for solid QSL. QSL Manager: Dario Gabrielli-ITA.
Web: <http://www.amicaradioveneta.it/>
FB:  <https://www.facebook.com/groups/743200239157739/>
Tel.: +39 049 738 79 87  Whatsapp: +39 351 99 15 860.
Address: Via Paradisi, 35010 Vigonza PD, Italy, Europe.
Manager: Roberto Saccardo. On air approx. from 0530 to 1700 UT
(1 hour later in Winter).

8 8. E-mail: <qsl -at- radiostudiox.it>  V.by eQSL.
QSL Manager: Stefano Mannelli. FB: <https://www.facebook.com/radiostudiox>
Web: <www.radiostudiox.it> Address: Via Mammianese 687, 51010 Marliana PT,
Italy, Europe. Also on FM on 87.30, 96.55 and 105.50 MHz and on DAB on
Channel 10B.

9 9. E-mail: <info.radio.metropolis -at- gmail.com>
Facebook Page: <www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095307846481>
Project Coordinator: Maurizio Castelli.

10 10. E-mail: <milanoxr -at- gmail.com>  V.by eQSL.
FB:  <https://www.facebook.com/MilanoXR/>  Twitter: <twitter.com/MilanoXR>
Web: <https://milanoxr.weebly.com/>   and
<https://milanoxr.tumblr.com/>  Power: 500 Watts.
On air from 15:00 to 19:00 UT (one hour later during winter season).
Transmitter; Class "D" and connected to a Vertical antenna.

11 11. E-mail: NA. Web: <http://www.mediavenetaradio.it/>
FB:  <https://www.facebook.com/groups/mediavenetaradio>
The name of station announced on air is "Voglia di Radio".
On air approximately from 0530 to 1730 UT (one hour later in winter).

12 12. E-Mail: <radioz100milano -at- gmail.com>  V. by eQSL.
Address: Piazza della Vittoria, 27100 Pavia, PV, Italy Europe.
Web (currently in maintenance mode!):
<https://radioz100milano.wordpress.com/>  Antenna: 38 metre folded dipole.

13 13. E-mail: <info -at- regionalradio.it>
<office -at- regionalradio.it>   V. by eQSL
Web:  <http://www.regionalradio.it/>
Tel.  +39 06 811 53 603, 02.379 04 000.  WhatsApp: +39 351 59 800 83.
Facebook:  <www.facebook.com/radioregionalam>
Future Plans(coming soon): 1494 kHz Perugia power to be increased to 250W,
1377 kHz: Roma Sud 1000 W. On air on MW from 0500 to 2300 UT
(One hour earlier during Summer season).

14 14. E-mail: <paneburro -at- libero.it>
<alessandro.cavicchioli -at- paneburromarmellata.it>
V. by e-mail and soon by e-QSL, too.
Website address:  <https://www.radiobanana.net/>  W.A: +39 337.55.37.79.
Address via Laura Bassi Veratti n degr 6, 40137 Bologna, Italy, Europe.
FM station which broadcasts on: 96.00 (Modena) and 105.850 (Bologna) MHz.
Web: Project Coordinator: Alessandro Cavicchioli. On air on MW,
approximately, from 0430 to 1630 UT (one hour later in Winter season).

15 15. E-mail: <calciofvg -at- vivaradio.it>
Web:  <https://www.facebook.com/calciofvglive>
FB:   <https://www.calciofvg.live/>
Address: Vivaradio, Via Pier Paolo Pasolini 2/a, 33040 Pradamano UD, Italy
Phone: +39 0432 511012.

1 16. E-mail: <contact -at- radiolagotrasimeno.it>  V. by eQSL.
Web:  <https://www.radiolagotrasimeno.eu/>   WhatsApp: +39 351 522 52 33.
FB:   <https://www.facebook.com/radiolagotrasimeno/>  (Not public!).

2 17. E-mail: <info -at- radiokolbe.it>  <segreteria -at- radiokolbe.it>
V. Rarely by E-mail.  Web: <http://www.radiokolbe.it/> Also active on FM:
94.100 MHz (Schio and North of Vicenza province),
92.350 MHz (Lonigo and South of Vicenza province),
93.500 MHz (Asiago and Altopiano dei 7 Comuni),
92.400 MHz (Agno Valley). On air 24 hrs a day.
Phone Number +39 0445 505035. Future plans: a new antenna.
Project coordinator: Alberto De Pretto (IU3KOE).

3 18. E-mail: <piterpan -at- piterpan.it>  Web: <https://www.piterpan.it/>
Address: Via delle Mimose, 12, 31033 Castelfranco Veneto TV, Italy, Europe
Tel. +39 0423 73 66 24  Whatsapp: +39 393 736 6240.

4 19. E-mail:  <info -at- radioacolori.net>
FB:   <https://www.facebook.com/IColoriDelNavile>
Web:  <www.radioacolori.net>  Operated by NGO "I colori del Navile".
Address: Via Aristotele Fioravanti 68, 40129 Bologna, Italy, Europe.
Phone: +39 338 860.27.23

5 20. E-mail: <rtv1602 -at- libero.it>  Tel. +39 333.706.66.99.

6 21. E-mail: <contact -at- thisisradio.eu>
Web:  <http://www.thisisradio.eu/>
FB:   <https://www.facebook.com/thisisradio/>

7 22. E-mail: <centralemilano -at- hotmail.com>   V. by e-QSL.
FB:   <www.facebook.com/centrale.milano.5>
Web:  <www.centralemilano.com/>  Project Manager: Enzo Bassman.
Antenna: 50 metre folded dipole. Future Plans; increase of power to 1 kW
(currently 0.750 kW).

8 23. E-mail, FB and Web: NA. Operates from Rimini, probably member of a
syndication with the same name.

9 24. E-mail: <radiobriscola -at- gmail.com>   V.by eQSL.
Project Coordinator: Gianfranco Giudice. New antenna under construction.
Regular broadcasts will start as soon as possible.

(via Antonello Napolitano-ITA via DX Fanzine #130, July 2024, pages 22-23)


U.K. "BBC broadcasting on Longwave" by Chris Greenway. Part 6: 1978 - 1997

Welcome back to this thread telling the story of the BBC's century of
broadcasting on longwave. On July 9th 1924, the Postmaster General issued
a licence to the BBC to start experimental transmissions on longwave - so
this month, July 2024, marks the 100th anniversary! Our story resumes
after the major changes in 1978 that saw the BBC move from using longwave
to carry Radio 2 on a single transmitter to airing "Radio 4 UK" from three
synchronised ones.

From 1978 until 1991, longwave carried Radio 4's main service while R4's
FM network was shared with other output. At that time the BBC only had
three UK-wide FM networks. Two were used by Radios 1/2 and 3. The third
was shared by R4 with Radios Scotland, Cymru and Ulster.

In England, the Radio 4 service on FM had to share time with a large va-
riety of other output, including Open University, schools and children's
programmes, and parliamentary broadcasts. Many of these transferred to
the new Radio 5 when it opened in 1990.

In addition, in the early years of Radio 4 on longwave, its FM transmit-
ters opted out of R4 to carry local programmes for East Anglia(until 1980)
and South-West England (until 1982). The "Radio 4 UK" branding, used by
the longwave service from 1978 to emphasise that LW covered the whole
country, was dropped in 1984.

In September 1991, with a dedicated Radio 4 FM network finally available
throughout the UK, the main Radio 4 service was moved to FM. All opt-outs,
such as the Daily Service, were moved to longwave.

What became Radio 4 longwave's best known optout - Test Match Special -
joined the network in 1994. TMS had earlier been aired, from 1957, succes-
sively on the BBC Third Programme, Radio 3 and Radio 5.

Test Match Special's move to R4 longwave came when Radio 5 Live replaced
Radio 5. The final TMS on longwave was aired on 31 July 2023.

The regular opt-outs on Radio 4 longwave until recently were The Daily
Service, Yesterday in Parliament and two extra daily shipping forecasts
(additional to the two forecasts also carried on the main R4 service).

However, these opt outs were dropped earlier this year on 15th April
2024. In 1992, the BBC mooted a proposal to drop Radio 4 from longwave and
use the LW frequency for a new all-news station. The plan was dropped
after public opposition.

The 1978 changes also saw changes to LW's use by the BBC external ser-
vices. In 1950-1978, the LW channel had carried some early morning BBC
European services (mainly in foreign languages) before the Light Program-
me (after 1967, R2) began its day. (See page 11, April 2024 Communication)

After 1978, the BBC had better use of mediumwave for reaching European
listeners and so there was a slow transition to targeting the overnight
relays on longwave to UK listeners rather than those on the continent.

But the move took time. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, BBC World Ser-
vice in English was only relayed from 0300 UK time, suggesting that the
main audience the BBC had in mind were early risers on the continent
rather than those in the UK who wanted an all-night companion.

Later, the start time was brought forward to 0200 UK time, but it was not
until 1986 or 1987 that the practice of relaying the World Service throug-
hout the whole of Radio 4's silent period was established. (Does anyone
have the exact date?)

The 1978 changes also saw the end of the use of longwave for early morning
BBC broadcasts in Russian, partly reflecting an expansion in the USSR's
use of 200 kHz for its Mayak service.

Mayak's distinctive 10-note tuning signal, played just before every hour
and half-hour around the clock, could often be heard in the UK after dark
behind Radio 4's longwave signal. (This recording from 1980 on YouTube:


In June 1987, the longwave transmitters which had been in use at Droitwich
since 1962 were replaced. The two transmitters (each 200 kW in power, com-
bined to give 400 kW) had originally been used at Ottringham for the BBC
European service in 1943-53.

The new transmitters at Droitwich were two Marconi B6042 models, each of
250 kW, whose outputs were combined to give a total power of 500 kW. These
transmitters continue in service to this day. Image below credit:


The other R4 LW transmitters, at Burghead and Westerglen, were replaced in
January 1988. At both sites,two modified Marconi B6034  50 kW transmitters
(a model much used by the BBC on MW) were installed. They were run at re-
duced power and their outputs combined to give 50 kW.

On 1 February 1988, the longwave frequency used by Droitwich, Burghead and
Westerglen was changed from 200 kHz (a wavelength of 1500 metres) to
198 kHz (1515 metres), to meet the requirement for all LW and MW frequen-
cies outside the Americas to be exact multiples of nine.

The BBC had used 200kHz since 1934 and "fifteen hundred metres" had become
a familiar phrase to generations of listeners.

Another technical development took place in this period. After tests from
1979, in 1984 the BBC longwave signal began carrying data, using phase
shift keying (PSK), to allow electricity companies to remotely control
customers' appliances and meters. The PSKdata signal is inaudible to those
listening to BBC programmes. More technical details of this service, also
known as the radio teleswitching system (RTS), are in this BBC Engineering
Information leaflet from 1978-88.


RTS is now run by the Energy Networks Association, which says "radio tele-
switches are being replaced as part of the smart meter rollout programme.
To enable the programme to continue, the life of the RTS system has been
extended through to March 2025"


The 1978-1997 period also saw what may have been the single longest peace-
time outage of the BBC's longwave broadcasts (i.e. outside the wartime
break between September 1939 and November 1941).

The outage came in mid-December 1979 when the Droitwich LW T-aerial - but
not its two supporting 700 foot (213 metre) masts - blew down in a gale,
silencing 200 kHz (though not from Burghead or Westerglen) for a few days.
Described on Andy Walmsley's blog here:


In 1997, all BBC transmitters in the UK were privatised. The new owners of
the LW stations at Droitwich, Burghead and Westerglen continued to radiate
BBC programmes under a service contract.

The three stations are currently owned by the telecommunications company
Arqiva. That ends this instalment of the history of BBC broadcasting on

(Chris Greenway, -at- ChrisGreenwayUK on X; via "Communication" monthly
magazine July 2024, pages #8-10, via BrDXC.UK iogroups July 6)

vy73 de Wolfgang, DF5SX -

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